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Australian of the Moment

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Posts posted by Australian of the Moment

  1. Lol, that was in the first match. It was the Dungatti team, they are... ah, how do i put this? They are an all Aboriginal team (not that i have anything against Aboriginals) I am pretty sure this is their first year back in the comp after getting kicked out for fighting and what not when they were the Gimpysy Warriors. Our game was clean and fuck trying to fight them, they are HUGE! The dude that was in the fight got smashed it was piss funny.

  2. Can't wait for this season. I'm pulling for the Rabbits to go a tad futher this year. But last year was pretty good for us!

    I got to experience, first hand the Roosters pre-season. They came up to Port Macqaurie on Friday night and had a trial match against three local teams, Dungatti, Port Macquarie and my team the Wauchope Blues. Each team got 30mins against the Roosters. Dungatti got a 48-0 thrashing, we got rolled 22-0 which was a good effort we held them out for 15mins until they scored in the corner. They can't hit so hard it's not funny. I was play 5/8 and got smashed everytime i had the ball. It was a buzz thou. Port Macquarie got rolled 28-4, they scored a lucky try in the corner of a dropped ball or something but it was good to see a loacl side score.

    All the Rooster boys where nice and willing to talk to everyone, i had a chat with Big Willie, Nat Miles, Fitzy, Freddy, Amos Roberts, Shilington, Mini and a few of the Under 20's. All the kids/everybody there (over 5,00 people) were going nuts for Willie, he was good he signed so many autographs, got photo's, talked to fans, he seemed to enjoy it alot! All in all it was a great night. And we got to see first hand how fit they are and how much faster the NRL is cause i was rooted!

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