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Posts posted by CQI13

  1. I would assume you go through the door just like on the previous versions of the game (I don't really play cage matches so can't say for certain) but just irish whip your opponent into the corner with the door (bottom left I think) then just intiate a grapple and you should superplex your opponent then a mini game will come up with a meter (the same as when you're climbing out) and your opponent should have one, yours must always be higher than your opponents to escape otherwise they will drag you back into the middle of the ring. Hopefully that wasn't too badly explained and it actually helped.
  2. did they have to be in the ring? I have yet to try this...

    Whenever I have friends over, we usually try to put stipulations in order to make the matches more fun

    i.e. HIAC someone has to go through the roof of the cage or Extreme rules someone has to put the other through a flaming table, otherwise it ends up being a bit easy.

    EDIT: Given the option is already turned on, how do you go out the door in a regular cage match (climbing out seems too easy in this game)

  3. The entire "American Psycho movie. If pressed, having not seen the movie in a while I would have to say:

    * Where he's going through his morning routine (detailing the face scrubs, etc)

    * The switch between his Whitney Houston explanation and "Don't just look at it, eat it" and back to the music explanation.

    * The chainsaw scene

    * Any scene where he's ignoring Reese Witherspoon

    * Feeding the cat to the ATM

    I could go on.

  4. Noel is pretty good (Susan Sarandon, Robin Williams, Paul Walker, Alan Arkin & Penelope Cruz). Had seen bits and pieces of it on The Angry Woman Network 1 (aka Lifetime), so bought the DVD. One of the better movies they've shown.

  5. Awake

    Starring Hayden Christensen, Jessica Alba, and Terrence Howard (who seems to be everywhere since Hustle & Flow)

    Very entertaining movie, comparable to Red Eye & Phone Booth; two movies that given the setting and premise can't be stretched to 1h 30m and still you don't feel ripped off because you paid $17 (tickets & concessions). It's about this guy who is given anesthesia for his surgery, and yet he can he hear everything that's going on. In this case, his doctors are trying to kill him (a fact that is shown in both the previews and the movie poster). Pleseantly surprised. If you enjoyed either Red Eye or Phone Booth, you'd probably enjoy this.

  6. How long does the salary glitch stay on for? I started at $16,000. Then signed a bogus "$100,000" contract (works out to about $2000 a week, but it's only for 6 months, so really it's more like a $50,000). And suddenly I'm making $1 a week? At this rate you can't make any money to buy the unlocked stuff.

  7. Are informant missions only able to be done prior to an assassination?

    Can you go back to any of the previous tasks (i.e. already completed all investigations, can you go back so you still have one left to try and re-do it)?

    **not sure how I managed this, but even though I was on my way to the assassination, I exited. When I came back, I had the option to do the two informant missions that I had missed. Isn't one of the achievements seeing 85% of the memory glitches? Say after you finish the game you don't have enough, do you have to replay the whole game or can you just replay the sections leading to that section of the memory.

  8. I try to sneak up on the guards to use the hidden blade (rather than be attacked by 5+ guards when saving a civilian)...What I do like is how when you're trying to escape, say you're hanging on a ledge, they'll throw rocks at you to try to make you fall. Who can you pickpocket for knives, btw?

  9. Well, just realized that the divas are not playable in certain matches (forgotten about that from last year), and that they are at the end of the men (not alphabetically with them).

    I've got a few silly questions...(X-Box 360 btw)

    How do you reverse diving moves? On the previous games you'd press the reverse button just as he was about to connect with you. Now that does nothing, when are you suppose to press it?

    How the feck do you change who you are looking at!?! It doesn't say anywhere in the manual how to do it!

    Why is 24/7 mode so annoying? You get injured, the medical team tell you not to wrestle...but you don't have a choice. Case in point, I got a severe back injury and one move got me red, another move had me lose. Gay.

    A more generic question for the X-Box; how do you put music on there? You can't do it from a USB, I guess you have to copy it onto a CD right?

  10. I'd read somewhere that a lot of new shows that haven't completed a certain number of shows (13 maybe) will likely be cancelled. Apparently 13 is the number of shows for the studio to break even, and some studios may feel that it would be best to just cut their losses and cancel the show. And before NBC goes to wrestling, they'll probably stick to Dateline and other news magazine shows.

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