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Posts posted by Kwanzabot

  1. So, I'm not usually one to reply very often to diaries, but I'm trying out GA's (or Idol's?) Method of replying to diaries, notepadding everything first.

    - So, we start out with Jericho, continuing the buildup from the week beforehand. Very good promo writing from him there, and I love the mixing of fans and the actual promo. It's a very good Jericho interview, and the intensity at the end is great, showing intensity does not simply require hitting the CAPS LOCK~! button. Again, when Triple H comes out, it is written perfectly, I like the small things that make it better, like writing 'coz' rather than 'because'. The brawl at the end now has me seriously anticipating the match at Backlash.

    - Continuation of the whole Jeff/Canadians scenario, very well done with the ending, and what Test does at the end is pure brilliance, one of the coolest small additions I have seen in a while.

    - Fun little segment there, also builds you up slightly for the match of Regals against Henry. The fact that Regal sees Stasiak acting so mental off a Henry match, kinda gives him an idea of what might go down, and therefore makes it all the more important.

    - The next one, not only shows that Angle and Booker have a fuckin' brilliant little bit of chemistry (that is hell to do in a diary, making chemistry between a worker and his 'friend') but also shows Angle's obsession to take out Edge beforehand. This puts Edge over, showing him as someone that Angle fears.

    - The next match does it's job as a nice quality match. Nice to see Crash and Chavo disappointed at the loss, continuing on from the previous week.

    - Very confusing segment up next, but sets you up for a possible Jackie turn, seeing as she also lost to Trish the previous week. Trish and Torrie are the same sort of kin, where as Jackie should be a heel, and it is good use of her character to write her as you did.

    - Well, this match once again continues for Backlash, as Trish manages to '1-up' the champ, making her seem legit compared to Jazz, who at the time was a serious threat. Good post match, Jackie leading up to a turn, and Jazz showing she doesn't need help.

    - Oooh, very nice, Edge vs. Jericho in the main event. Nice work there, showing Triple H has legit hate for Jericho, and possibly meaning interfearence/brawl?

    - Wow, nice work there, leading again onto Backlash. I expect Henry will be given a shot? It works very well, and answers a question I've always wondered, why would a champion merely not get himself counted out? Very good work there, makes me wonder if Henry would easily take the title?

    - Another incredible Booker/Angle segment, I'm waiting for another segment of theirs at some point. I assume this will mean Booker/Show at Backlash. It also takes the possibility of Angle interfering out of the main event.

    - Well, no stopping of interference, my mistake. I do like the whole use of the Big Show/Booker situation to allow for interference. Finally, good work building to the main event of Backlash, with Jericho/HHH brawling.

    Overall, good show, with some very high points. However, one serious problem that I have, is there seems to be no new names on the rise. But whatever, good show nonthelless.

  2. We all know TNA is apparently on the way to second place. However, what if Dixie Carter decides to run a show, directly opposite Wrestlemania. This sends TNA on it's way, causing a collapse of the company. TNA superstars have decided however, that the company meant so much to them, they want to hold a tribute show.

    Therefore, make a poster for this show, featuring in the Main Event, AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels. Other matches include: Christian Cage vs. Sting, and Abyss vs. Rhino.

    Graphic away.

  3. Size: Not Specific

    Description: The year is 2008, and Claudio Castangoli has been hired under a development deal. He has been given a massive role, as JBL's Swiss Banker, representing JBL in the ring. Create a SPLASH for this new group, containing one more wrestler currently in WWE. Also create a LOGO for this new group.

  4. GrappleFanatics.jpg

    Turning Point Prediction Contest


    Every month GrappleFanatics.net runs a prediction contest for the monthly TNA pay-per-views with prizes too be won! This month, the winner receives tickets to the Final Resolution Pay-Per-View next month in New Jersey, as well as a special behind-the-scenes meet-and-greet with all your favourite TNA stars! The winner will also receive a TNA t-shirt and Turning Point DVD.

    All you have to do to enter is give us your predictions for the Turning Point PPV, as well as reasoning for your predictions. There are also bonus questions to answer to receive extra points!

    Good luck to everyone who votes!

    Scoring Key:

    Championship Bouts: 2 points for each correct answer.

    Regular Bouts: 1 point for each correct answer.

    Bons Questions: 1 point for each correct answer.

    NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Abyss v Raven v Sting

    - Usually I wouldn't like another short reign, but I really think "The New Movement" needs a kick up the arse.

    TNA X Division Championship: Christopher Daniels v AJ Styles

    - Basically compensating for Abyss' short reign, not hotshotting another title.

    NWA World Tag team Championships: LAX v AMW v Team 3D v The Briscoes

    - Not sure on this one, but to make it easy, I've gone with either LAX or Briscoes. I hope that LAX keep the title, and Briscoes pick them up later on, but you seem high on Briscoes, so it's a "either or" situation here.

    Rhino v Kurt Angle

    - This one I can't decide, but I'll go with Rhino, mainly because Kurt'll be gone soon enough.

    Christian Cage v Samoa Joe

    - Yeah, he's not losing two PPVs in a row. FACT.

    Jim Cornette v Konnan

    - Konnan Wrestles, Cornette doesn't. However, I see this forwarding an angle.

    Robert Roode v X

    - I see it being a returning star...

    Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal v Paparazzi Productions

    - Starr and Shelley need to really move towards the tag scene. Dutt and Lethal, whilst being "X-Division's Future" are basically not as charismatic as Shelley and Starr, and therefore need to be thier tag fodder.

    The New Movement v X

    - Like I said before, this group is going to be the future of TNA. So they need a kick up the arse.

    Bonus Questions

    1. Who will be Robert Roode's Opponent? Senshi
    2. How many titles will change hands? 1
    3. Who will be pinned in the Main Event? Sting

      Total Points available: 15

  5. This game is incredible.

    I've started a game as Everton (No idea why), and I'm currently 4th in the table, joint points with 3rd, having beat Man UTD 4-3 in like the 91st Minute.

    I wanna take Everton through (hopefully) the Champions League next year, then I'll look for another job after that.

  6. How did I know that would be the update to this diary?

    Great work you two so far. Hopefully JHS can book Hardy well.

    JHS, this is the first time I have read your work, and I'm impressed. Keep up the JBL one liners.

    TGC, great work so far. Maybe you can turn Eugene into something different. Or atleast win him some sympathy.

    Finally, this is one of few diaries where i read full matches, so keep up the good work.

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