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Posts posted by ruderrocket

  1. Hmm, at this point, is the "vote for everything rule" still necessarily? If the purpose of the rule was to make sure that all match-ups had some votes, you don't really need it anymore, since at this point, almost all of these shows have a good amount of supporters. It'd be a shame if a really close match-up ended up being decided by a "didn't watch either, flipped a coin" vote. It's your tourney though.

    Votes sent!


    1) Community vs. 4) The Office (U.S)

    3) The Walking Dead vs. 2) Seinfeld


    9) Game of Thrones vs. 4) Breaking Bad

    3) South Park vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy


    1) The Simpsons vs. 4) The Sopranos

    14) Louie vs. 2) Scrubs


    1) Arrested Development vs. 13) The A-Team

    6) Futurama vs. 2) The Wire

    From the votes so far, looks like The Wire isn't making it to the next round :( Well, if it goes out here, at least it's to Futurama, another show which I love.


    1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

    5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. The Sopranos

    6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

    7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


    1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

    5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

    6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

    7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

  4. Hmm, this is where things start getting hard.

    Eastern Bracket

    Community vs. West Wing

    How I Met Your Mother vs. The Office (US)- This one was kinda tough, and both shows have had their ups and downs, but in the end, I have to go with the Office here. Right now, I'm enjoying HIMYM more, but overall, The Office wins out.

    Blackadder vs. The Walking Dead

    Frasier vs. Seinfeld

    Central Bracket

    Lost vs. Game of Thrones- There was a stretch of time a few years ago when I was addicted to Lost, and even now, it still holds a special place in my heart. Game of Thrones is really good too, but one season of quality TV isn't enough for me to vote it over Lost.

    Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. Breaking Bad

    Fawlty Towers vs. South Park

    Freaks and Geeks vs. Sons of Anarchy- Please please please don't let Freaks and Geeks go out here. It wasn't a show that changed the face of television or pop culture. All it did was depict high school life better than any other piece of pop culture I know, with all the humor and all the awkwardness that comes in that stage of life. F&G could be hilarious one second, poignant the next, and then back to hilarious in an instant. I've only seen season 1, and the first episode of season 2 of SoA, and I liked what I watched, but for me, F&G deserves to go to the next round.

  5. Pacific Bracket

    Arrested Development vs. The IT Crowd- I caught a few episodes of the IT Crowd on an airplane before, and I enjoyed it, but it's not beating Arrested Development for me.

    Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. Chuck- I love the characters of Chuck too much to vote against them this early. MST3000 is really funny (my impression from the clips I've seen), but when Chuck is firing on all cylinders, it's as good as any TV show around.

    Parks and Recreations vs. Curb Your Enthusiasm- I can see why so many people like Curb so much, but wasn't really my thing. I'm not averse to awkward humor, but didn't like it that much, although I only watched the first half of the first season, so maybe it gets better. P&R on the other hand is great, and the cast is just so damn lovable. Also, RON SWANSON.

    Angel vs. The A-Team- First match-up where I have never seen an episode of either show. I'm a Joss Whedon fanboy though, and Angel is on the list of shows that I really want to watch, so my vote goes to that.

    Futurama vs. Red Dwarf- Hopefully this doesn't end with me getting lynched, but I have to say it. I like Futurama more than Simpsons. Simpsons is wonderful and hilarious and is a pillar of quality television, but I don't have the same sentimental attachment to it that I do with Futurama. And I don't have any attachment with Red Dwarf at all.

    Friends vs. The OC- The OC gets lumped in with a lot of other bland (imo), "teen drama" type shows like 90210 and One Tree Hill, and not without good reason. It does have a lot in common with those kind of shows, but I thought that The OC had more heart than most of them. I would vote The OC over Friends on the strength of its first season alone. I like Friends enough, but not enough to vote for it here.

    Twin Peaks vs. Six Feet Under- Six Feet Under is one of the more underrated HBO dramas I think, not really getting the acclaim I feel it deserves. It's probably one of the best shows ever when it comes to talking about death, as it should be, since it's about a family in the death business. I haven't watched Twin Peaks yet , from what I've read it seems like something I'd like though.

    The Wire vs. The Prison Break- I was addicted to Prison Break when it first started, but it really should've ended after season 2 I think. After that, I just lost interest. The Wire on the other hand, was 5 seasons of perfection. It's insane, it went on for five seasons, and as far as I remember, there was never a bad episode. Not to say that it didn't have it's missteps (there were, but few and far between), but nothing that really brought the show down. It's one of the best pieces of pop culture ever, and should go all the way to at least the final four.

  6. 3) Dexter vs. 14) Louie - Fuck. Louie's going to get slaughtered. Louie is awesome. You suck Josh.

    I didn't determine the bracketing, the nominations did! If I did determine the bracketing, The Tick would have gone up against something besides current ratings juggernaut, Zombies Zombies Zombies.

    Also, wow, the rare septuple post from ruderrocket. You having some formatting trouble?

    Yessir, sorry. I'll keep my formatting simple next time.


    <b><br style="background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; "></b>1) The Simpsons vs. 16) Boston Legal -Easy pick here. I like some of David Kelley's work (The Practice is probably my favorite legal drama of all time), but Boston Legal was too soap-boxy for me. Also, The Simpsons is awesome.

    8) House vs. 9) Oz- Stopped following House around season 6, but I really enjoyed the earlier seasons, and even seasons 4 and 5 had their great moments. Oz is ok, only watched a few episodes, but House wins here.

    5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 12) Deadwood- Deadwood is in the conversation for my favorite television show of all time. I really like Sunny, but there are few shows in this tourney that I would even consider voting for over Deadwood.

    4) The Sopranos vs. 13) Father Ted - The Sopranos is my third favorite HBO series of all time, and I mean that in the best way possible, since the other two (The Wire and Deadwood) are two of my favorite shows ever. Never watched Father Ted, but I doubt it would beat Sopranos.

    6) Firefly vs. 11) Smallville- Meh, didn't enjoy the bits I've seen of Smallville, and I will probably never get into it just because of how long it is. I'm a browncoat all the way though, so Firefly wins for me here.

    3) Dexter vs. 14) Louie- I like Dexter, especially season 2, but I love Louie. One of the funniest and most interesting shows on TV right now.

    7) 24 vs. 10) King of the Hill- Never really followed either of them, but I liked what I've seen of KOTH more than what i've seen of 24.

    2) Scrubs vs. 15) Roswell- Remember how I said that Deadwood was in the conversation for my favorite TV show of all time? Well Scrubs is in there too. I concede that the show has its ups and downs, that the characters can get irritating from time to time, that some of the "lessons" learned at the end of the episodes were contrived, but no show has made me feel more joy than Scrubs. Plus, I never watched Roswell.

  8. 1) Community vs. 16) One Tree Hill- (Watched a few episodes of One Tree Hill, meh, wasn't horrible, but nothing special. Community on the other hand is one of the funniest shows on TV. Easy win.)

    8) Only Fools and Horses vs. 9) The West Wing (Never watched Only Fools and Horses, but The West Wing is amazing, so not ashamed to give my vote to it. Even though it was a serious show most of the time, it could be as funny as any other show on TV when it wanted to.)

    5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 12) Peep Show- (Caught a couple of episodes of Peep Show on TV before, I enjoyed it, but I've gotten to much enjoyment out of HIMYM to give it my vote. HIMYM has its down moments, but I still care about what's happening to the characters.)

    4) The Office (U.S.) vs. 13) Columbo- (Never watched Columbo. The Office's early seasons were amazing, and even the later ones were still enjoyable until this season. Easy win.)

    6) Blackadder vs. 11) Eastbound & Down

    3) The Walking Dead vs. 14) The Tick (Animated Series)- (Haven't seen The Tick. TWD has its problems, but at its best its one of the few shows on right now that give me goosebumps.)

    7) The Shield vs. 10) Frasier- (Watching The Shield right now, only on season 1, but so far I'm really, really impressed. I never really followed Frasier, but have caught a decent amount of episodes. Funny, but I didn't really find it special

    2) Seinfeld vs. 15) Star Trek: The Next Generation- (Seinfeld is one of the shows my entire family loves, and has been the cause of many bonding moments, which might give it a unfair advantage. Nothing against Star Trek, but easy win for Seinfeld here.)

  9. I was raised up believing, I was somehow unique

    Like a snowflake unique among snowflakes, distinct in each way you can see

    And now after some thinking, I say I'd much rather be

    A functioning cog in some great machinery, serving something beyond me

    But I don't, I don't know, what that will be

    I'll get back to you someday, soon you will see

    Helplessness Blues by The Fleet Foxes

  10. Scrubs: Lot's of contenders, but off the top of my head, my favorites are probably:

    My Lunch, which had that amazing scene at the end, My Bed Banter and Beyond, which was my favorite episode about JD and Elliot's relationship, and My Finale, which was the, well, finale.

    The Office: The entire Michael Scott Paper Company arc was great, but the standout episode of that for me was the last episode in the arc, Broke. It just wrapped things up really nicely and showed once again that Michael Scott can really come through when he needs to.

    The Wire: Middle Ground is definitely at the top of my list, though i'm only in the fourth season. I don't want to get into to much details, but the balcony scene alone already puts it near the top, along with everything that was going on with Hamsterdam and the epic face-off in the teaser. Honorary mentions to the penultimate episodes of Season 4 and 1, That's Got His Own and Cleaning Up.

    Firefly: Dead-tie between Out of Gas and Jaynestown. Both have completely different atmospheres and show that Firefly could do serious and funny well.

    Deadwood: Boy-the-Earth-Talks-To. The Season 2 finale, capping off what should go down as one of the best seasons in any TV show.

    Freaks and Geeks: The show's last episode, Discos and Dragons. In one episode, you had Daniel joining the geeks for a game of D&D, Lindsay finally going over to the Freaks 100%, and the best dance routine in any TV show ever.

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