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Posts posted by Tyrone

  1. - More pictures assigned

    - People given Japanese commitments

    - Renamed nWo Hollywood to Black and White as Hogan was supposed to take a leave of absence

    - Updated the charisma of Miss Elizabeth, Kanyon, Bigelow and others

    - Added the Nitro Girls, including Storm (Sharmell)

    - Relationships added, lots set to the time frame

    - Added Rick Rude, he wouldn't die for another 3 months

    - Changed Masahiro Chono to American, that's where he was born, feel free to object to this

    Once again, are Alter-Ego's a must? I have no problem Wiki'ing all these guys and getting their old ring names, but if it's not a need for you guys, I won't include any.

  2. is the link at the top updated everytime you change something, or is it the original data?

    Original data for my scenario, I won't change it until I feel I've done enough for a V2.

    Im pretty sure Fit Finlay and Tony Mamluke need to be added. Atleast the werent in the last 99 game I played.

    Finlay added, I wasn't sure if Finley was still being spelled with an e so I just went with the a, any evidence to prove otherwise would be accepted. Still looking for Tony Mamaluke stats, though tbh all I've seen of him from 1999 was in WCW as The Mamalukes's manager

    Does anyone in particular want me to include alter-egos?

  3. - Added tag teams

    - Added relationships

    - Staff updates, added Mark Yeaton

    - Pictures assigned

    - All Pro Wrestling added, regional

    - Erin O'Grady added to APW

    - Vic Grimes on WWF development deal and APW contract

    - Amy Dumas stats changed

    - Peter Senerchia (Taz) and Tom Laughlin (Dreamer) as ECW trainers

    - Taz as House of Hardcore trainer

    - Ages fixed

    - Pantera added, WWF open contract

    - Cyrus added as worker, ECW written contract

    - Tommy Dreamer put unsackable for ECW because of how loyal he was, any objections?

  4. "Yes, folks, I am through with TNA as I want to wrestle in Mexico," he wrote. "I was going to perform in both TNA and CMLL, but now the switch to Mondays for TNA, and the fact that TNA had nothing solid yet, Mexico here I come."

    Delete Sean Morley from TNA

    Delete Roxxi and Traci Brooks from TNA

    Rename nWo 2002 to The Band and make it active.

  5. http://rapidshare.co...5/1999_DATA.rar

    - Deleted XPW after hearing it only started in the Summer

    - Lack of evidence to prove JCW existed on Jan 1, 1999, but I'll keep it in until I get info stating it had not started

    - WWF rosters updated due to video footage

    - Michael Modest on roster due to Behind The Mat documentary, will change if someone disagrees with this choice

    - Christopher Daniels on due to jobbing for WWF during 98-99

    - Used Master Shakespeares 1998 scenario to get accurate WWF staff members, so major credit to him

    - Vince Russo added to WWF roster as "Vic Venom", he worked WWF magazine at the time and was featured on-screen sometimes

    - Wrestlers set to debut a bit later on (Ivory, Tori, Public Enemy) put in development

    - XPW titles deleted

    - JCW title deleted due to not being made until late '99

    - Vampiro added to WCW because he had worked a few '98 shows and was set to re-debut in March/April

    - Deleted Ministry of Darkness due to it not starting until about Jan 11

    - Some stat work, worked on the overrated guys and upped a few overness

    Word of note, I did this because I was starting a WWF 1999 game so WCW and other promotions aren't to their best, I'd like suggestions and updates to help me make this the best 1999 scenario on the market

    EDIT: MegaUpload is being a bitch so you're stuck with RapidShare for now unless someone can find another site and upload it there as well

    EDIT #2: As you may notice I have Mark Henry instead listed as Sexual Chocolate, this is merely because of his gimmick and sometimes he wouldn't be called Mark Henry at all, if anybody wants me to change it back, just say so.

    • Like 3
  6. Rename R-Truth's "Corkscrew Elbow" to Lie Detector

    Rename Ricky Steamboat Jr. to Richie Steamboat

    Turn Ezekiel Jackson heel, put him on Smackdown

    Put Mr. McMahon on Raw

    Make a team of "ShoMiz" Big Show and The Miz, 3 exp?

    Rename Big Show and Jericho to Jeri-Show, inactive

    Make a team of "Lay-Cool", Michelle McCool & Layla, 2 exp

    Make Vickie Guerrero an authority figure

    Maybe change Drew McIntyre's gimmick to Chosen One?

  7. 2dm5sf6.jpg2zzm1rl.jpgvgo3ft.jpg2i06i6b.jpg







    (Crowbar, David Flair, Don Harris, Billy Kidman, Lash LeRoux, Madusa, Mike Rotunda, Rey Mysterio, Ron Harris, Scott Hall, Scott Steiner, Tank Abbott, The Wall (x2), Vampiro, Vito (x2), Kanyon, Prince Iaukea, Perry Saturn, Kevin Nash, Sid Vicious, Bret Hart, Torrie Wilson, Sting, Finlay, Lex Luger, Psicosis)

  8. Anderson deserves a big boost in charisma. Its an absolute joke that hes lower than Bubba-Ray Dudley and Scott Hall. Needs bumping to atleast 90 imo.

    I don't agree at all. Kennedy is good at some one-liners, but compared to Ray and Hall he's not THAT good on the stick. Speaking of I think Ray needs a bump up in the charisma department say 90 to be matched with Hall who I believe he is equal with. If then Kennedy can be upped, but if Ray isn't I think things are fine as is.

  9. If you don't want to trim it down to Serena, I'd suggest using her FCW ringname Serena Mancini as opposed to Deeb which WWE hasn't used in any capacity.

    -Create "The Band" stable with Hall, Waltman and Nash (leader)

    -Take "Colon" out of Primo's name

    -Create tag team of MVP and Mark Henry, 5/6 experience

    -Turn Motor City Machine Guns face

    -Turn Generation Me heel

    -D-Generation X stable with Michaels, HHH and Hornswoggle?

    -Create tag team with Ezekiel Jackson and William Regal, de-active Regal/Kozlov and Jackson/Kozlov

    -Change Chris Masters's gimmick to monster/man beast, Eve Torres as his manager

    -Create team of Layla and Michelle McCool, not sure on exp

    -Activate Hard Knox Connection maybe rename to just Haas and Knox

    -Great Khali's gimmick to Fun Babyface?

    -Rename Kofi Kingston's secondary finish "Air Jamaica" to Boom Drop

    -Rename Big Show and Jericho to Jeri-Show, deactivate

    -Create team of Big Show and The Miz, 2 experience

    -Change Rosa Mendes's gimmick to either Seductress or Bitch

  10. I took the liberty of adding quite a bit of relationships (mostly the blood relative ones), putting ECCW in Canada, doing some stable work and doing little things like changing "Spicolli Driver" to "Dreamer Driver" because I don't think Tommy used that name until Spicolli died (Feb 98)


    Also did some owner work (added Konnan as Promo Azteca owner), added AAA events, etc..

    Note: Didn't delete TRP or rename it.

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