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Posts posted by Cauchi19

  1. Credit PWInsider.com

    The word making the rounds is that Eric Young has signed a new deal with TNA where he'll be able to take independent dates on his own for dates when the company doesn't require his services. As I noted a few days back, he was still in discussions with the company when his deal expired on 11/1 and based on the TV they ran last week, they expected him to remain.

    So add Eric Young back to TNA?

    I'd say to a open contract since he's doing independents outside of his TNA, and since I didn't add him to my TNA overhaul, I'd drop his overness to around 74. He isn't being used in the same Uppermidcard role that he had since The Band split up.

  2. Some Notes:

    -Boost Robbie E overness to about 35-40 since he won the X-Title.

    -Turn Matt Morgan face obviously

    -I dont know about this but I think I heard that Sting and Nash are leaving TNA. dont remove them yet until I find the source.

    -You might wanna turn Edge face since he's battling heel's

    -Boost Jesse Neal over to 60-65

    -Boost Lacey Von Erich over to 60-65

    -Kaval over to 60

    -Gail Kim over to 60

    For these overness changes to work, the TNA roster needs a MAJOR overness overhaul.

    Here's my proposed overness changes for the TNA roster:

    Abyss - 84

    AJ Styles - 86

    Alex Shelley - 74

    Amazing Red - 60

    Angelina Love - 67

    Brian Kendrick - 68

    Brother Devon - 83

    Brother Ray - 83

    Chelsea - 42

    Chris Sabin - 74

    Christy Hemme - 62

    Cookie - 38

    Daffney - 65

    D'Angelo Dinero - 81

    Desmond Wolfe - 75

    Dixie Carter - 65

    Douglas Williams - 73

    Eric Bischoff - 85

    Gunner - 31

    Hamada - 62

    Hernandez - 73

    Hollywood Hulk Hogan - 100 (everyone knows Hogan)

    James Storm - 77

    Jay Lethal - 63

    Jeff Hardy - 95

    Jeff Jarrett - 84

    Jeremy Buck - 61

    Jesse Neal - 65

    Jimmy Hart - 62

    Kazarian - 75

    Kevin Nash - 85

    Kiyoshi - 54

    Kurt Angle - 94

    Lacey von Erich - 60

    Madison Rayne -70

    Magnus - 68

    Matt Morgan - 78

    Max Buck - 61

    Mick Foley - 92

    Mickie James - 76

    Mr. Anderson - 83

    Ms. Tessmacher - 35

    Murphy - 31

    Okada - 46

    Orlando Jordan - 67

    Rhino - 69

    Ric Flair - 97

    Rob Terry - 63

    Rob Van Dam - 88

    Robbie E - 54

    Robert Roode - 77

    Samoa Joe - 86

    Sarita - 48

    Shannon Moore - 66

    SoCal Val - 53

    Stevie Richards - 64

    Tara - 73

    Taylor Wilde - 61

    Taz - 70

    Tommy Dreamer - 76

    Velvet Sky - 64

    Winter - 55

  3. Could I get that Harris and McGullicutty on kyky please ?

    RAW spoiler

    Jess or Rocky when you have a minute could I get Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater with the Tag Team Championships as well ?

    Thanks in advance !

  4. Could I get the following on kyky

    Done in spoilers at some may contain Bragging Rights Spoilers

    Layla and Michelle McCool with the Unified Divas Championship

    Goldust with the Million Dollar Championship

    New John Cena and David Otunga with the Tag Team Championship

    Thanks in advance !

    All except the last ones have already been done...

    Just use the search function.... I know I made the 2nd one a few weeks ago and Jess made the first about a month ago...

    But they may have only been on RKY, as it seems to take precedence in recent cuts :P

    As for the last one, I might do one tomorrow but I'm sure someone will fire one up eventually.


    Seems dead here :unsure: no need to double post

    Cauchi request - contains Bragging Rights spoilers.


    I hate the look of that Otunga pic so I redone it for RKY... but forgot to redo it for kyky


    I think i figured out a temporary fix, so here's Rocky's post with out the code fiasco.

  5. Could I get the following on kyky

    Done in spoilers at some may contain Bragging Rights Spoilers

    Layla and Michelle McCool with the Unified Divas Championship

    Goldust with the Million Dollar Championship

    New John Cena and David Otunga with the Tag Team Championship

    Thanks in advance !

  6. After TNA Impact:

    Should we consider adding Jenni "JWoww" Farley to the game after her appearance on TNA last night ? I know it's a one shot, but various reports including one I'd read on PWInsider stated that TNA is in negotiations to keep JWoww around for a few more appearances.

    I drew up what I thought her stats would be, so if anyone agrees I'd be more then happy to post them and we can all tear them apart together.

    Also, I don't know if this is the place to put this, but since it's more of a statement then a request I'd thought that I would post it here.

    Looking at the FCW roster, it looks like we need the following wrestler stats to add in the game:

    Kenny Li

    Kevin Hackman

    Mattias Wild

    Melyssa Buhl

    Verity Thomas

    and possibly Ron Price, as looking at the photos he's about 100% the same person as Ron Myers on the FCW roster

  7. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough, but if someone could find me (or make) Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre on kyky with the WWE Tag Team Championship that would be great !

    Thanks in advance !

    EDIT: Would I also be able to get Rodrigo Rodriguez (Del Rio's announcer) and Scott Standford (WWE announcer) on kyky as well ?

  8. Not great with wages, and ages are estimates til i find better info

    Rhys Ali (WWE)

    Age: 25. Australian. Heavyweight. Brawl 56. Speed 28. Technical 62. Overness 18. Charisma 52. Selling 48. Stiffness 52. Finisher: Deadly Kick (impact)

    Phil Friedman (FCW)

    Age: 34. Shoots. Heavweight. Brawl 48. Speed 5. Technical 56. Overness 14. Charisma 40. Selling 38. Stiffness 75. Finisher: Deadly Shot (Impact)

    Christina Crawford (FCW)

    Age 19. Diva. Lightweight. Brawl 11. Speed 5. Technical 4. Overness 8. Charisma 46. Selling 28. Stiffness 25.

    Devin Allen (FCW)

    Age 23. Lightweight. Brawl 28. Speed 39. Technical 47. Overness 14. Charisma 41. Selling 48. Stiffness 38. Finisher: Leg Lock (Submission)

    Shane Godwin (FCW)

    Age 24. Heavyweight. Brawl 43. Speed 8. Technical 14. Overness 17. Charisma 45. Selling 32. Stiffness 63. Finisher: Bodyslam (Impact)

    Bill Carr (FCW)

    Age 26. Heavyweight. Brawl 57. Speed 40 (he can fly in the ring and over ropes). Technical 10. Overness 17. Charisma 51. Selling 48. Stiffness 58. Finisher: Chokeslam (Impact)

    Joe Anoi'a (FCW)

    Age 21. Heavyweight. Samoan. Brawl 51. Speed 11. Technical 18. Overness 16. Charisma 44. Selling 43. Stiffness 61. Finisher: Samoan Kick (Impact)

    Scott Sims (OVW)

    Age 28. Heavyweight. Brawl 43. Speed 12. Technical 48. Overness 10. Charisma 36. Selling: 43. Stiffness: 48. Finisher: Sideslam (Impact)

    Nolan Lewis (OVW)

    Age 22. Heavyweight. Brawl 46. Speed 10. Technical 18. Overness 10. Charisma 40. Selling: 48. Stiffness: 46. Finisher: Big Boot (Impact)


    *Tilo and Ben Woods are back in OVW

    *Donny Marlow - increase speed to 15, increase technical to 18.

    *Mason Ryan - increase brawl to 61. he's like a young Batista.. just not fluid in ring.

    *Richie Steamboat - increase technical to 67, increase speed to 59, increase brawl to 47.

    *Wes Briscoe - increase brawl to 25.

    *Johnny Curtis - increase brawl to 52.

    *Alberto del Rio - increase brawl to 56 (he strikes hard, and well), decrease speed to 59.

    Phil Friedman is already in the game as PJ Friedman, so I would just add this to his alter egos.

  9. For the Dixie Carter situation, I'd consider possibly adding her father Robert (Bob) W. Carter to the game as TNA's owner, as he is the owner of Panda Energy, and was the one who actually purchased the company in the first place.

    If anyone wants, I'll try and rough up some stats to for him.

    I'd just change the sex, age, name and birth month IMO. Everything else is fine.

    I'd change his age to 63 ?

    Birth month unknown, and I'd lower his talent to 80 as well his his backstage to 85 to be completely honest. I just don't think anyone who runs TNA deserves an 83 the way it's been going right now.

  10. A few quick overness changes:

    - Raise Eve Torres' overness from 60 to 68. She easily more over then Gail Kim who is at 65.

    - Raise Melina's overness from 72 to 73. Natalya is currently listed at 72, and Melina was much a little more over before her injury. This change also keep Maryse on top with 74.

    - Raise Alicia Fox's overness from 54 to 65. This ties her with Gail Kim, although she should be more over this stat is allot better then what she has now.

    Also with the proposal to add Dixie Carter to the game as an active wrestler, what is going to happen to TNA's ownership ?

  11. Upon reading that, I think staff member or authority figure would work.

    -Raise Aden Chambers' brawl to 58, speed to 71 and charisma to 66.

    -Raise Nick Logan's brawl to 36, speed to 55, technical to 71 and selling to 64. Change his second finisher to Spear (impact) and his gimmick to Legitimate Athlete. Check Shooting Ability.

    -Raise Bryan Logan's brawl to 59, speed to 50, overness to 22, charisma to 68, and selling to 73.

    -Raise Matt Logan's brawl to 64, speed to 54, overness to 21, stiffness to 41, selling to 66 and charisma to 50.

    -Check SS Look for Antonio Thomas.

    -Check SS Look for Dan Eckos and raise his charisma to 66.

    -Check SS Look for Rob Eckos and raise his brawl to 46.

    -Check SS Look for Billy Bax and raise his brawl to 44 and charisma to 68.

    -Raise The Logan Brothers' tag team experience to 65. Change their finisher to Crossbody/Frog Splash.

    -Add a blood relative relationship between Matt Logan and Bryan Logan.

    -Add a blood relative relationship between Bryan Logan and Nick Logan.

    -Raise Japanese Pool Boy's brawl to 28 and charisma to 73. Change his gimmick to Gay. Remove him from ECWA.

    -Change Mr. Ooh La La's gimmick to Comedy Character. Raise his charisma to 68.

    -Add Freak Nastty to ECWA.

    -I don't really follow ECWA, but looking at their results, Andrew Ryker worker their last show. He should be made from a non-wrestler to an active one.

    -Make MEGA the ECWA Heavyweight Champion.

    -Add Austin Creed to ECWA.

    -Add the ECWA Super 8 Championship to the game. 40 image. Make Austin Creed the champion.

    -Raise Chase Del Monte's brawl to 33 and overness to 16.

    -Check Menacing for MEGA. Raise his overness to 12. I think he is a face, so change his disposition to a face, gimmick: Cool.

    -Add Bazooka Joe to the game:

    Bazooka Joe


    30, Heavyweight



    Brawl: 67

    Speed: 18

    Technical: 45

    Stiffness: 60

    Selling: 58

    Charisma: 60

    Overness: 18

    Attitude: 90

    Behavior: 90

    Check SS Look.

    Primary finisher: O³ (Impact)

    Secondary: Bazooka Bomb (Impact)

    Add him to ECWA.

    -Add Bazooka Joe to ECWA. Heel, Bad Ass.

    If the Super 8 Championship is added to the game, it should be vacant, and Austin Creed should not be added to ECWA.

    As reported earlier, Creed has signed a contract with the WWE, and should be exclusively written to the WWE on a developmental deal.

  12. Credit: PWInsider.com

    As we reported earlier today in the Elite section, WWE has signed former TNA star Austin "Consequences" Creed to a developmental deal.

    Meanwhile, Ohio Valley Wrestling announced at their TV taping last night that Brent "Beef" Wellington had also been signed to a developmental deal.

    Add Brent Wellington to WWE.

    Also, on Mark Henry's wikipedia page, it's listed about three or four times that he was first originally trained by Stu and Bret Hart. So I'd consider adding a loyalty relationship with Henry and Hart.

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