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Posts posted by Panni

  1. After last week's amazing episode I was actually prepared for a letdown tonight. Happy to say that wasn't the case at all.

    I don't know how I'll be able to avoid reading Book 3 for an entire year though...all it will take is one boring day and I won't be able to resist. I still have about half of the second book to read though.

  2. With the way season 6 (an awful season) ended...it gives me hope that season 7 should be extremely interesting at the very least. The first few episodes are going to be must-watch, and hopefully from there they maintain the momentum and have their best season since 4.

    I agree with Season 3 though...I just couldn't get into that story at all.

  3. That was such an awesome episode...the best episode of Thrones yet.

    Tyrion's battle cry, the Hound-Brohn confontation, drunk Cersai, Stannis Baratheon...everyone was incredible. I was so happy they never cut to Jon Snow or the Starks because the battle was just so compelling. Amazing stuff...I can't wait for next week.

  4. I would be absolutely shocked if D. Wade gets traded instead of Bosh. Chris Bosh and Coach Spoelstra seem like the clear-cut scapegoats for Miami, and I think if they lose in this round they will both be gone.

    If Wade is traded from the Heat I think he may become the most beloved and supported guy in the NBA.

  5. The direction of Season 2 seems kind of odd. They are bringing back some of the actors and actresses but for completely different parts? I want to see Evan Peters & Jessica Lange again next year because I love the characters of Tate and Constance, not necessarily because I loved their acting work.

    That just seems kind of odd to me. I'll still give it a chance though because Season 1 was very good. I trust that Season 2 will be just as intriguing.

  6. I really enjoyed the finale, especially Troy and the Air Condition School guys. "No, take him to the police! He's a murderer!" I also thought Chang Heist was solid too. There were a few moments here and there in that episode where I was cracking up.

    On the other hand I wasn't a fan of the video game episode. I just didn't find it funny or interesting much at all. I'll give it a rewatch eventually and maybe my opinion on it will change though.

    Overall, solid ending to this season. I'm looking forward to whatever bizarre directions they go next year.

  7. A team full of stars that he carried to the title that particular year.

    Which is why he was MVP of both the World Series and the ALCS, right?

    He should have been the ALCS MVP. And he played well in the World Series coming up with a pretty huge hit in the 9th in a tied game. There are a ton of criticisms someone can have for Alex Rodriguez, but there really is none for his 2009 playoff run. That was some of the most unbelievable baseball I've ever seen.

    He tied two games in the bottom of the 9th (one in the divisional round and one in the ALCS). They don't get to the World Series without him there. Which brings me back to Lebron and why I feel like there will be a game where he just hits that huge shot, and then he does the same again later on in the series.

  8. Lebron James is such a fascinating player. I feel like I've seen this story unfold a couple of times already in my lifetime with Alex Rodriguez & Peyton Manning.

    Both of those guys were considered the premier athlete in their game, but both were criticized for not being able to get over the hump. A-Rod and Peyton were considered pretty much the opposite of clutch players. When it seemed like it couldn't get worse for Manning (being down by 20 against the Pats in 07) or A-Rod (09 steroid allegations) that was the time they finally broke through. Their immense talents came up big and they won their respective teams championships. Even though neither man has won a ring since a lot of pressure has been taken off of them.

    That's what I feel like we're seeing with Lebron. This year the pressure is at its absolute pinnacle. There really is no more room for failure. That's sort of the reason why I think this is the year he actually gets it done. Would I be upset if he doesn't? Not at all, I'd find it hysterical. But, sometimes I feel as if sports is a predictable story, and this story seems to end with Lebron coming up HUGE and winning a title.

  9. I just finished watching Season 1 and I enjoyed it. At times I didn't enjoy the main characters, specifically the mother & father, but by the end they grew on me. The two most chilling moments of the season, for me at least, were the school shooting scene and when the reveal with Violet. That was genuinely shocking to me. But yea, I agree with others in feeling the finale was unsatisfying.

    I'm looking forward to Season 2 though...happy to see Tate will be back.

  10. Obviously, losing Mo blows. Hopefully Robertson can go from being flawless in the eighth to being flawless in the ninth. I wish Soriano had panned out better, but he's been hit or miss the last thirteen months.

    I would have absolutely no faith in Soriano taking the mound so I'm hoping Robertson gets the job. I guess it's time for Yankee fans to start realizing how all other 29 teams are forced to deal with the 9th inning.

  11. Although the Office hasn't been at it's best for a few years at least the last couple of years it held it's own. There were weeks last year where all four shows were great, and even though The Office was starting to trend downwards they still put on good-great episodes. Maybe it was Steve Carrell, and then Will Ferrell, that at least kept the show entertaining last year?

    There was nothing entertaining about Will Ferrell's run.

    I disagree, while the episodes weren't amazing it was still fun to watch one of the most successful comedic actors of the past decade play a role in the show. They weren't groundbreaking or absolutely hysterical, but it kept you watching.

  12. Although the Office hasn't been at it's best for a few years at least the last couple of years it held it's own. There were weeks last year where all four shows were great, and even though The Office was starting to trend downwards they still put on good-great episodes. Maybe it was Steve Carrell, and then Will Ferrell, that at least kept the show entertaining last year?

    But this year has been so non-captivating. Every episode a few characters say something funny, but that's because The Office characters all have their own charm to them. It just seems like they are barely trying to put together an overarching storyline though.

  13. Typically I'm not a big fan of the episodes where Community spoofs a certain genre. Often times I feel like they are trying to be too smart for their own good. However, this one was just awesome. The dialogue was brilliant from start to finish, and it was probably the best episode of it's kind.

    As far as the Office goes it was just another one of the "going through the motions" type of episodes. There were a few points where I laughed, but that's because I love the characters. When the cast split between Scranton & Florida things were looking like they were going to pick up, but right now it feels like we are still in the same monotony of the beginning of this season. It's such a shame because when it was at it's best, years ago, I think it was better than Community/Parks & Rec/30 Rock. Now it just seems like an old dog waiting to be put to sleep.

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