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Posts posted by Pidge

  1. I believe it is Starrcade for RFP.

    There is no Starrcade for RFP.

    There is Bunkhouse Stampede, Superbrawl, Spring Stampede, Crockett Cup, Bash at the Beach, The Carolina Clash, NWA Anniversary Show and Clash of the Champions. This is along with their RFP: March etc. shows. My thought was either Superbrawl, Spring Stampede or Clash of the Champions was the major one but if anyone actually knows for sure I'd just like to know. No particular reason I would just like to know to add more realism to the game. It'd be like playing as WWE and not knowing what their Major PPV was.

  2. I really like the lists of the DC and Marvel Promotions, of course they could be better with Iron Man and Hulk, but as you said you didn't bother to see them, which is fine by me. There's no rush for them anyway, I mean, it does sound like you plan on continuing with this for a while now, and I know everyone is very appreciative of it, so those characters can just be added later.

    I also looked back over some of the other rosters posted and so far, after a quick glance, I have no problems with it. It is really shaping up to be an AWESOME scenario, keep it up AboveAverage!

  3. 1) Final Fantasy VII (PS1)

    2) Super Mario 64 (N64)

    3) Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (PC/XBOX360/PS3)

    4) Pokemon Red/Blue (Gameboy)

    5) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC/XBOX/PS2)

    6) Halo 2 (XBOX)

    7) Final Fantasy X (PS2)

    8) Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)

    9) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (XBOX)

    10) The Sims 2 (PC)

    EDIT - Put Pokemon & KOTOR in the list and took out Civ 4 and Rome: Total War

  4. I didn't mind this movie. I thought it had some pretty good action and the introduction of the CGI and the like into the series helped out with some elements of it. The aliens was not a big problem for me, at first I thought what are aliens doing in Indiana Jones, thats just way out there then I thought "Hmmmm an ark that melts peoples faces, thats not believable either". So now I'm fine with the movie in some respects, the only problem is as Indy is now older I think he should've been stuffing up more now adays which would've been fairly good.

    Also at first I didnt make the connection between Mutt and changing his name until I remembered Indiana named himself after his dog and that helped it click for me. Anyway, Mutt almost picking up the hat at the end would've been a good way to lead on to others but ultimately I think Ford taking the hat back off him was probably just as good a move.

    The acting in the movie was pretty good too I thought, although I am a massive Shia LaBeouf fan so that kinda helped the movie out lol

    All in all I thought a pretty good movie but then again it is just a matter of opinion in the end; either you like it or you don't, and I liked it!

  5. Ok here we go, I know you can get the individual pictures and put them into the pics folder and use them on your wrestlers but is there like a download that would have MOST or ALL the pictures of wrestlers from a January Split Data update thingy?

    If you want a quick fix, you can download a base pack Here. It's from August 07 though. Credit to VinnyMacHater...

    ...Or you can dig through TheWho87's PhotoBucket Here or search this topic to find the pics individually.

    Thanks :)

  6. Ok here we go, I know you can get the individual pictures and put them into the pics folder and use them on your wrestlers but is there like a download that would have MOST or ALL the pictures of wrestlers from a January Split Data update thingy?

  7. I just came across this topic and was wondering how the updates and such are going if its still going ahead, I hope that it is...

    If you are still interested in suggestion I think a staff pool of people who worked on the films would be great but then again would be hard work for you, so I suppose it comes down to whatever you want to do for that one...

    I also reckon that your idea with the movie being the show and the film production company being the network was an excellent idea so you should stick with that! :)

    And finally earlier I saw someone post something about Transformers, I think you could put together a promotion for that and just have it a smaller roster and smaller production, if thats what you want to do

    Keep up the good work

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