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Posts posted by MrSticks

  1. I hate the submission victory classic fights because I can't submit the computer at all with "the shine". Maybe if I turned down the difficulty I could.

    In my 20 so submissions online and however many I've gotten in single player, I've never once used the Shine to submit someone. I always tap the face buttons.

    I always use the shine. I have been forced to use the button mash now though, after breaking my R stick making Anderson Silva tap.

  2. Im really getting into this game. I have 'The Wolf' Winston Evans and 'Quick Silver' {Insert Japanese name here}. Both booked for quick fights on the 29th of May. I may even become a premium and create an EWB Fed in London.

    Good luck in our fight.

    Wow, fancy being paired up against another EWB member!

    All of my fighters have just been offered contracts at Russian Mob Fighting in St Petersburg. Everyone here PM the owner of that fed your fighters codes and he offers you contracts

  3. Im really getting into this game. I have 'The Wolf' Winston Evans and 'Quick Silver' {Insert Japanese name here}. Both booked for quick fights on the 29th of May. I may even become a premium and create an EWB Fed in London.

  4. Did you let yourself get gassed?

    Probably. You know what, fuck it, I'll play with the stamina bar for once.

    It really helps. Take a guy like Maia against Silva (Silva has bad/average submission defense, Maia has great submission offense) you will make him tap no probs.

  5. Finally got the "That was easy" achievement with Lesnar against Heath Herring, He kept getting knocked down and by the time he got up the time had gone over the 20 second mark, He wasn't rocked either, So I couldn't TKO him, But finally he got rocked and I could get the TKO win right on the button (20 seconds flat)

    How is this even possible? I would think that my CAF with a Strength of 94 and a Striking Ability of 81 would have a decent chance but no, nothing, nadda, I am not even close. Even Rampage Jackson gets nowhere near 20 seconds either.

    I did it with Stephan Bonnar against Chuck Liddell. I just ran at him, big right hand and he was out after 4 seconds!

  6. I need 4-8-16 people with this on PS3 and willingness to go online. If so, I will start up a league, too.(8 is nice, cause then basically everyone will get a decent guy and this is my expectation. 16 is best but a bit excessive, 4 is a little too low. Maybe we'll hold a mini-tournament through PMs or something if there's 4. <_<)

    EDIT: There were 4 in the original thread. Maybe 4-8-12 more would be cool. :)

    Definitely in this :w00t:

  7. So, anyone up for a PS3 "league"? We'd face off against each other in a tournament to decide a champion and rankings, then we would determine contenders like UFC would. This could even go as far as members creating "Training Camps" where you recruit members to practice with. Could be pretty cool ^_^

  8. In Game it's £39.99 which is a good deal compared to Play.com's £40 <_< You get two downloadable content fighters with a pre-order from Game so you might be able to pre-order and get it for Friday (mine was dispatched this morning so I'm hoping to get it tommorow)

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