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Posts posted by Drock007

  1. Alright well i just finished up Prototype 2 100% and now im playing Sleeping Dogs, was wondering if i just finish up the main story first if i can go back and get all the other achievements or if id have to start over from scratch, also if anyone has any other tips or anything about this game that would be great

    You can go back for the collectibles after finishing the main story. One piece of advice would be not to do any of the random events (dark yellow icons on the map) unless you have a guide because there's no way to make them show up on your map in the same way that the other missions/collectibles do.

    Thanks for the advice :(Y):

  2. Alright well i just finished up Prototype 2 100% and now im playing Sleeping Dogs, was wondering if i just finish up the main story first if i can go back and get all the other achievements or if id have to start over from scratch, also if anyone has any other tips or anything about this game that would be great

  3. So (as i think i've mentioned before) Im playing all the games from 2012 i didn't get to play right now and im wondering what games i should absolutley play from last year, one game that didn't make my list that im now curious about is the Amazing Spiderman, is it worth a play through or anything like that?

    It's not worth a play through, but it is worth something like a play through. Perhaps a play across.

    Hmm i did word that funny didn't I :lol:

    I liked Amazing Spiderman. It was really fun and I only got stuck a couple times. Thats pretty much all I look for :P

    Sounds good since thats all i look for too :lol:

  4. So (as i think i've mentioned before) Im playing all the games from 2012 i didn't get to play right now and im wondering what games i should absolutley play from last year, one game that didn't make my list that im now curious about is the Amazing Spiderman, is it worth a play through or anything like that?

  5. So i heard they announced a Batman Superman team up movie at comic com or something like that and i was wondering how do you guys think they can make a movie like that without making Batman look weak? Side by side Superman makes Batman look bad in my opinion, like Batman has his technology and tools but Superman can shoot lasers from his eyes and can throw cars and shit!!! How do you make that movie without making Batman look weak??

    What is this from? I feel like i must watch it

  6. So i heard they announced a Batman Superman team up movie at comic com or something like that and i was wondering how do you guys think they can make a movie like that without making Batman look weak? Side by side Superman makes Batman look bad in my opinion, like Batman has his technology and tools but Superman can shoot lasers from his eyes and can throw cars and shit!!! How do you make that movie without making Batman look weak??

  7. So i got a question for you guys about X Boxs, a guy a work with who is in his forty's and doesn't know really anything about this stuff told me today he was probably gonna have to buy his son a new X Box cause i guess his X Box was running way slower cause its old and i told the guy that i think that, that is bullshit. I've had my X Box for years and haven't had this problem mind you a 12 year problably logs more hours on his then i do on mine. So i was just wondering if any of you guys have had or heard of this issue happening to anyone and if there is away to fix it?

  8. I'll be glad to add a MMA Pick Em if there's enough interest.

    I would defiantly be in, what events would you all cover? Just like the major 4 that aren't ufc like BellatorFC, WSOF, ONEFC, InvictaFC? Or would you do LegacyFC, Cage Warriors, RFA, XFC etc too?

  9. I would say skip Bellator for the reason stated about, if your going to do it make it the same as the UFC if you don't pick your winning streak is over.

    If people want to do Bellator, OneFc, WSOF etc maybe someone should make a MMA Pick em?

  10. He wants to raise his family in Russia, apparently. Devils aren't really on the hook for much of his salary (a few hundred thousand each year) because he's just walking away from it. So the bonus for them is that they gain a lot of cap space, which actually would have been more helpful had he retired about a week and a half ago.

    Think he waited to retire on purpose to screw the New Jersey Devils?

  11. Watching Anderson Silva lose last night was an unreal moment for me as an MMA fan especially in the fashion he did. It was only the icing on the cake that the Chris Weidman the guy ive been saying would dethrone Anderson Silva for the last 2 years was the guy who did, he really was "the savior" as i've been referring to him for the last 2 years

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