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Posts posted by PatDaMan

  1. B7GTfeEIYAAWBwL.jpg

    I want to play too, let's look at what the Eagles did in the playoffs!


    It would be just as funny of a picture if it were TY Hilton, Demariyus Thomas, or any other WR in the playoffs. It's just a little more satisfying knowing that the next three weeks won't be the Jerry Jones show, though.

    But yeah, Peyton looked like shit today. I'll be pulling for Indy and GB, which of course means that we should get ready for Seattle vs. NE.

  2. It's becoming increasingly more difficult to compare players from older generations to the players of today because the game has gotten so radically different. I don't think it's a stretch to say that if you took a bunch of players =from the '50s and '60s and transported them to today in their prime, a lot of them would get destroyed. Players are a lot bigger, faster, and stronger now. I think a guy like Jim Brown would still be amazing, but he's one of the few exceptions to this scenario.

    Can say the same thing about getting destroyed if sent back to the `50s and `60s, as well, since defenses were allowed to hit harder and QBs weren't so protected.

    Imagine Tom Brady being levelled by Dick Butkus, or Johnny Football having to face the LA Rams' Fearsome Foursome, for instance.

    "Penalty: Roughing the Passer, #51 on the defense. 15 yards from the spot of the foul, automatic first-down."

    I think you missed the part where it was in Butkus' era.

    Pfft... Put him back in the Chuck Bednarik era


  3. Manning has 2 years left on his deal after this and he's said he plans on playing it out. So he'd play the 2016 season at age 40 and then his contract would be up. You'd presume he'd retire at that point as really not too many non-kickers keep going past 40 but who knows, if he's still really good, has no health setbacks and is still chasing another ring - he may keep going. It'll be a sad day whenever he does hang 'em up.

    Not for me. I like watching him (and Brady), but I've never really known the NFL without them (I started really watching football outside of just the Eagles in 99 when I was 9 years old, so I'm actually looking forward to the next batch of guys to take the throne and not have to hear as much about Peyton and Tom all the time.

    I'm sure people a little older than me had similar feelings about Favre.

    And, Chris Christie is an asshole: http://www.ibtimes.com/chris-christie-pushed-port-authority-give-contract-jerry-jones-firm-1774154

  4. I saw a tweet, which I now forget who wrote it, that said...."Imagine totalling your car on the same weekend every single year....that's Andy Dalton's career." :lol:

    Anyway, I like Luck and Hilton, and am starting to like Herron, so I'm cautiously hopping on the Colts bandwagon, with full knowledge that in doing so, I'm probably jinxing them.

  5. On another note: This game is starting to get away from Cincy, after some early Colt mistakes kept them in it. Not having Green or either TE is hurting them.

    Also good to see this ref crew isn't calling every little bit of contact down the field, there have been a few bombs downfield where guys got tangled up, where you'd see PI called with some other ref crews

  6. If you haven't seen Rich Eisen breaking the news on NFLN earlier, it's worth seeking out, and shows the effect Scott had on those around him. Really was an inspiration how he fought cancer and made the most out of his time. Even when he was sick, he was still going to work and doing his thing on SC, and keeping in good spirits and fighting. RIP Stuart Scott.

  7. Re: The Deadspin article, a producer from the local radio station who hasn't worked there since 2006 isn't exactly the most notable source of info, but more and more is starting to fester on that, and I don't like it at all.

    A local-ish version of Deadspin, Crossing Broad, put it best: there's a power struggle between our GM, who worked his way up through the accounting department and is a very good cap guy, and our coach, who has the potential to change the way offenses are run in the NFL. Unfortunately, it looks like the GM will probably win out.

    Edit: And here, from CB, is a long, detailed look for those interested: http://www.crossingbroad.com/2015/01/um.html. That post does an excellent job at calling out the "Throw shit at the wall, see what sticks" journalism that pervades sports.

    Edit 2: The Eagles released a statement, finally. They've promoted Roseman to EVP of Football Operations, and have given Chip complete control of personnel decisions. Everybody wins?

  8. Brady restructured his contract to give the Pats an extra $24 million, which they will use to not give him any help.

    Don't they have a couple FA guys to re-sign?

    And, not a hard thing for Brady to do when his wife makes 10x more than him anyway :lol:

  9. Go ahead and have him. Everyone knows that Peyton is our real O-Coordinator. A wet turd could do Gase's job.

    Wasn't Gase the QB coach when Tebow was there? I know McCoy was still around, but I feel like Gase got a lot of credit for Tebow playing passibly back then as well.

  10. :rolleyes:

    It's sad, but all the Eagle fans have is the "Well, the Cowboys haven't won a Super Bowl in almost 20 years so neener!"

    I don't recall saying that.

    And to be fair, if the Skins or Giants were in the playoffs instead, I'd be saying the same thing. If we can't be in the playoffs, I sure as hell don't wanna see a division rival do well.

  11. If we're nominating our guys, I'd like to shout out Jordan Matthews for MVP and OPOY, and McCoy (despite the missed games) for OPOY.

    McCoy's 99 ypg average was the highest in the league, and his 5.2 YPC avg was tied with Ridley among backs with 100+ carries. Matthews was 3rd in the league in REC yards with 1,558, and 2nd in REC TDs with 14.

    My best defensive guys were Brandon Boykin (3 picks, 2 TDs on the year), Bennie Logan (11 sacks as a 3-4 Tackle) and Fletcher Cox (10 Sacks, 1 FF)

  12. I don't see the dilemma here.

    That's part of the reason I'm a huge fan of the WWE Network - I can go out and tailgate with my buddies and watch the game at Xfinity or something, then just watch the PPV tomorrow morning while nursing my inevitable hangover

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