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Posts posted by Romero

  1. Saw it tonight. It was as pretty good continuation of the franchise. My only beef with the film is..

    John Connor seems to not recall a single thing that happened to him in the past. He questions the presence of flesh over machine, saying he's never seen anything like it before... Arnold says hi. He seems to have no "insider" information. Shouldn't he have been spilling that eventually the machines will develop a liquid metal compound? He seems to be completely in the dark about what Skynet is capable of, only learning about the company and the war from tapes left by his mother.
  2. I worked with Lea Michelle's boyfriend in new york. She is a great person with an amazing voice. This show definitely looks like it could be something special. I just hope it gains the audience it deserves.

  3. WWE Online Announced

    A new entry in the wrestling franchise is being developed in Asia.

    by Ryan Geddes

    May 6, 2009 - In its quarterly earnings call with investors on Wednesday, THQ execs let slip that the company is working on a new title called WWE Online.

    The game is being developed in Asia, but beyond that we know absolutely nothing. Will it be a cross-platform MMO? A free-to-play PC game? A web-based browser game? An immersive holographic virtual reality 3D experience? We said we don't know, so stop with all the questions already.

    THQ's wrestling games are some of its core moneymakers, so it's no surprise that the publisher is working on ways to expand its market. Although the WWE games remain popular, net sales for the series were down 25 percent last quarter over the same period last year.

    Credit - IGN.com

    Let the speculation begin...

  4. My fucking DVR stopped recording before the damn episode was finished. It stopped during the ending House/Wilson discussion in his office, right after Wilson gave House the real reason he was leaving. Anyone care to sum up the ending?

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