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Posts posted by Mr.iMPACT!

  1. tempted to get tickets to Leeds but dunno if I can afford it. Last year was great got pretty smashed and had a great time so definately worth it. Bit strap for cash though so may have to miss out this year. KOL would deffo be a contributing factor though, I just hate that they've taken off all of a sudden.

  2. I'm currently about 1/4 of the way through reading the book, after lending it off a friend so I could read it before seeing the film. So far it's great, will definitely be picking up my own copy in the near future. I can't wait to see this film and have been looking forward to seeing it for 2 years or so when I first saw pictures from the film. A long time later it's out. Do you recommend I go see it or not, and will reading the novel before hand aide in my enjoyment of the film?

  3. After spending all day yesterday downloading the demo I've spent a fair time playing with it. Personally It's got alot of pluses. The control system, although hard to get used to at first, Is much simpler and makes it a more free to access and pick-up play sort of game, where as SVR is very technical and more for wrestling fans in particular. The presentation is very very good and the ridiculously over sized character builds just adds to the more arcadic feel which, in my opinion, is a good thing. I really like the little video accompanying the Rock/Austin match. It's got some flaws but as it's only a demo and there's still some time to full release I'm getting good vibes from this game. Will defo be buying and possibly borrowing SVR09 from someone to add a higher level of playability.

  4. Aye tint worth it mate. There was this lass I liked called Kate who kept fucking me about like making me think we were going to get together and then not all the time. Anyways the last time she made me think I was gonna get in there she shagged by best mate. Got over that one pretty quick. If they're that type don't go near them, Or shag and move onto a new lass. :rolleyes:

  5. Tottenham

    First season as West Ham we finnished second but both times we played I lost to them 6-0 and 4-0. I'm now in my second season lost the first game 7-2 away and have got them next in the FA Cup. I doubt I'll be winning that cup tie. <_<

  6. Leeds (Mr. iMPACT!) 0 - 4 Liverpool (McMigsy)

    '5 Babel

    '9 Babel

    '33 Torres

    '82 Torres

    Thanks Mr. I, it was a bit of a lagfest but we got there in the end. Leeds almost took the lead after only 1 minute had gone on the clock, that put a bit of urgency into my play. Looking forwards to the return leg.

    I wasn't a happy bunny after that match I must say. Had some great break aways and what not but everytime the ball bloody missed the net. Completely overpowered by the opposition showing the dumb decision in choosing Leeds <_<

    The defence also acted like retards it had to be said. It's using the lower teams online that really highlights the bugs and glitches in FIFA.

  7. Hallelujah By Jeff Buckley. It's a very emotive song with alot of passion from the artist. It is also something that would remind most people of a memory of someone they care about.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AofzLsvTsM0The title of the song might be something he wants with her someday and also some of the lyrics could describe his emotions. "It's a nice day to start again". This is like the way he may be feeling that he wants their relationship to start over new instead of being someone he likes from a distance he wants their relationship to be closer and with more interaction.

    Rock And Roll Queen By The Subways. Listen to the lyrics and you'll see the reason why I picked this song. The lyrics seem to fit perfectly for his situation and the way he feels about her.

    Thats just some of my ideas. Might seem like a load of crap to you but doesn't matter too much if you do I guess.

  8. I've just deleted my online squad file to test this for you and go through it. I go the same problem and was not ammused <_< . But they are working now but I'm not 100% sure how. first off instead of quiting the online match I played it and the squads worked fine online. once I'd completed my online match I went to team management to see if it had worked which it hadn't and hence I had the same problem as you. I exited FIFA looked in my saved data folder and there was an online squads file. So I turned FIFA back on and downloaded the Addidas Live update season (just because the flashing of it at the bottom was annoying plus may aswell have it up to date). Then I went into the Team Management section and sure enough the new squads where there and loaded up. Now I'm unsure as to whether it was the playing game and then exiting/reloading FIFA that did it or if downloading the LIVE update did it. You can try the play online game, exit and re-enter FIFA method for nothing. If that doesn't work you're going to have to try and download the LIVE update. I'm sure you could use your code to get it again as that code would have already purchased whatever league you got (presumably Premier League). Hope this helps you in some what TKOA

  9. Strange as it downloaded fine for me. :/

    Playing as teams like Leeds you get to see who is really bad online. Just played as them against Spain and although I lost 4-1 I to be honest dominated them and the only reason he beat me was because of player speed and abit of lag. only goal was a backfoot flick into the net by Beckford from about a yard in front just to show how bad he was. plus he was an absolute arse-hole to boot. had he been playing as a lesser team the score line would have been reversed.

  10. Although Well done to Murali I unfortunately don't like him as a player. No doubt he is one of the nicest people within cricket and even the entire sporting world part of me always wounders wether if he had a "Normal" Action would he be any where near as good as he is. I can't stand his action and feel that it does allow him to bowl much better than other players. Not nocking the bloke as I said he is one of the nicest people in sport but I will never be a huge personal fan of his within the cricketing world. Great to see a topic cricket related by the way seen as this is my sport :D

  11. I have got a copy of Spyro 3: Year of The Dragon here in my hand. Unfortunately I don't have a box for it and there are a fair few surface scatches but I have tried it and it is complete working order. Would that be ok for you.

    Also while this topic is open I was wondering If anyone has The Legend of Wrestling Games 1,2 and 3. Unfortunately I'm having a cash flow problem at the moment but any alternatives I'm quite game for.

    EDIT: Not too sure wether it works now Ollie. Tried it on my ps3 but it won't load properly. Will try on my little brothers ps2 and see if it works on that. If not I appologise but may have another spyro game lying around somewhere.

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