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TAFKA Castroneves

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Posts posted by TAFKA Castroneves

  1. 1) Final Fantasy VII - PSX

    2) Sonic 3 - Mega Drive

    3) Sonic and Knuckles - Mega Drive

    4) Metal Gear Solid - PSX

    5) Grand Theft Auto - Vice City - PS2

    6) Trespasser - PC

    7) Championship Manager 03/04 - PC

    8) Grand Prix 3 - PC

    9) Nascar Racing 2003 - PC

    10) Final Fantasy VIII - PSX

  2. There is always going to be a lot of disagrements over football, but thats all it is Big Dirty. There is no need to bring in things like this:

    England >>>>>>>>>> Germany not only in sport but in every aspect of life.

    Now moving on,

    It's true that England fans are going to be very supportive of their country. Some people think I am on the crazy train by saying that Leicester City deserved to stay up but its all about personal views. I believe that England played well last night, we defended well until one mistake that shook us and cost us the match.

  3. Comments on the England game last night:

    David James really impressed me with how well he played. I have always been very open about how I didn't think James should be the England number one goalkeeper - but last night he proved that he is the best we have. James cannot be blamed for giving the penalty away or failing to save it, if he had not gone after Henry he probably would have scored anyways and Zidane is just brillant when it comes to nailing a stationary ball.

    Beckham missing the penalty wasn't brillant but I knew he wasn't going to score it anyways. He had a bad night for his skill.

    Ledley King was outstanding and was a cruical part in our defence. All I can say is that this guy has got me thinking if he should be in the starting 11 ahead of Terry.

    Wayne Rooney had sunshine coming out of his ass all night and was causing France many problems, the best attacker we have in our team with Owen being lackluster.

    Its true that it was a bad result but we will still get through and thats the main thing. The French did push us and eventually we cracked, thats the way it is. Gerrard and Heskey were both unlucky and everyone makes mistakes, but I reckon now that both of them will be putting more effort in and making sure it doesnt happen again and that they are remembered for all the right reasons in a game.

    We are still going to win the competition, we will beat the French in the final like we should have done yesterday and thats the main thing.

  4. Hell shoot me I like Ahmed, I think his being outcast is causing some entertainment inside the house. I know in a couple of weeks there will be other stuff going on but for the moment I want to see if he will adjust his gameplan. Cause if he does stay the same he will be out, but if he changes and lets AHMANIA take over him it will be wicked.

  5. Wednesday 12th May

    WWE RAW Preview

    This Monday's RAW is being described by many as a "supercard show" with five matches having being signed to the show already. It is going to be an explosive night from the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York.

    The World Heavyweight Championship will be defended when Chris Benoit meets Christian one on one, however Triple H has been signed as the special guest referee by RAW GM William Regal...HHH feels he should be the number one contender, how will that influence the match? and the conclusion...find out Monday.

    The final encounter will go down Monday night when Mick Foley faces Randy Orton with No Holds Barred...This has been a journey going on for many months and finally it will all come to an end in what will be a bloody and brutal war.

    Matt Hardy is going to bring a mystery partner with him to face off against Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho in a Tag Team Match, Hardy still thinks he is better than Jericho and Michaels! Will his ego be boosted Monday by a win, or will he be put in his place?

    After two singles matches last week the World Tag Team Titles this week will be on the line in a tag match. New champions Evolution will meet the ex-champions Booker T and RVD. Can teamwork help Booker T and RVD back to the gold? Or will Evolution continue to hold it? Tune in Monday.

    Rodney Mack made his return from injury last week to cost Rosey his match with Mark Henry, this week he meets Rosey himself in his first match back. Expect the Superheroes to be in a war with the "Back Da Mack" squad this Monday.

    Confirmed Matches

    World Heavyweight Championship

    Chris Benoit :champion: vs. Christian

    Referee: Triple H

    The Final Encounter - No Holds Barred

    Mick Foley vs. Randy Orton

    Tag Team Match

    Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels vs. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 and A Mystery Partner

    World Tag Team Championship

    Batista and Ric Flair :champions: vs. Booker T and Rob Van Dam

    Rodney Mack vs. Rosey

  6. Tuesday 11th May

    WWE Smackdown Preview

    We are one week away from Judgment Day as Smackdown comes from the Alltel Arena in Little Rock, Arkansas.

    Last week Eddie Guerrero nailed his partner Edge in a Tag Team match against the Big Show and Kurt Angle, it cost them both the match and has left the champion and the challenger at Judgment Day with some friction in their relationship...Guerrero and Edge will team up again this week in a 6 Man Tag with Chavo Guerrero also being in their team, their opponents? Kurt Angle, the Big Show and A-Train. Should be one hell of a main event!

    The World's Greatest Tag Team looked re-united after all their problems until Sean O'Haire decided to stick his steel chair into matters again. Benjamin thought Haas had nailed him with a steel chair from behind when infact it was O'Haire, he got his revenge and now both men are not speaking again. At Judgment Day it will be a Triple Threat match with O'Haire, Haas and Benjamin...this week it will be a Fatal 4 Way with Hardcore Holly, Billy Gunn, Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. What influence will O'Haire have on this encounter? Find out Thursday.

    Also expect a preview of the Playboy Evening Gown match!

    Smackdown is going to be through the roof, tune in Thursday!

    Confirmed Matches

    6 Man Tag Team Match

    Kurt Angle, Big Show and A-Train vs. Edge, Chavo Guerrero and Eddie Guerrero

    Fatal 4 Way Match

    Charlie Haas vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Billy Gunn

  7. WWE RAW

    Monday 10th May

    The Sharktank - San Jose – California

    Fireworks exploded around the Sharktank arena in San Jose, California as it was now time for Monday Night RAW. The lights came up around the arena and revealed a massive crowd in attendance ready for some action from the RAW brand.

    Jim Ross: Welcome everyone to Monday Night RAW! And King tonight we have a massive show for everyone.

    Jerry “the King” Lawler: We do JR, the World Tag Team Titles will be on the line in two separate matches when Booker T faces Batista and Rob Van Dam faces Ric Flair!

    Jim Ross: Also tonight we will find out who the number one contender for the World Intercontinental Championship is when Chris Jericho meets Matt Hardy Version 1!

    At this point Christian’s music interrupted JR and King…Christian walked out onto the stage to a massive amount of boos from the crowd in the arena, he made his way down the ramp with a smile from ear to ear before getting a microphone and climbing into the ring.

    Christian Sets A Challenge

    Christian: Hello to my peeps in San Jose! (boos) That’s great! I am very happy to be here tonight for all your pleasure and enjoyment. But I know your enjoyment would be better if I had a certain championship over my right shoulder now, you would all be able then to say I am one of the World Heavyweight Champion’s Peeps! But right now you can’t, all you can say is you are one of Christian’s peeps and no matter how good that is already…it could always be better!

    Christian took another look around the crowd before smiling and moving across the ring to look at the video screen.

    Christian: I have a video to show you all now to give you all a great start to your evening. Here is a piece of video footage that I am personally very proud of; it has to go down as one of my greatest achievements here on RAW…

    The video started and showed Christian running down from the back during last week’s main event. Chris Benoit was standing on the top rope when Christian shoved him off onto the mat! Then Christian climbed into the ring and nailed Triple H with the Un-Prettier! The short video ended with Christian’s smile from the top of the ramp...

    Christian: That must be the greatest bit of footage I have ever seen in my life. I…Christian ran down and took out both the World Heavyweight Champion and a man who is supposedly the number one contender. Well I have news for you Triple H! I am the number one contender, not you! So Benoit, how about you face me one on one for the World Title here tonight! How about Benoit you be a man for once in your life!

    Jerry “the King” Lawler: Yeah! Why doesn’t Benoit be a man JR?

    Jim Ross: I like how Benoit is not a man when Christian attacked two men from behind rather than face to face…

    Christian was still waiting in the ring as William Regal’s music played around the arena. The RAW GM walked out onto the stage with a microphone in hand.

    William Regal: Christian, last week you defied my authority when you destroyed a match I had created to end any speculation about Triple H’s status as the number one contender. You, you little toe rag will not decide who the number one contender around here is!

    William Regal: But. I hear what you are saying Christian. I understand why you think you are the number one contender. You want Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight Championship? You’ve got it, next week.

    Christian jumped up and down in the ring and mouthed thank you to Regal while the crowd’s original cheers turned into boos. However Regal continued to speak.

    William Regal: But tonight you will also have a match. Your title shot is safe and it will go down next week while tonight you will go one on one with the leader of a little group around here. Because tonight Christian it will be you facing Triple H!

    Christian didn’t like the sound of that and froze in the middle of the ring.

    Christian: Wait a minute there Regal…

    William Regal: Christian you have besmirched my authority before and this is your punishment. I hope you will think the wiser before defying me again. Don’t get me wrong, I think you do deserve your title shot but I did not like the way you went about proving it last week. Good luck tonight and good luck next week.

    Regal’s music started to play again as the RAW GM walked backstage and left a half stunned, half happy Christian in the ring.

    Jim Ross: He has his title shot King.

    Jerry “the King” Lawler: Yes JR but he has to face the game here tonight!

    Jim Ross: What a slobber knocker that will be!

    -: Commercial Break :-

    Booker T’s music started to play around the arena as he made his way out onto the stage. Booker stopped at the top of the ramp and jumped up with a wall of fireworks that went off before re-adjusting his championship belt on his shoulder and making his way down to the ring. Batista’s music faded in and the monster of the Evolution group walked out onto the stage…Batista slowly walked down the ramp before sliding into the ring and looking across at Booker who was standing in the opposite corner. The referee kept both men separate before calling for the bell.

    World Tag Team Championship

    Booker T :champion: vs. Batista

    Batista moved over to lock up with Booker who ducked the arms and turned around behind Batista. Batista then turned around to see Booker standing there just looking at him. Batista went for a second lock up and the same thing happened again! This time Batista had a clothesline attempt ducked and Booker hit him with some punches before whipping him off the ropes and hitting a spinning elbow to his face. Batista immediately got back up and was whipped off the ropes again; he ducked the second spinning elbow and nailed a massive clothesline on Booker as he came back across the ring again. Batista hooked the leg, 1…2…Booker kicked out.

    Batista pulled up his opponent and got kicked in the stomach, Booker attempted a second kick only to have his foot grabbed and held by Batista. Before Booker could kick Batista he pulled him in and nailed a bear hug into a powerslam! Batista made another cover! 1…2…Kick out again. Batista looked at the referee before pulling Booker up and whipping him off the ropes, he nailed the sidewalk slam on the World Tag Team Champion as he came back across the ring and made a third cover which also got a two.

    Batista got back to his feet and signalled that it was time for the Demon Bomb! Booker slowly got back to his feet and stumbled into a kick from Batista, he was pulled up ready for the powerbomb only to rake Batista in the eyes and get dropped back down onto his feet. Booker fought back with a few punches before whipping Batista off the ropes and hitting the monster with a spinning heel kick! Both men were down on the mat after that move. Booker dragged himself across to Batista and dropped his left arm over his opponent, 1…2…Kick out!

    Booker pulled himself up in the corner and waited for Batista to get to his feet. The referee was attending to Batista who seemed to be hurt…then from behind Booker was nailed with a steel chair! It was Ric Flair! Booker stumbled forwards and Batista got back up. Booker fell into his grip and the monster lifted him up and planted a massive Demon Bomb! Batista hooked the leg! 1…2…3! Flair jumped up on the outside as Batista had his arm raised in the ring. The referee then was passed the World Tag Team Title and he gave it to Batista, who held it up and celebrated in the ring.

    Winner: Batista – New World Tag Team Champion

    Jim Ross: At the moment King Batista is a World Tag Team Champion alongside Rob Van Dam. And of course Flair had to help Batista win the gold.

    Jerry “the King” Lawler: If I was Flair I would have done the same thing, the idea of the Tag Team Titles is to have a partner JR!

    Jim Ross: The idea of this match though was to see if these men could do it on their own and Evolution have ruined it.

    Jindrak and Cade’s Challenge

    Backstage Terri was standing alongside the tag team of Mark Jindrak and Garrison Cade.

    Terri: Mark Jindrak, Garrison Cade…

    Mark Jindrak: Terri you don’t even have to say our names. People already know who we are, everyone around the globe knows of the tag team; Mark Jindrak and Garrison Cade.

    Garrison Cade: But despite this Terri we have been ignored time and time again as a serious tag team here on RAW. Bischoff ignored our capabilities and now Regal is doing the same. But this time we have both had enough of being left behind while teams like Evolution worm their way into getting tag title shots.

    Mark Jindrak: Because of this we are sending out a warning to RAW GM William Regal. You see everyone knows after tonight that he has a problem with people defying his authority…Because of this we will proceed to do just that until we are finally given the championship shot we both deserve.

    Garrison Cade: The ball is in your court Regal, you give us what you want and we won’t have to resort to constantly defying your precious authority. We expect to be hearing from you later…and you had better make the right decision!

    Cade shoved the microphone back towards Terri before both men took one last look at the camera and walked off.

    Jerry “the King” Lawler: I guess they want their title shot JR!

    Jim Ross: Right there folks are two very angry young men. I wonder what our GM William Regal will do about that situation.

    The Superheroes music started to play around the Sharktank back out at ringside and Hurricane led out the duo of Captain Cappotelli and Rosey down to the ring. All three men climbed different turnbuckles in the ring and made their superhero poses before Hurricane and Cappotelli left Rosey in the ring. Theodore Long led out his monster Mark Henry as their music started to play, Long kept pointing at Henry and mouthing “the man” to the crowd and the camera before he slid into the ring and stared across at Rosey.

    Mark Henry vs. Rosey

    Henry nailed a cheap punch from behind Rosey to start the match and followed that by whipping the superhero across the ring into the opposite corner. Henry ran in for a clothesline and had it ducked, Rosey then turned around and elbowed Henry in the face. He followed that by climbing up in front of Henry and nailing the ten top rope punches, Henry after the last punch shoved Rosey down onto the mat and stumbled around out of the corner. After regaining his composure Henry dropped an elbow onto Rosey and hooked the leg, 1…2…Kick out.

    Rosey was pulled up by Henry and he was whipped accidentally into the referee! He fell to the mat as Rosey planted Henry with a DDT. Rosey stood back up and saw the referee was down, then from behind a man slid into the ring and ran through Rosey with a massive clothesline! Hurricane and Cappotelli climbed onto the apron and were both knocked off by the man, it was Rodney Mack! Long clapped on the outside as Rosey was pulled up and taken down with a massive clothesline off the ropes! Henry rolled over and hooked the leg as Mack got the referee back up! 1…2…3. Mack’s return to RAW had resulted in Henry defeating the superhero Rosey!

    Long climbed into the ring and celebrated the victory with his three men as Rosey was helped to the outside by his superhero partners. Mack hugged Henry as Long continued to point at the two men.

    Winner: Mark Henry

    Jerry “the King” Lawler: Ingenious! That was ingenious JR! Theodore Long, he brought back Rodney Mack and made an impact.

    Jim Ross: It was cheap King, a cheap win by Mark Henry with help from Rodney Mack.

    -: Commercial Break :-

    Booker T meets Rob Van Dam

    Rob Van Dam was sitting down on a bench backstage with his World Tag Team Title lying across his legs. Booker T walked in and RVD stood up, the belt dropped to the floor.

    Booker T: You really should look after that belt you know Rob.

    Rob Van Dam: Hey Book, I’ve been thinking…I’ve decided to forfeit the match and hand over my half of the tag team titles to Ric Flair…

    Booker T: No way! You can’t give in to them. I may have lost my gold but there’s no way you are. We are going to make Evolution go through hell…they stole my tag team title. And I am making sure that they don’t steal yours as well.

    Rob Van Dam: Book man, I don’t want to be a tag team champion with Batista! Hey I’m Rob…Van…Dam and I don’t want to be anything to do with Evolution.

    Booker T:………

    Rob Van Dam: Anyways what can we do? When it comes down to it Evolution has in total four guys in the building tonight against us two!

    Booker T: Its ok Rob, I’ve got us some backup. See you out at the ring.

    Booker turned and walked away from RVD who looked confused.

    Rob Van Dam: Backup?

    Jerry “the King” Lawler: You hear that JR, they’ve got backup!

    Jim Ross: They are going to need some hell of a backup if they are going to have to go against Evolution, that’s for sure.

    The countdown came up on the video screen as the crowd erupted into cheers. Fireworks exploded as Chris Jericho stood on the stage with his arms extended out to the side of him. Jericho spun around and looked around the crowd before walking down the ramp and sliding into the ring. He removed his hockey shirt and threw it to the outside of the ring before leaning back in the corner and waiting for his opponent.

    Matt Hardy’s introduction came in as the sound of typing was heard around the arena, when this faded out his music started and the Matt Facts came up on the screen: “Matt is better than Shawn Michaels” and “Matt is better than Chris Jericho”. Hardy himself walked down the ramp pointing at Jericho who was standing in the middle of the ring now. The Mattitude leader walked up the ring steps and climbed into the ring before climbing up the turnbuckle and raising the V1 sign.

    World Intercontinental Championship – No 1 Contenders Match

    Chris Jericho vs. Matt Hardy Version 1.0

    Hardy moved over towards Jericho and slapped him immediately right across the face. Jericho took a step back and held his face before running at Hardy and nailing a massive spear! Hardy rolled out of the ring and held his back while Jericho followed him to the outside and threw him into the ring steps spine-first! Hardy stumbled around before getting rolled back into the ring by Y2J. Jericho hooked the leg and made an early cover, 1…2…Hardy kicked out. Y2J pulled up Hardy and whipped him across the ring before nailing a high elbow to the face of his opponent, Hardy fell down to the mat again and Jericho made the second cover, 1…2…Kick out.

    The second time Hardy was pulled up he rolled up Y2J for a quick two count and then nailed a dropkick to the face of his opponent as he stood up. Jericho fell back onto the mat and Hardy dropped a standing leg drop. He followed this up with a ground-based headlock which Jericho quickly fought out of. Y2J ran off the ropes and nailed a flying forearm into the face of Hardy before grabbing his legs and flipping him over into the walls of Jericho!

    Hardy struggled to pull himself across to the ropes but eventually made it as he just looked ready to tap out. Jericho insisted to the referee that he tapped out and this allowed Hardy to roll him up from behind. 1…2…Kick out. The two men exchanged some punches again before Jericho was thrown into the corner, Hardy ran in with a clothesline before pushing the stunned Jericho up onto the top turnbuckle (with his back facing the ring). Hardy climbed up alongside Jericho and scored a neckbreaker off the top rope!

    Both men were down on the mat not moving after that move. The referee reached the nine count before Hardy managed to reach over and lay his arm over Jericho. 1…2…Kick out! Hardy sat up and put his head in his hands before falling back onto the mat. He quickly got back to his feet again and grabbed Jericho by the head…then HBK’s music hit! Hardy let go of Jericho and looked over to the titantron where Shawn Michaels himself walked out onto the stage. He stood there as Jericho came up from behind Hardy and rolled him up! 1…2…Hardy kicked out, but Jericho quickly locked in the walls of Jericho! HBK was on the outside of the ring now just looking in at Hardy as he struggled to get to the ropes…Michaels offered his hand to Hardy who looked at it and went to grab it. HBK pulled his hand away and smiled as Hardy struggled around again…He tapped! Jericho had won the match!

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    Jericho dropped Hardy’s legs and had his arm raised in the ring, he then climbed the turnbuckles to celebrate as HBK backed up the ramp looking at Hardy lying in the ring.

    Jim Ross: Well Chris Jericho is the number one contender for the World Intercontinental Championship King! He will be facing Randy Orton in the near future.

    Jerry “the King” Lawler: I still don’t understand why Shawn didn’t help Matt! It wasn’t very nice of him to pretend JR.

    Jim Ross: I get the feeling this thing between Shawn Michaels and Matt Hardy is only just beginning…

    -: Commercial Break :-

    As RAW returned from the break Evolution’s music hit around the arena and Ric Flair walked out onto the stage. He looked around at the crowd before doing a little strut and walking down the ramp; Flair walked up the ring steps and climbed into the ring before removing his bright orange and gold robe. At this point Rob Van Dam’s music started up and the fireworks exploded above the RAW titantron. RVD walked out onto the stage and was followed out by Booker T…Flair started to argue with the referee while pointing at Booker T as his opponent walked down the ramp and slid into the ring. With RVD in the ring the referee dismissed Flair’s comments and called for the bell.

    World Tag Team Championship

    Rob Van Dam :champion: vs. Ric Flair

    Flair continued to argue with the referee until he turned around into a right hand from RVD. Flair was punched again and again by RVD until he was backed up against the corner. Flair raked him in the eyes to stop the assault and shoved his knee up into the chest of his opponent; Van Dam hit the mat after the knee and crawled across the ring while Flair mouthed “stay out of my way” to Booker. Flair turned his attention back to Van Dam and slapped him right across the chest! Flair followed this up by whipping RVD across the ring into the opposite corner; he ran in with the clothesline and scored a couple more slaps before running off the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. He was about to nail RVD with another clothesline but he sidestepped it and threw Flair over the top rope to the outside!

    Booker T stood back from Flair as RVD slid outside with a baseball slide. The referee started the ring-out count as Flair was thrown into the barricade by Van Dam; RVD then rolled him back into the ring and hooked the leg. 1…2…Kick out. At this point Batista with his new World Tag Team belt made his way down the ramp and made his presence known on the outside of the ring. Flair countered a whip off the ropes and threw RVD into the corner; Van Dam kicked Flair down onto the mat and signalled it was time for the Frog Splash. As he was climbing up the turnbuckle Batista grabbed his leg and pulled him down onto the apron! The referee saw this and ordered Batista to the back! Meanwhile Booker T slid into the ring and planted Flair with a Book End! This got Batista into the ring and the two men nailed each other with right and left hands.

    Van Dam climbed back up the turnbuckle and came off the top with the 5 Star Frog Splash! He made the cover on Flair! But the referee was distracted by Batista and Booker T brawling all over the ring. Batista got knocked over the top rope to the outside by Booker who quickly followed him up the ramp towards the backstage area. Meanwhile in the ring RVD hooked the leg again when the referee turned around! 1…2…Shoulder up! Flair just managed to kick out! Van Dam could not believe it! Flair elbowed him in the face and rolled out of the ring, he grabbed a steel chair! The referee went over to the ropes and was distracted by Flair trying to get into the ring.

    Meanwhile Randy Orton ran down from the back and slid into the ring! He nailed the RKO on RVD! Flair dropped the chair and slid into the ring as Orton hid around the ring steps. Flair covered! 1…2…3. The referee called for the bell and awarded the other half of the World Tag Team Championship to Flair!

    Winner: Ric Flair – New World Tag Team Champion

    Jim Ross: I can’t believe this King, Orton is supposed to be in hospital recovering from Foley’s self defence attack last week! He is one son of a…

    Jerry “the King” Lawler: Calm down JR, just calm down. It’s a good thing that Orton is better again; it was a nasty attack by Foley.

    Rock N’ Sock Confront Orton

    Orton and Flair celebrated in the ring while RVD made his way to the back. After climbing all four turnbuckles Flair and Orton decided to head to the back, they both were climbing through the ropes when the sound of cars crashing was heard and Mick Foley walked out onto the stage! He pointed at Orton who was petrified! Then from behind the Rock slid into the ring and nailed the Rock Bottom on Flair! Orton was stuck between the People’s Champion and Mick Foley – who was walking down the ramp. Rock grabbed a microphone.

    The Rock: Randy Orton, I can see you are scared right now Randy Orton. But the Rock is going to keep this brief, ok?

    Orton nodded and turned his attention back on Foley who was standing on the outside of the ring with a stare that went straight through the Intercontinental Champion.

    The Rock: The Rock and Mick Foley are not here tonight to give you the ass kicking of a lifetime! Oh no! You see we have other agendas, you see the Rock has a different agenda. What you did last week was disgusting and made the Rock want to puke the peoples puke all over this ring! But you see Mick Foley is not after revenge tonight Randy Orton, Foley and the Rock want to make you think about your Judgment Day…

    Foley slid into the ring at this point and held his arms up in the air, Orton was about to strike when he pulled back and turned around to look at Rock again.

    The Rock: Randy Orton you have got a choice right now, either you accept a challenge to face Mick Foley next week for the last time…or we both squash you like the little piece of crap that you are! What is it to be Randy Orton?

    Rock pulled the microphone down from his mouth and turned it around so the handle was facing Orton, the “legend killer” took the microphone after some thought.

    Randy Orton: Ok, ok we’ve got a deal. I’ll face Mick Foley next week.

    The Rock: (grabs the microphone) that’s good Randy Orton, so it’s going to be next week live on RAW! Randy Orton against Mick Foley with No Holds Barred!

    Orton’s eyes lit up and he started mouthing “no!” until he turned around into a Double Arm DDT from Foley! Rock looked down at Orton who was out cold…

    The Rock: No Holds Barred…If you smell…what the Rock…and Mick Foley…are cookin’…

    Rock’s music started up again and he dropped the microphone onto the mat. Foley and Rock then both headed to the back.

    Jim Ross: There we go King, Randy Orton against Mick Foley next week with No Holds Barred!

    Jerry “the King” Lawler: The Rock said it is going to be Orton’s Judgment Day! If Randy Orton had some sense he wouldn’t turn up next week because that Mick Foley is deranged!

    Jim Ross: I don’t think he is King…

    Triple H Interview

    Triple H was standing by with Terri backstage who was ready to do an interview.

    Terri: Triple H, last week Christian got your match against Chris Benoit thrown out…and now he has got a title shot next week! How do you feel about that?

    Triple H: I feel fine about that Terri. Christian is not going to beat Benoit next week, he is not in the same league as Benoit and once that he is out of the picture…I will be brought to the front again as the number one contender.

    Terri: What is your plan for tonight’s match?

    Triple H: My plan? To show Christian what happens when you go against the game. To make him realise that it wasn’t worth ruining my plans to get himself a title shot. I am going to beat him because I am the game…and I am that damm good.

    Triple H walked away from Terri as RAW went to another break.

    -: Commercial Break :-

    On returning from the break Christian’s music hit around the arena and the man who would face Benoit in a week’s time walked out onto the stage. He pointed to both sides of the arena with a smile on his face before walking down the ramp and sliding into the ring. He climbed up the turnbuckles and pointed around at his “peeps” again before jumping down into the middle of the ring. His music stopped and Triple H’s cut in. The game walked out onto the stage and poured water down his hair before taking a sip and spitting the water in front of him. HHH then walked forward and down the ramp to the outside of the ring, he pulled himself up onto the apron and took another sip of water before chucking the bottle into the crowd. He spat some more water up above him before raising his arms and allowing the water to fall down on him; HHH then turned around and looked towards Christian before climbing into the ring.

    Triple H vs. Christian

    The two men looked at each other from the opposite sides of the ring before Christian offered his hand to Triple H; Christian wanted to make friends with Hunter! HHH faked a shake and nailed Christian with some right hands! Christian ducked a right hand eventually but turned around into a knee buster from HHH! He fell over the top rope to the outside of the ring! Christian banged his fists on the apron and took some time out as HHH on the inside of the ring dared him to get back into the ring. After a wait Christian slid back in and was stomped down on by Triple H, he got back to his feet and planted a DDT on HHH before making a cover, 1…2…Kick out.

    Christian got back up and pulled HHH back onto his feet as well. He whipped him off the ropes and smashed an elbow into the face of the ex-World Heavyweight Champion. HHH stumbled backwards and Christian took the chance to nail a scoop slam and make another cover, 1…2…Kick out. Christian got up at the same time as HHH this time and Hunter scored with some punches and kicks to his opponent. Triple H whipped Christian off the ropes and kicked him in the gut as he came back across the ring…Pedigree! He nailed the pedigree! Then from behind HHH was nailed with a steel chair! It was Mark Jindrak! Garrison Cade pulled up Christian and nailed him with a superkick before the referee threw the match out.

    No Contest

    Regal’s Rules…

    William Regal walked out onto the stage without any music as Cade and Jindrak celebrated in the ring over Christian and HHH’s bodies.

    William Regal: You two little toe rags will not push me around! I am the RAW GM and because of your actions you are both suspended until further notice! NOW GET OUT OF MY RING!

    Cade and Jindrak refused to get out of the ring and both were mouthing stuff towards Regal. Meanwhile Triple H got up from behind them and nailed the Pedigree on Cade! Jindrak started punching Triple H and got given a Pedigree of his own!

    William Regal: Thanks Hunter, now anyways I was thinking in the back and I have decided that next week in the World Heavyweight Championship match we will have a special guest referee! The referee will be YOU! Triple H you will referee the Benoit/Christian match and I trust you will do a good job.

    Jim Ross: William Regal has made Triple H the referee for the World Title match next week!

    Jerry “the King” Lawler: But what will he do? He hates both Benoit and Christian!

    Jim Ross: We have got one hell of a show next week! Good night everyone!

    Triple H taunted on the turnbuckles in the ring as RAW went off the air.

    Segment Ratings

    Segment 1: Overall Rating: 75%

    Segment 2: Overall Rating: 74% - Crowd Reaction: 73% - Match Quality: 75% - **1/4

    Segment 3: Overall Rating: 57%

    Segment 4: Overall Rating: 67% - Crowd Reaction: 64% - Match Quality: 71% - *1/2

    Segment 5: Overall Rating: 76%

    Segment 6: Overall Rating: 89% - Crowd Reaction: 85% - Match Quality: 93% - ****

    Segment 7: Overall Rating: 77% - Crowd Reaction: 81% - Match Quality: 70% - *3/4

    Segment 8: Overall Rating: 84%

    Segment 9: Overall Rating: 84%

    Segment 10: Overall Rating: 73% - Crowd Reaction: 64% - Match Quality: 82% - **1/2

    Segment 11: Overall Rating: 74%

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Rating: 5.27

    Attendance: 9,047

    Ticket Sales: $361,880

    So I've changed the format a little bit and tried to split the matches up a lot more, anyone have any feedback on content or presentation or anything? Cheers, Castro

  8. They are going to kick someone out who hasn't done much so far like Dan and of course this will be Kitten's fault thus creating a lot of trouble inside the house. It is a way to make everyone blame Kitten for what she has done and create more ratings while eliminating someone who is boring and not doing anything.

  9. I'm guessing your a Leicester fan, and so I have to ask...How did Leicester kick start his career?  He was playing in the Premiership for Man City and Arsenal before he went to Leicester, wasn't he?

    He was in the reserves at Man City and was a striker known for being good on the ball but being crap at finishing. We signed him, gave him some first team football and turned him into the top goalscorer into Division 1 as well as allowing him to show his true potential. Its gutting how despite us giving his career a jump start that he would go off to another club but I can see his point of view now. If we hadn't picked him out of Man City's reserves the chances are he would either still be there or somewhere like Division 2.

  10. Saturday 8th May

    The Return Of The Countdown Show

    WWE today made a surprising press release when it was revealed that the classic Countdown Show before old Federation PPV's will be making a return in two weeks at Judgment Day.

    This return is said to take up a half an hour slot rather than the normal hour slot that Heat takes up and will feature a live match and exclusive interviews.

    Meanwhile WWE Heat will return to being a RAW-only program and will be filmed a week earlier on RAW or joint brand PPV events and be aired at the normal time on a Sunday.

    The host will remain the same for RAW and Smackdown brand events and at this point there are no names being linked with the role.

  11. Top rate TNA here, didn't catch this diary the first time around but in my view it is the best TNA diary ever done on any of the EWR boards. The BG James segments always make me laugh and I am really enjoying Gacy's character. Keep up this standard and everyones a winner. Cheers.

  12. Yeah I've had a play around but it looked too complicated for me, I am sure a Premiership game could be put together as long as times were agreed with everyone. I call first dibs on Leicester (like anyone else wants them...)

  13. Another bigger event:

    SiLENCE 2004

    Saturday 14th, Sunday 15th August

    Castle Donington

    Saturday Lineup

    Main Stage

    KORN - 8:00pm to 10:00pm

    Featuring: Blind, Thoughtless & Make Me Bad

    SLIPKNOT - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

    Featuring: Duality, Vermilion & The Nameless

    SYSTEM OF A DOWN - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

    Featuring: Sugar, Toxicity & Aerials

    STATIC X - 2:00pm to 4:00pm

    Featuing: Get to the Gone, The Only & Otsego Undead

    Second Stage

    IN FLAMES - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

    Featuring: The Quiet Place

    DEFTONES - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

    Featuring: Hexagram

    SEVENDUST - 11:00am to 12:00pm

    Featuring: Denial

    BREED 77 - 10:00am to 11:00am

    Featuring: Individuo

    Scuzz/Kerrang Stage

    KILLSWITCH ENGAGE - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

    Featuring: Fixation on the Darkness

    STOOPI - 11:00am to 12:00pm

    Featuring: Six Minutes

    AMERICAN HEAD CHARGE - 10:00am to 11:00am

    Featuring: Just So You Know

    Sunday Lineup

    Main Stage

    METALLICA - 8:00pm to 10:00pm

    Featuring: Nothing Else Matters, One & Enter Sandman

    ILL NINO - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

    Featuring: How Can I Live, Unreal & Two (Vaya Con Dios)

    SOULFLY - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

    Featuring: Jumpdafuckup, Seek N' Strike & Prophecy

    STONESOUR - 2:00pm to 4:00pm

    Featuring: Get Inside, Orchids & Monolith

    Second Stage

    TYPE O NEGATIVE - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

    Featuring: I Don't Wanna Be Me

    SOIL - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

    Featuring: Redefine

    SALIVA - 11:00am to 12:00pm

    Featuring: Doperide

    POD - 10:00am to 11:00am

    Featuring: I and Identify

    Scuzz/Kerrang Stage

    CHIMAIRA - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

    Featuring: Power Trip

    MUSHROOMHEAD - 11:00am to 12:00pm

    Featuring: Solitaire Unravelling

    DROWNING POOL - 10:00am to 11:00am

    Featuring: Tear Away

  14. Well seeing as I am in the mood for music festivals at the moment I thought wouldn't it be fun if I wrote up my own event (yes I am bored). So I thought I would post it here and allow everyone else to put up their own shows.

    Calling Out 2004

    Sat 17th & Sun 18th July - Castle Donington

    Saturday Acts

    Main Stage:


    Ill Nino


    Stage 2:

    Breed 77


    Drowning Pool

    Sunday Acts

    Main Stage:



    Static X

    Stage 2:




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