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Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

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Posts posted by Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

  1. I was really impressed with this as I went in thinking it was going to be a watchable movie but nothing great, but boy was I wrong...

    It was a great movie... Funny as hell and with some big hits... I mean great movie...

  2. If I remember correctly wasn't the only fact that Qui-Gon not on it because he was rash and would speak his mind. While I think the Episode III Obi was more quiet and sat in the back and observed and only spoke when needed to or anakin.

  3. Hulk wound up making a good amount of money worldwide, and was critically adored, but yes, commercially it did not do what was expected, it got TERRIBLE word of mouth reviews, and after a near 90 Million dolllar opening weekend, the second week it dropped OVER 50%, which is simply horrible for any movie, but especially a big summer blockbuster thing.

    And yes, the decision to play the trailer with Star Wars was smart, but even the company releasing the film showed little faith in the movie, bumping the release date back a week to get away from War Of The Worlds.  The original release date for FF: July 4th, 2005.

    It makes UNDER 35 million opening week, that is my prediction.


  4. Yeah, I was skeptical about Jessica Alba because of the nationality she is.

    My reason for being skeptical more has to do with the fact that I'm not particularly big on her acting and it's a bit like "look at this hot chick! Cheesecake yay!" as opposed to someone who particularly fits Sue's character.

  5. I don't see why everyone's ripping on the dialogue, outside of a few poorly written lines, it was fine.  It's the same thing people did to Clones, bashing it for one really stupid line, which while it was corny, was exactly some lame ass shit some lovestruck teenage boy who writes poetry would say to some chick.

  6. ohh right right...

    Well I thought the show was great, except for one area, what happen with the Summer/Seth/Zack thing? So is summer Seth's now? What happen with Zack and the meeting? So is Lucas making it a film?

  7. I said this is not necessarily the last of the "Star Wars" movies. Although Lucas has absolutely said he is finished with the series, it is inconceivable to me that 20th Century-Fox will willingly abandon the franchise, especially as Lucas has hinted that parts VII, VIII and IX exist at least in his mind. There will be enormous pressure for them to be made, if not by him, then by his deputies.

    According to Roger Ebert, he says that it is within possiblilty of Episodes VII, VIII, IX.

    But with that said, George Lucas has said he is absolutely finished with making these movies.

    So the question is, would you want to see a continuation of this series if George Lucas isn't involved?

  8. I think he plays the weird parts great. By what I mean weird parts, I mean that parts that are out in left field and you watch it and think, what a weird character.

    Some Examples would be Edwards Scissorhands, Pirates of the Carabien, and Willy Wonka(Even though it aint out yet.)

    He might not be as good as everyone thinks but just sticks in our mind because the characters he plays stick into our mind.

  9. I haven't seen a topic for it yet where we can talk about the hype then the actual movie when it comes out. Since it comes out tomorrow I figured we can start...

    I am excited for this movie. Just got my tickets tonight for midnight release. So might post my thought on the movie tomorrow. So what are your thoughts?

  10. Well what if they did a playoff game or something like that for the tourny. Like have however many teams want to sign up sign up then have them play eachother. Give each team a pre tournament ranking and have and play based on those rankings

    like for example if 40 teams sign up have the 40 teams play eachother giving a grand total of 20 teams left. Then have the bottom 8 play eachother to see who remains. And all that jazz

  11. I watched the last episode, but that is the first one I have seen in like forever.

    I use to watch it all the time but they switch times and I couldn't keep up with it and now I am lost.

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