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Posts posted by Szumi

  1. If the Raiders don't draft Michael Crabtree here, Al Davis is officially the most senile man in the history of the mankind... if that hasn't already been proven.

    ....Are you kidding me? Really?

  2. This was just atrocious for me to watch. My God, how in the fucking hell can you get up 2-0, need to score just one more, and then play as fucking shitty as Liverpool did tonight?

    They play great when their down 2 or 3 goals, but fuck, when it comes time to actually man up and play their best football, their fucking pitiful.

    Chelsea's attacking unit have played well today, but they never would've had the momentum needed to create those last 3 goals if Reina hadn't had that own goal (don't care if Drogba gets credit for the goal, to me, own goal).

  3. Figure I'll bump this up, but it has been rumored/reported that Weezer will be touring with Blink on their reunion tour.

    Figured that was worth a post to get everyone talking again.

  4. Liverpool totally deserved the victory today though. They were dominant, played solid football, but just couldn't get it into the net. Fulham was resilient as can be, and you have to feel for them for losing out on the point, but 'Pool deserved this one today.

    However, I'm just stoked West Ham somehow won today. If they can find a way to keep this 7th place spot, I will potentially fall over and die. Yeah, they only played Sunderland, but did it without Cole, Parker, Behrami, and Collison. Junior freaking Stanlisas was a goal scorer for pete's sake today.... I think that says enough about the injury misfortunes for us :P

  5. So about last night...

    Wow, was last night's episode ever fucking good! It was nice to see Rebel be identified, and Micah is a smart, logical choice. However, no way in hell is he doing this solo. Nathan is without a doubt in on it, as hinted in his conversations with Tracy. HRG and Angela may also be in on it.

    The progressment of Danko and what all he's doing was absolutely great; loved seeing what he was doing to all the super's. The way they brought Hiro's power back, and at a limited ability, wasn't poorly done, and it was nice to see Janice Parkman back.

    The scene where Tracy froze the place was awesome to see, although you kind of wished it would've taken someone important out (if she is dead, that is. The wink to the camera could very well imply she's going to be coming back).

    Oh, and the Matt/Daphne stuff was really, really well done. I figured Matt was in her head in Paris, but not that they were still back at hospital, and she was dead. Their segment was done so well, and was legitimately sad.

    Overall, agreed with the sub-title they used for the ads: classic

  6. I'm not from England, so I don't have to deal with a lot of football fans in person. I just have it on here and another forum, and everytime I see Man U lose, I love it. People talk about how much they hate Liverpool fans, but from regards to internet forums that I've been to, Man U fans tend to be bigger cunts than Liverpool fans or anyone else. However, that's far worse at Wrestling Forum than here. This is more laid back and less cuntish, tbh.

    But still, seeing Man U get raped by Fulham is utterly amazing.

  7. I love Stewart when he's facing a serious debate and showing his actual knowledge and research on the topic. That was so great to watch; he just owned Cramer left and right, repeatedly. Cramer came off looking like an ignorant, arrogant fool; a hypocrite and a liar.

    Fucking excellent.

  8. The RB is more of a concern to me than any other spot right now. Westbrook is versatile, but he's too injury prone and not powerful to run in between the tackles. I am hoping and praying they take Beanie Wells with their first pick, and then try and add depth to the offensive line. The depth is starting to get thing at tackles by losing Thomas and Runyan; Andrews is a great replacement, but the depth sucks. Winston Justice? Anyone remember that "great" performance he had two years a go against NY?

  9. Yeah, I've discovered that they haven't finished downloading. However, they won't download at all now. I have no idea why; I just finished playing a game of FIFA online, so my connection works... it's just not downloading.

  10. I have downloaded Dammit, El Scorcho, and Polly, and none of these songs appear with all the other songs to play. What the shit? I've d/led Buddy Holly and Monkey wrench, and they work fine. Those 3 however, despite charging me 2 bucks and appearing in the music store as saying purchased, don't appear at all. What the fuck?

  11. Braylon Edwards is a better reciever than Berrian? Did you watch Braylon this year? I like the guy, but he's so fucking inconsistent it's unreal. You made the case that Berrian drops too many balls, but his amount of drops can't even compare to Edwards' drops. Poor example there. However, for the record, I agree with you that Berrian isn't as good as he's being hyped to be here. He's a deep threat reciever, but his route running is nothing to be applauded, and his hands aren't the best, as said.

    No matter who Fitzy's quarterback is, he's going to make plays. It's what he does. If Warners goes, all Leinart has to do is put the ball near Fitzgerald, and he'll somehow make the catch.

    Kurt Warner should not be the Cards' #1 priority this off season. It's Anquan Boldin. They need to work out a contract with him, or trade him. Part of me wants to see him get the contract and stay, just to watch defenses try and stop him and Fitzy, but the majority wants him to be traded... to the Eagles.

  12. Beckham Wants To Stay at AC Milan

    I think we all knew this was coming, and I know I hold no grudgs against Beckham for wanting to leave. He wants once last chance at glory, both on the club level and international. He cannot get that in the MLS, especially playing for the Galaxy (Then again, he plays for England so what real international success can he get with them? :P).

    He helped increase the popularity of the league, and merchandise & ticket sales, which is all he ever was going to do. As a player, Beckham isn't even close to being the most talented player in the league. He did what he could to help the league, and hopefully the MLS can continue to build itself up, both in the eyes of the international world, but in America as well.

    As for the upcoming season, I'm not sure who I want to go with as a favorite. I struggle to see the Crew winning the Title again; just can't see Columbus starting a dynasty. With the rest of the East, all the teams are on the decline, it seems. New England's core unit is getting older, New York is inconsistent, and DC United has no defense or chemistry to match their offense. Kansas City and Toronto I see ending up at the bottom, although I would like to see Toronto get into the playoffs, especially with how loyal and intense their fans are. If Brian McBride stays healthy in England and plays well with Blanco on his return, I see some great things for Chicago.

    In the West, again, tough to call. Houston's also on the decline, Chivas isn't the same withou Guzan in goal, and Real, despite finishing 2nd in the West last semester, just doesn't seem to be a contender.

    Meh, we'll see how it goes :P

  13. While I think Pittsburgh still would have definitely won the game, not reviewing that incomplete pass - because it was an incomplete pass, not a fumble - taints this entire game for me. I had zero interest coming into this game - I'm a Philly fan; I thus hate Pittsburgh - but it was an excellent football game, especially that 4th quarter. However, to not review a questionable call at the end of the fucking Super Bowl, on a one possession game, is ludicrous. I cannot fathom the logic of how you don't review that call.

    Completely tainted.

  14. Yeah, fuck West Ham if they sell Cole. He's not a great striker, but he's the best we have left now. Ashton's as injury prone as they come, so whenever he actually comes back, he'll be hurt within 5 games. Di Michele can't stay on his feet long enough to create and scoring opportunities, Sears is too small and inexperienced, and Tristan, heh, waste of money.

    Cole can't finish, but he is improving at creating opprotunities quite a bit. You sell your only fit striker who can actually create chances to score, then I want to know, how do you score the rest of the season? Very few set pieces, which, West Ham isn't that great at converting from.

  15. Fucking awful. McNabb chokes the entire drive, and when he finally makes a good throw on 4th down, pass interference and another drop by Curtis.

    Regardless of the fact that Curtis got knocked by Hood, that pass should have been caught.

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