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Posts posted by D-Extreme

  1. I will take a short break from writing this diary. RAW is being hard for me to write right now and next week I have ....EXAMS!!!

    So I'll get to this diary as soon as I can. By that time I hope my RAW will be done then.

  2. RAW IS WAR was an ok show.

    As I expected E&C did interfere in the match of the Dudz and the Hardyz. That was a bit bad for me but the promo made up for it big time.

    The Rock, Paper, Scisors segment was hillarious since it shows Jericho making a fool out of Chyna. I am going to enjoy how you make this Co-Intercontinental thing out in your diary.

    Big Show gone? Hmm...I just hope it will mean he will return sooner than later unlike what actually happened(returns at Rumble 2001)

  3. Nice to hear that...yes ;)

    But hey dont worry, I was just a bit nitpicky about the commentary since I marked out for those days when Kelly was still in the helm and getting his ass owned by The Rock during backstage interviews. Now, well...Coach got that one, and turned heel. I am still waiting for him to do a 'nailz' rendition some day soon though.

    RAW IS WAR looks a fine program. I cant wait to see the tag match, cause if its those guys, I'm sure a certain E and a C are nearby.

  4. Good start dude. I must say this diary has a potential to be a good one, ok maybe, IF you stick to it and stuff(which I know you can).

    The rosters are good since they are the actual ones from the year 2000. My gripes are:

    AJ Styles hehehe...wow I saw THAT ONE coming anyways but still atleast you didnt give him a push this early.

    Coach Let me tell you one thing. From January-October of 2000, the HEAT announce team was Kevin Kelly and Michael Cole. But I dunno maybe Coach was with the WWF during 2000 or was it 2001?

    but stll....HEAT was good stuff man. The year 2000, boy I will NEVER forget that year of the WWF.

    The year where you see the late Crash Holly beat up Low Ki in two different occassions in Metal. The year where the Radicalz entered the WWF. It was also the year where, uhm.....the Lex Express had a makeover.

    As I said, nice start dude. But please assure me, you WILL NOT push your friends into this storyline right? I mean I wont see some unkown person suddenly pushed into the WWF air waves. You know, the typical things I see in your former board and all.

  5. Nitro was an awesome show man. I like the way you gave Sunny her debut in WCW as a Manager of Rick to convince Scott to reunite the Steiner Brothers.

    Aw, poor Marty, he is getting his ass kicked a lot. Its like his whole singles tenure in the WWF all over again.

    Ric Flair as the new member of Team WCW, I saw that coming but it was a good way to make it into a segment nonetheless.

    The Bret- Goldberg altercation was also a bit entertaining. It was nice to see Bret screw Goldberg out of that match. But he payed the price soon enough as he got beaten up by Goldberg.

  6. WHAT?! Why did you spoil my secret plan?! Just kidding. Yeah Test has what it takes to get a push at this point of my diary. So yes, I shall keep your feedback in mind if I have something in store for Test somewhere between post-Rumble and Pre-WM19 period.

  7. January 12, 2003 Sunday

    user posted image

    January 12, 2003 Heat Results

    Reported by D-Extreme

    A big idiot since 1988

    (Commentators: Jonathan Coachman and Lita)

    Chris Nowinski vs Spike Dudley

    Nowinski starts things off as he delivers a face rake to little Spike, and then he takes the little Dudley down with a leg trip. Nowinski is now keeping Spike grounded as he applies a ground headlock, but after a minute Spike slowly gets up and drives his elbow to the gut of Nowinski for him to let go. Spike is now ON FIYAH and starts hitting some punches on Nowinski before sending him into the corner. And at the corner, Spike does his usual..SPIKE STOMP DOWN!!! I so mark for that move, who would have thought a little man stomping you on your chest while at the corner would be such a great move? Spike is now on the offensive as he takes Nownski down with a dropkick. At one point of the match Nowinski avoids a splash from the top rope by Spike. Nowinski sends Spike to the ropes and catches him with a not so impressive powerslam pin. Spike kicks out at 2 and both men get up and goes for sequence #12827 which is Hiptoss, hiptoss, block, Spike kicks Nownski on the mid-section and bounces off the ropes for a clothesline which Chris Harvard ducks, and finally Nowinski takes Spike down to the mat with a hard backdrop the ONLY move I believe he ever did well in this match so far. Spike is down while Nowinski is taunting at the crowd, he turns around to pick up Spike and whips him to the ropes. Spike bounces off the ropes and stops before he gets back body drop by Nowinski and kicks Chris N on the face before grabbing him and knocks Nowinski out with the DUDLEY DAWG! Spike pins Nowinski 1,2,3!

    Spike Dudley defeated Chris Nowinski at 4:38 when Spike pinned Nowinski with the Dudley Dog

    Rating: 5/10 it was a very bland opener in my opinion. I mean almost ALL of Nowinski's moves looked HORRIBLE! Well the only thing I like about him was he delivered a nice backdrop. The Dudley Dog was a good finish off to the match as well

    Footage from RAW

    The highlight from Raw shows the confrontation of HBK and Y2J at the office of Morley. Yep it was a good recap of what happened down there. I cannot wait to see this 4-way match on RAW this coming Sunday. Obviously it seems like Y2J will win it, but, I dunno yet. We will have to see it tomorrow night

    Molly Holly vs Ivory

    Well it's the usual women match up yet again. Molly Holly starts things off as he kicks Ivory to the mid-section and takes her down with a snapmare. Molly Holly is now delivering some punishment on the GLOW alumnus Ivory. Molly whips Ivory to the ropes and goes for a hiptoss but Ivory blocks it and delivers a hiptoss on Miss Molly instead. Ivory mounts on top of Molly and she is slamming Molly's head to the mat repeatedly before picking her up for a sloppy looking bodyslam. Ivory is taking Molly to school as she delivers a textbook backbreaker on Molly and pins her only to get a 2 count. Molly goes for a kick but Ivory blocks it, only to get a enziguri from Molly. Molly is now in control through out this match. Ivory ducks a clothesline and delivers a backdrop on Molly. Ivory sends Molly to the corner and goes for a superplex but Molly shoves Ivory down. Molly on the top rope and she flies down and connects with the MOLLY GO ROUND! She pins Ivory 1,2,3!

    Molly Holly defeated Ivory at 5:26 when Molly pinned Ivory with the Molly-go-round.

    Rating 4/10 It was a sub-par effort from both women. I know I HATE women matches but hey I seen better women wrestling than this. Most of the time in the match, the two women delivered some moves badly, save some of the parts I wrote down in the review. I hope we get better women's wrestling next week, although I fear I might be saying that in vain.

    Stevie and Raven join forces for old times sakes?

    We see Raven at the backstage area sitting on top of a crate while taping his fists. He notices Steven Richards and Victoria heading his way. Steven smiles at Raven and tells Raven congratulations in getting a Rumble spot and hopes he wins the Rumble as well. Victoria also congratulates Raven but mentions something about sausages being used as weapons for Raven to win the Rumble match. Steven says a bunch of stuff about their up coming tag match against Hardy and Hurricane, while he was..it seems like Raven was just looking at the 2 confused. After Steven stopped speaking, Raven just got up and shook his head as he left the area. It seems like the match is up next!

    Hurricane and Jeff Hardy vs Raven and Richards(w/Victoria)

    Victoria is here!!! Well, at the announce position with Lita and Coach actually. Hurricane and Stevie start things off. Hurricane delivers his flying clothesline to take down Steven. Steven Richards delivers some punches to Hurricane and backs him into his corner. Raven gets tagged in while Steven chokes Hurricane for a while in the corner before Raven breaks it with a kick to the gut of WWE's resident superhero. Raven delivers the clothesline bulldog combination while Hurricane was in the corner. He pins Hurricane but its only a 2 count.  Hurricane fights back as he blocks a punch by Raven and delivers a couple of his own. He whips Raven to the ropes and delivers a nice dropkick to the face of Raven. Man it is SO disturbing to hear Victoria commentating at the announce table with Coach and Lita...and I thought Lita was bad on the announce table..and SHE IS. Victoria is just saying those weird things since that is her gimmik and I find it funny and SEXY! Back to the match and lookie, Hurricane delivers a nice flying crossbody from the top rope but Raven gets his shoulder up before the 3 count was made. Hurricane slides behind Raven and tags out to Jeff. Jeff Hardy charges at Raven and takes him down with a front dropkick to the face. Jeff Hardy now opens Raven's legs so he can legdrop Raven below the belt! OUCHIES! Jeff Hardy backs Raven to the corner and charges at him, Raven gets out of the way but Jeff goes up to the top rope and hits Raven with the WHISPER IN THE WIND! Jeff slowly makes his way to Raven and pins him. Alas Raven kicks out at 2. Raven counters a armwrench and takes Jeff down from behind with a hard back elbow the back of Jeff's head. Raven tags out to Steven. Steven grabs Jeff and Raven gets ready to deliver a clothesline but Raven hits Steven instead as Jeff ducks down. Hurricane gets in the ring and takes Raven down with a Shinning Wizard Kick. Jeff Hardy picks Steven up and delivers the reverse twist of fate. Victoria heads down the ring to interfere but Hurricane grabs here and sends her back to the outside. Jeff is sitting on the top rope as Hurricane goes to the top rope as well and jumps above Jeff Hardy to deliver a splash on Steven Richards. Hurricane rolls out of the way as Jeff lands a Swanton Bomb on Steven Richards. Jeff pins Richards 1,2,3!

    Jeff Hardy and The Hurricane defeated Steven Richards and Raven at 10:35 when Jeff Hardy pinned Steven with the Swanton Bomb

    Rating: 8/10 solid tag team match at Heat. Plus 1 point since Victoria was there. Hell I liked the finish Hurricane jumping behind Jeff to do a splash on Richards then Jeff following it up with the Swanton..now that was one hell of a finish!

    Highlights From Raw

    We get a highlight from Raw yet again. This time it's the confrontation of Steiner and Triple H. Do we REALLY need to see that?! I guess we do..dang.

    Test (w/Stacy Keibler) vs D'Lo Brown

    WOW STACY LOOKS HOT! D'lo and Test start off by exchanging some punches. Test kicks D'Lo to the gut and takes him down with a mean looking clothesline. D’Lo gets whipped into the ropes by Test and Test catches him with a spinebuster slam and pins D'lo only for a 2 count. D'lo Brown is at the corner and Test charges at him but D'Lo greets him by sticking his boot up and it hits Test. D'lo Brown delivers some chops to Test and backs him into the corner. D'Lo goes on top of Test and delivers 10 punches to the face. D'Lo delivers his trademark legdrop on Test and pins him, but Test kicks out at 2. D'Lo Brown picks up Test and goes for a suplex but Test blocks it and back body drops D'Lo. At this point Test dominates D'Lo Brown and takes him down atleast a dozen of times within a minute..WOW why did Test not pin him during those times?! The moron! Test delivers a hard powerslam on D'Lo Brown and goes for a pin, D'Lo gets his shoulder up before the 3 count could be made. Test pounds away on D'Lo at a corner and goes for a superplex but D'Lo punches him and shoves him down to the mat. D'Lo is on the top rope and is going for the Lo Down but Test rolls out of the way and D'Lo hits canvas baby! HAHA!  D'Lo Brown gets up as Test is waiting for him at a corner. D'Lo turns around and Test meets him with the BIG BOOT! Test pins D'Lo 1,2,3! THE TESTICLES ARE HAPPY NOW! CAUSE TEST JUST WON! OH YEAH!

    Test defeated D'Lo Brown at 6:18 when Test pinned D'Lo Brown with the Big Boot

    Rating 7/10 it was a very good bout. The ending was good, very good. Who would have thought D'Lo would miss his frog splash raise your hand..oh nobody did eh?! FOR SHAME!

    Scott Steiner vs William Regal (w/Lance Storm)

    The Un-Americans are in the ring for a pre-match promo. But it was cut short as Scott Steiner enters the stage and makes his way to the ring. The match starts and both men lock up on each other, not until Scott Steiner shoves Regal down the mat and poses for the crowd. Regal doesn't  take this lightly and charges at Steiner, only to get taken down by a short-arm clothesline. This point we are followed by some uninspired beat down from Scott Steiner as he delivers some sloppy punches to Regal and sends Regal backing into a corner. Steiner delivers a well executed T-Bone suplex on Regal and goes for a pin. Regal puts his boot on the ropes to break the pin. Steiner picks Regal up and whips him to the ropes and goes for a short-arm clothesline yet again but Regal ducks this one and rakes the face of Steiner before delivering a hard European Uppercut that sends Steiner staggering backwards to the ropes. Right now Regal charges at Steiner, only to be sent flying by Steiner to the outside. Storm helps Regal get back in the ring by the count of 6. Steiner greets Regal with clubs to the back. Steiner delivers a military press on Regal and delivers his patented elbow drop. He pins Regal only to get a 2 count. Regal is whipped into the corner and Steiner charges at him but EATS BOOT..HAHA! Regal takes Steiner down with a double axehandle from the top rope. Regal locks on an leg-scissors armbar on Steiner to keep him grounded for a minute. Regal is now in control of this match as he delivers a few more European Uppercuts and a few submission holds aimed at one of Steiner's arms. Steiner retaliates at one point as he takes Regal down with a hard clothesline. He hoists Regal onto one of his shoulders before taking him to the mat with a vicious powerslam. Steiner stalks Regal to get up, Regal goes up and Steiner grabs him to deliver another well executed T-Bone Suplex. Regal is lying flat on his stomach and Steiner ends the match with the Steiner Recliner. Regal taps out within seconds and Steiner wins

    After the match Lance Storm attacks Steiner from behind. Steiner fights back with some punches and kicks Lance to the gut hard. He grabs Lance Storm and sends him flying to the outside. Regal gets up and gets tossed out by Steiner as well. Heat ends with Steiner on the top rope and poses for the crowd.

    Scott Steiner defeated William Regal at 12:47 when he made Regal submit to the Steiner Recliner

    Rating 8/10 it was a bit bland at the beginning I can tell you that. But things went all out terrific after that first T-Bon suplex from Steiner. The ending was good as well. I guess my old respect I have with Scott Steiner in his Steiner Brother days have resurfaced a bit. It might surface back completely...IF he can do a frankensteiner yet again.


    TV Rating: 2.87

  8. JC not staying as a Knick? I doubt it, cause in my view, what Isiah wants...he gets. Unless the person signs back to his team being he is a restricted free agent and tells Isiah 'up yours' and decline a trade. I think Thomas will make him something in the likes that he did to Artest when he was a coach in Indiana(or was he no longer the coach of the pacers when Artest entered?) I dunno....but I will see this season if he stays as a Knick or gets traded or something.

    Payton to Boston? Well...that was sure like a SWERVE to me. Didnt I hear he wanted to stay with the Lakers? Now they treat him like crap and trade him anyway? But hey whatever. Fox is back in Boston and he can do wonders now, there aint no Radja in Boston anymore..but so what? They got pierce, now they have Fox again. I think its gonna solidify Boston a bit and fill the void that Walker left. But will we see a renewed Laker-Celtics rivalry? That would be nice. :)

  9. That RAW was very solid man! The opening segment and the follow up main event was a good way to build up the Unforgiven PPV match between HHH/Jericho/Benoit.

    The Hardy/Edge vs Flair and Orton feud is shaping up as well. For a while there I thought you gave Edge a heel turn and then...SWERVE!....you should have gotten this up before the nominations man...I could have nominated that segment. Oh well awards are just awards anyways. I cant wait to see Unforgiven, or maybe next RAW to see what develops in that build up for the Triple Threat matchup.

  10. Gah sorry for the delay. The crap will continue!!! *evil laughter*


    Heat Preview

    Sunday Night Heat kicks off tonight with Harvard Graduate Chris Nowinski as he takes on Spike Dudley. The little and scrappier pup of the dudley litter is ready to go against the odds tonight. But will Nowinski somehow outsmart this pound 4 pound superstar?

    In other action, Raven and Steven Richards will be teaming up against Hurricane and Jeff Hardy. Which off these two odd-couple tag teams be the victor of this match up?

    Heat will also show some highlights from Monday Night RAW

    Also, William Regal of the Un Americans will go toe to toe with the no. 1 contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Title, SCOTT STEINER in the Heat Main Event.

    It all happens here on SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT. 10/9 CT.....only on TNN!!!

  11. I dont know if I shoul be pissed or glad to see J-Crawford gone in Chicago. This BETTER be not another scenario where in a traded Bull goes to the next season and becomes an all-star(Brad Miller) after two seasons, he becomes the defensive player of the year(Artest) and he still might be in a losing team, but still is doing wonders(Brand)

    If Chicago will get a good boost with Gordon and Deng and some added help from the 4 people who got traded in chicago. If Pipen plays healthy and opts not to retire yet, if Curry can FINALLY do some hard defense on the boards and if Chandler will stop doing sick bumps like he is HBK in the hardcourt and not risk injuring himself again, and if they actually make it to the playoffs...then its a good trade

    If Crawford becomes a key player in New York and the Bulls will still be in the lower area of the standings....then....DAMN YOU PAXSON!!! 18 million cant help you now. Unless theres a swreve somewhere.

  12. Well THANKGOD you made the summary. Man I got a bit dazed when I read the whole thing on the otehr board. I like the way you gave the backstories of what happened to the diary during its start to current day. Now I cant wait to see how Test had a feud with a returning legend, which will be in your next set of updates right?

  13. hahahah! Oh man now that was mean! You stole someone's identity. You do know someday he might come back and uhm..ya know. Anyways, RAW seems to be interesting. Eugene vs Batista sounds nice.

    Though if your idea had a hoss jobbing, I dont think Vince is gonna say "EXCELLENT" at all. But hey, thats Vince, he loves his hosses.

  14. Interesting story. So its the usual "I became a booker of this fed" diary but hey atleast this thing has something I like. And its the "screw someone out of something". That whole interaction with your character and that job applicant was funny. Well since I never got to see your previous work, uhm....I'll be readin I guess. (WWE diary mark, your in luck :D )

  15. Chapter Five: The Austin Agenda

    Date: January 11, 2003

    Time: 8 PM

    Venue: The World At Time Square

    The scene opens on a table where 2 body guards are standing infront of. Vince McMahon is the man sitting on the table while drinking a glass of wine. The orders are yet to arrive and he looks at the other side of the table to see an empty seat. He looks at the side where the mirror is located. He sees a view of the New York streets as he takes another sip of the wine. He looks behind him to see someone.

    Vince: Go ahead and sit down. I have been waiting for a while you know? What? No its alright, dinners on me.

    The man sits down on the chair that was once empty. He calls for the waiter to give him his order. The waiter leaves as the man looks back at Vince. Both Vince and the man shake each others hand.

    Man: So why do you want me to be here Vince?

    Vince: I was hoping you would know why I called you here.

    The waiter returns with a bottle of beer and hands it to the man. He drinks on the beer as Vince continues.

    Vince: Eric, do not be alarmed when I tell you that somebody from your past is going to be here soon enough.

    Eric: If your doing a 'this is your life show' here for me Vince, Its not a good time. I appreciate it but...

    Vince: No Bischoff that's not it. This man is somebody we know and he is somebody who recently left our company.

    Eric: Its Waltman is it? What, your telling me he is going to cooperate with me? Hell the day you said you hired me he left in a heartbeat man. What’s the proposition for him this time? He gets to kick my ass in public, Vince?

    Vince: Damn it Eric it’s not X-Pac! OK! Let me finish first before you react.

    Eric: Sorry Mr. Mcmahon, ok then who is it?

    Vince: Austin. Steve Austin.

    Eric: Oh…Steve eh?

    Vince: Now I know that he still might have some bad blood on you. But please Eric, we have been trying to contact him since New Years Day for his return to the company.

    Eric: Don't worry I think he is over that firing he got on WCW. Besides that was what, 9 years ago? Hey it’s ok...with me. So where is Steve? Are we going to meet him tonight?

    Vince: Yes we are but this is Steve were talking about. And I am not so sure if he would actually come here like Shane told me this Monday.

    Eric: Speaking of the devil Vince, look whose coming here.

    Vince turns to see a man in shirt and jeans stand in front of the 2 bodyguards. The 2 agree to step out of the way and the man sits down to the chair that was remaining. Vince smiles and greets the man.

    Vince: Took you long enough. I thought your not gonna show up actually.

    Man: You did huh Vince? What made you think of that? The walk out I did last summer? Is that it?

    Vince: Bingo. Steve I got to tell you, the WWE needs you back. Its 2003, it is a New Year and new things arrive like this. So yes I am asking you to return to the WWE right here right now.

    Austin: Your seriously asking me to come back Vince? I am not sure that's the egomaniacal Vince McMahon that I worked for in the past 7 years in my WWE tenure talking right now. Well didn't you say it yourself Vince? Didn’t you say that you CLOSED the door on me?

    Vince: Yes but it's a new year..and we can all forge..

    Austin: NO its not that easy to forget Vince! Cause you damn well know that my contract is still with you and you can still control it with an iron fist. The only thing I can do is sit out of it until it expires on March of 2004! Hell I can wait a year and 2 months for what the hell kind of propaganda you put up and say that I was a man who dropped the ball?! I cannot forget that Vince, you think I am gonna go soft and forgive you for doing that? Talking those damn **** about me while I was on court for my divorce and to get out of the charges my ex wife put me? I am still not over it Vince.

    Vince: Well if you want to, we can publish your side of the story. Will that be good enough?

    Austin: Well then, that is a good start. But that is not enough Vince, that is not enough.

    Eric: Not enough?! What are you now some self...

    Vince: Eric, no, it is alright. We need him back, and will do ANYTHING just to get Austin back. So Steve...go on, I'm listening.

    The scene fades as both men talk. Before the scene goes off we hear Vince exclaiming 'Wh-WHAT?!'

  16. <center>user posted image</center>

    January 11, 2003 Velocity Results

    Reported by D-Extreme

    Getting his ass handed to him 3 times a week

    (commentators: Josh Matthews and The Cat)

    Team Angle vs Funaki and Tajiri.

    Well it is one of THOSE matches yet again ladies and gents. A new tag team facing 2 cruiserweights with the same nationality. And if you ask me if this is going to be a solid opener, well let us find out now! Funaki and Shelton Benjamin start things out as both men lock up and Shelton quickly applies a front face lock and Funaki backs Shelton on a corner to let go, and it works! Funaki goes to the top and delivers 10 punches to the head of Shelton Benjamin. Funaki whips Shelton to the ropes and goes for a hiptoss but Shelton blocks it and kicks Funaki to the gut and takes SmacDown!s no.1 announcer down with a snap suplex. Shelton tags in Charlie Haas and they deliver a double dropkick on Funaki. Charlie Haas dominates Funaki from here on. Haas misses a clothesline as Funaki ducks it and Funaki takes Charlie Haas down with a hurracanrana. Tag to Tajiri and Tajiri takes down a charing Shelton Benjamin out with a spinkick to the face! Charlie Haas gets up only to receive a barrage of punches and kicks from Tajiri!!! TAJIRI PAAAAWWWWWAAA!!!!! Tajiri whips Haas to the corner but is reversed. Charlie Haas follows Tajiri over the corner but then Tajiri locks on the TARANTULA on Haas! HAHAHAH FOOLISH CHARLIE!!! Tajiri lets go and keeps Charlie Grounded with some headlocks. He tags out to Funaki. Tajiri and Funaki whips Haas to the ropes and Tajiri hits a hard spin kick to the gut of Haas and Funaki takes Haas down with a bulldog facecrusher. Funaki goes for a pin but Shelton gets in and breaks up the pin. Tajiri gets in and goes to help Funaki but is stopped by the ref. While the dumbass ref back is turned Shelton and Charlie are beating up Funaki. Charlie Haas holds Funaki as Benjamin hits Funaki with his Superkick. Haas pins Funaki as the ref turns his attention back to the match. Tajiri goes to break the pin but Shelton delivers a superkick to him as well. 1,2,3! Team Angle wins!

    Team Angle defeated Tajiri and Funaki at 6:00 when Charlie Haas pinned Funaki.

    Rating 8/10 for the second week straight, the Velocity opener kicked ass! No blown spot whatsoever in the match and that is a good thing! It would have gotten 9 or 10 but then again the crowd was not into it as I was and why did Team Angle forget to do that leapfrog attack?

    Footage from SmackDown

    The video plays the footage from last SmackDown! where Stephanie McMahon announced that Big Show and Brock will be facing at the next PPV, Royal Rumble. The catch was, if one of them win, they will get a spot at the Rumble. I think that is a good way to end this feud and it looks like the winner of this match will have a BIG chance of winning the Rumble as well. My bet is on Brock winning this match AND the Rumble!

    Chris Kanyon vs The Diamondback

    Now I know what you are thinking, WHO is this Diamondback person wearing that black mask on with a diamon drawing on the forehead of the mask. Sources tell me he is either a new cruiserweight to enter the SmackDown! ranks OR he might be The Jet who competed last week here. Now do NOT get me wrong on this, BUT aside from the differences of the mask, The Jet AND the Diamondback got the same size and height..concidence..I AM NOT COUNTING ON IT! Things start off with Kanyon delivering some hard chops to Diamondback and backs him into the corner. Once there Kanyon goes to the second rope and sends Diamondback to the mat with a bulldog. Kanyon goes for an early pin, and to his amazement, DIAMONDBACK KICKS OUT! BAH GAWD!!! Kanyon goes ballistic and delivers some punches to the poor masked man before whipping him to the ropes. Kanyon goes for a back body drop but Diamondback lands behind him and goes for a schoolboy pin. Kanyon kicks out at 2 and both men get back up. Exchange of punches until Kanyon rakes the face of Diamondback for the advantage and Kanyon delivers a high angle backdrop on The Diamondback! Kanyon goes to the top rope and delivers an elbowdrop and pins him. Diamondback kicks out YET AGAIN!!! Kanyon grows pissed off and decides to take care of this once and for all as he goes for the Flatliner but the Diamondback hits an elbow to the head of Kanyon and grabs him like he was going to do a stunner on Kanyon. But instead he delivers a Dudley Dog type of move and pins Kanyon 1,2,3.

    The Diamondback defeated Kanyon at 3:51 when The Diamondback pinned Kanyon with a Dudley Dog Type of maneuver.

    Rating 5/10 it was a mediocre fight with a surprising ending. But I do NOT approve of this. I mean how come Kanyon gets beaten by a jobber?! Kanyon IS an established wrestler here on the WWE,  I mean he was the INVASION MVP! Yet he lost to a jobber? Oh well that is the WWE for ya. But then again the Diamondback DOES look like The Jet from last week. I wonder if the WWE are going to debut a new wrestler here in SmackDown in the form of this guy. Kinda makes you think huh?

    Chavo Guerrero vs Shannon Moore

    Uncle Eddie or Master Matthew aint here to see their boys slug it out so let us just get this over with! Chavo whips Shannon Moore to the ropes but Shannon Moore delivers a flying headscisors takedown on Chavo. Chavo gets back up to charge at Shannon but the MF'er takes Chavito down with a drop toe hold. Shannon locks a chinlock on Chavo but Chavo grabs on to the ropes to break the stinkin submission move! Chavo ducks a spinning heel kick from Shannon and pokes Shannon right in the eye before taking Shannon down with a dropkick. Chavo on the top rope delivers a flying crossbody on Shannon for the pin. Shannon gets out of the pin at the count of 2. Both men exchange punches from this point and Shannon blocks a punch and whips Chavo to the corner. Shannon goes for a superplex but Chavo punches him in the gut. Chavo delivers a rolling powerbomb from the corner and we can hear those 'holy SH*T' chants. The Reason you ask? I DUNNO! Both men are down for the count on the mat baby! Chavo is the first to get up and then Shannon. Chavo and Shannon at this point do some chain wrestling..CRUISERWEIGHT STYLE! Chavo grabs Shannon and nails him with the BRAINBUSTA! 1,2,3 and the little latino wins yo!

    Chavo Guerrero defeated Shannon Moore at 4:20 when Chavo pinned Shannon with the Brainbuster.

    Rating 6/10 Pretty good cruiserweight match as always. It was just a drag that Eddie Guerrero or Matt Hardy was not there to support either of the two.  Yeah it was supposed to be 5 but seeing that rolling powerbomb move by Chavo on the corner, now that is something you can only see on TNA. Good call from the official to allow them to do that on a B Show on the WWE.

    A-Train is a MONSTER!

    We see Billy Gunn walking towards the locker room area. He was wearing street clothes since he might be back but he is not yet cleared to wrestle. Infact sources tell me that he will play a temporary manager role to his partner Chuck. All of a sudden, is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO! IT’S A-TRAIN RUNNING TOWARDS HIM AND SHOVING BILLY INTO A PILE OF BOXES!!! HAHAHAH!!! A-Train picks up Gunn and starts to knee him to the gut before delivering a hard baldo bomb on the concrete floor! The carnage is over as A-Train tells Gunn that he will do the same to Chuck later on. All I can say is, GO A-TRAIN!!! BEAT THE CRAP OUTTA GAY PALUMBO!

    A-Train vs Chuck Palumbo

    A-Train starts off delivering some hard blows to Chucky. GO TRAIN! A-Train whips him to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but the lucky chuck ducked and goes behind A-Train and delivers a backdrop. NO! Chuck backs A-Train to the corner and delivers some shoulder charges on A-Train. He charges at A-Train but Chuck eats BOOT! Haha! A-Train rallies back with some hard clubs to the back of Palumbo. A-Train whips him to the ropes and takes him down with a shoulder charge.  A-Train now beating the hell outta Chuck while he is down, lefts and rights a pourin on the face of the former faggot that we know! A-Train goes for a suplex but Chuck blocks it and delivers a suplex of his own. Chuck delivers a legdrop on A-Train and pins Train. A-Train gets a shoulder up on 2! GO TRAIN!!! CHO CHO!! A-Train gets smacked on the face with a painful looking left hook by Palumbo. A-Train rallies back though with punches of his own and backs up as he takes Chuck down with the BICYCLE KICK! A-Train picks Chuck up and whips him to the ropes but Chuck takes him down with the clothesline. Chuck waits for Train to get up and goes for a Jungle Kick..NO A-Train blocks the move and kicks him to the gut. A-Train hoisting him up and deliver the DERAILER!!! 1,2,3! A-TRAIN WINS YO!!!!

    A-Train defeated Chuck Palumbo at 6:48 when he pinned Chuck Palumbo with the Derailer

    Rating 8/10 well what did you think?! A-TRAIN WAS IN IT SO OF COURES IT IS DAMN HIGH BOY! A-Train just showing us why he OWNZ the damn Velocity ring baby! That was one stiff punch by Palumbo though. In my opinion, Palumbo should have been a boxer than a wrestler. What you guys say this match is too highly rated? DAMN RIGHT IT IS!

    Highlights From SmackDown!

    They show the highlights of SmackDown! that shows Brock defeat A-Train. Damn you Brock! YOU SHALL PAY!!! NOBODY MESSES WITH THE TRAIN YO! Anyway it shows Brock delivering a very bad-ass F5, unfortunately A-Train was in the receiving end of it.

    Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty vs Noble and Nunzio

    Back dat ass up! And this is reason #8 why some WWE storylines are not properly started or ended. One week we see Scotty saving Rikishi from Train, the next, he aint fighting A-Train. Well scrap that and let us recap this match! Things start off with Noble and Scotty locking up. Noble gets the advantage with a slide to the back and he goes for a overhead belly to back suplex but Scotty lands behind Noble and Scotty 2 Hotty lands an elbow to the back of Noble's head. Scotty hits a very hard chop that ECHOES..through my TV monitor and it sends Jamie BOY Noble staggering to his corner to tag out to Nunzio. Nunzio runs towards Scotty and goes for a clothesline but Scotty ducks and goes for a savate kick which Nunzio blocks and spins Scotty around. Nunzio gives Scotty the hand to the chin slide gesture, kinda makes you think Nunzio is Michael Jackson in the smooth criminal music video. Nunzio then pokes the eye of Scotty befre delivering a couple of punches that sends Scotty reeling to a corner. Nunzio now goes to the top and delivers some punches to Scotty. At this point we see Nunzio applying the camel clutch on Scotty, it seems like Nunzio is working on Scotty's recently rehabbed spine. Jamie adds some more pain as he gets in the ring and delivers a basement dropkick right into the face of Scotty, hey! THEY JUST DID A KAI EN TAI MOVE!!! Nunzio tags in Noble anyways and they take Scotty down with a double suplex. Jamie further makes Scotty's back hurt with a rear chinlock applied. Jamie whips Scotty to the ropes but suddenly Scotty slides between Noble and gets the desperation tag to Rikishi. Rikishi gets in the ring and waits for Noble to look behind to see him and levels him with a savate kick! Nunzio gets in the ring and Rikishi takes him down with a powerslam. DA BIG KEESH grabs Noble and sends him to the corner, and he also sends Nunzio at the same corner. Rikishi charges there with his HUGE BUM BUM and both Nunzio and Noble are down at the corner..you know what comes next..DOUBLE STINKY FACE!!! Well after a few beat downs on Noble, he tags in Scotty and Rikishi takes down Noble with a samoan drop. Scotty finishes things off with the W-O-R-M! He pins Noble 1,2,3! Rikishi and Scotty win!

    Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi defeated Noble and Nunzio at 7:04 when Scotty pinned Noble with the WORM

    Rating: 7/10 it was a very decent tag match. I see a good chemistry with Nunzio and Noble, yet in Scotty or Rikishi's case, its only on the dancing part. The other thing that bothers me is where the heck is NIDIA?!


    TV Rating: 2.93

  17. WWE. com

    Velocity Preview

    Prepare for an action-packed night this coming Saturday as WWE Velocity comes revvin your way.

    We will see Chavo Guerrero take on Shannon Moore. Will Chavo win by cheating? Or will the Original MF'er make a truimph in this matchup?

    Plus we will see Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty team up. The reuniting duo shall be facing the redneck cousins of Noble and Nunzio in Velocity's main event.

    Velocity will also have footages from SmackDown!

    All these and more on WWE VELOCITY! Catch it on TNN this saturday night.

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