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Posts posted by HailtotheYo

  1. Oh yes, how impressive that ten point win over RICE <-- was. That bodes well for a team that still has to play Cal, UO, USC, ASU .....

    As for the call in the Aub/LSU game .... as quoted from ESPN.com

    Brock's tip shouldn't affect the pass interference call because video replay shows that Gilbert hit Doucet before Brock tipped it. That is pass interference. However, pass interference penalties are not reviewable. Video could be used to confirm that Brock tipped it. The tip rendered the pass interference call moot.

    of course, they still had opportunities to win the game, but didn't. so are you saying that they needed that call to win the game ? what exactly does that say ? Tell your quarterback to throw the ball into the endzone, not to the 4 ...

  2. I'm sure your take on Colorado is a good mixture of both. Losing to 1-AA .... BAD, however I still feel that while Baylor is playing EXTREMELY better football, they have a little ways to go to actually get out of the cellar.

    Having played college ball though, I can absolutely see how an upper tier 1-AA school can beat a 1-A school. I know the majority of you that read this are going to destroy that comment, but nonetheless .... it is very plausible and obviously very possible.

    As for Darby ... I dunno what the hell is going on. I loved watching him last year ...

  3. I agree with the SEC, but in the last 5 years, its a toss as too who is number 2 ..... big 10 - ACC both could be argued .....

    I'd have to judge a conference by its WORST team .... because I feel you're only as strong as the bottom ....

    ACC has Duke ... OUCH

    Big 12 - Baylor - yeah, no comment needed

    big East - take your pick

    Big 10 - Illinois,

    SEC - Miss St, Kentucky

    and so on

  4. And you're right, its more of comparing FSU to their own standards than anything else. But thats what happens when you build a reputation like that.

    Honestly I think that's their biggest problem .... trying to 'play up' to their past.

    The ACC has a hard time getting the rep in football because FSU dominated the conference from day 1 of entering it ..... everyone forgot that GaTech, Clemson, and UVA were GOOOOD at that time.

    As much as they've hurt it though, I feel that FSU has helped raise the level of the conference (see NCSTATE - CLEMSON for immediate reference). The additions of VaTech and UM are helping to dispell the 'basketball conference' stigmata.

    The ACC did though, have 8 of the twelve teams get to bowls, going 5-3

    I hate though trying to figure out which conference is the best because it is all relative and subjective. Hard to have a debate when the subject matter isn't uniform. So instead, I'd rather just try to show that the ACC is probably a better football conference than most would think.

  5. no comp ? hhmmmm ..... Clemson, Va Tech, Miami all ranked in the top 25, GaTech and BC in the top 30 .... last year the ACC had 5 teams in the top 25 BCS rankings, tied with the Big 10 for most ..... There is PLENTY of comp

    the only thing they aren't doing is playing up to THEIR standards ... the D is amazing on anyone's standards ..... the only reason that everyone is down on them is because only FSU fans still have the 'name recognition' that you're used too

  6. FSU done ? Please, EVERY YEAR they slop a win out at home (see UAB) ... And Biggz, please don't get me started on Jeff needing to be GONE as of 3-4 years ago. It's so painful. They've overcome despite him, and this year will be no different. Story of the game against Troy, was FOUR turnovers for the Noles. 7 of Troy's points came off of a 31 yard drive. That, and FSU played like shit against the pass.

    Texas will lose another, if not two more games.

  7. yeah so this is for movies, but screw that ..... a huge injustice was done to one of the most bad ass movie characters ever ...

    BOBA FETT ! He's a freakin bad ass and was only made more so by the releasing of the ACTUAL first three star wars movies ...

    How is he killed ?

    A half-blind, trying to make a funny part in the movie Haan Solo bumps his jetpack which sends him flying into the side of Jabba's party barge. From there he falls into the Bantha .........

    Absolute shit absolutely.

  8. Halloween Havoc is shaping up nicely ... and at least for me, should clear up some questions about how certain characters are going to move forward. I'd love to see Martel go over and get a decent mid-level push (tv title, run at US perhaps)

    As I've stated before, I LOVE AA/Vader .... but it seems to me, that they just aren't being pushed enough. 'High profile' (as I call them) losses or losing situations aren't good for main heels ... the last PPV, and now this last Nitro as Halloween Havoc nears ..... To me, it just seems as though it is some "opposite" booking in terms of face/heel .....

    All in all, I'm continuing to enjoy

  9. Although I've been silent, I HAVE been reading.

    The direction, I like. Your choices for pushes, and who's going over at this point .... minimal greivences.

    I simply love the fact that you are getting use out of guys while you still can (Janetty, Martel for example).

    War Games went over well, although I do feel that the heels should have taken the main event.

    Overall, good job, I'm still very interested. I REALLY love Johnny B at the moment. Great job with him.

  10. boobies

    that's how happy this repost/reduex makes me

    i've caught up and am as enthralled as I was the first time I read over all of this .... and am now quite intrigued as to where we go from here

    Lt Hvy's can so rule the day for wcw '91 and I know you know this, but would LOVE to see it happen

  11. Final Fall Brawl Card

    Faces of Fear vs. Stars & Stripes

    There needs to be a super heel squash on the card, and this is it.

    Diamond Dallas Page vs. Marty Jannetty

    Even though Jannetty just debuted, too much more can be done with a DDP win. This match doesn't have to be clean in it's ending, so it's pretty much just a prop.

    Handicap Match

    Meng/Kevin Sullivan vs. Ron Simmons

    I'm taking Simmons, but I wouldn't mind seeing a Sullivan/Meng win, especially if we see a surfacing of the old NWA Sullivan ... you know, the black faced freak.

    Rick Martel vs. Alex Wright

    Martel needs to be pushed, and used while he's still valuable. Former AWA champ, super over WWF heel ... he should get some love in WCW.

    Television Title Match

    Steve Austin vs. Johnny B. Badd

    Austin needs to be further up the card, and Badd can really help the younger talent get over. Winning the TV Title, just to drop it to advance, would be dumb for Austin here.

    Brian Pillman vs. Steven Regal

    This is a great way to give Pillman his 'edge' and to seal the fate of two future high carders (Austin/Pillman).

    War Games Match

    Nasty Boys/Dustin Rhodes/Sting vs. Pretty Wonderful/Arn Anderson/Vader

    The bad guys absolutely have to run roughshod over the good guys. Sting/Rhodes can be protected while letting the bad guys get extremely over.

  12. *ouch* Terry Funk getting jobbed out like that not even a year after being brought in to HEADLINE NWA against Flair ? Funk nearly took Flair out of wrestling a few months earlier and then this ? Makes zero sense. I see what you're trying to do with Mean Mark, but that was way too much. No way in hell that happens to Funk in the NWA in 1990.

    Aside from that, COTC was pretty good. Would've liked to have seen sid/sting get a clean (or at least decisive) finish. Overall not bad though.

  13. Still going good. I know I'll get a public flogging for saying this, but please keep Luger viable and believable. He could be used in a wide variety in this time frame.

    Also, not sure I agree with how you described the RW/Steiner match. The Warriors were always billed to look the upperhand even if they lost the match. They always looked strong. Just something I noticed.

    I like what's going on so far.

  14. I'd like to see you play a game with a bunch of Canadians then try to pick yourself up the ice. :shifty:

    Apparently that's not hard too do, see: Winter Olympics 2006

    hhmmm favorite ? not just one, but a few

    Bret Hull

    Claudio Lemuix

    Al Mcinnis





  15. I've gotta go with AD

    The biggest reason, is that his looks like an actual poster, not a gfx

    I'm with Dereck on the color thing with yours Cole. I too was just kinda turned away.

    Doc - I can see how you were trying to use the RVD cut to equal the action with the sledge over HHH's shoulder, but the rhyno cut smack in the middle of them took away from the 'main' portion of the poster. I was paying attention to rhyno's head rather than the two main eventers.

    jordan - I like the hhh cut, but it seems to 'clean' for this type of promo. the rvd cut seems funky. I do like the simplicity though.

    AD gets my vote

  16. Just throwing it out there, if ya'll don't want wrestling related, then by all means, tell me to f*** off :)

    Promotional Poster for the 1996 Bash at the Beach.

    Design the poster with the Main Event (Outsiders/??? vs Luger/Sting/Savage)

    The poster must include the names or visages of the five men KNOWN to be in the match. However, whether it be the color scheme, font, design, or whatever .... you must give a clue (clues) to whom the third outsider is.

    IT CANNOT be Hogan.

    Rest of card is optional, but date and location must also be included.

    ? maybe ? I just think it would be cool

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