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Everything posted by AHHiTsReCk

  1. I do not know why he would believe that I have a double account, I am not taking anyones side. I will say though that hardstlyez is wrong for what he has said to teddy which I believe is the stem of this whole situation. I think hardstylez should apologize to both maxxx and teddy and just end this already.
  2. I hope you are not reffering to me Ruki
  3. Ok I have been reading these posts and honestly EVERYONE is being rediculous, a simple way of ending this is to close or delete this topic and move on. Who cares whether hardstylez goes to raves and does drugs, and who cares about whether someone is gay or not. I do agree that this has gone off topic and I would like to say I HAVE seen the film, in fact it has won many awards, and I understand where hardstylez is coming from and why he loves raves. I myself am a raver but that is besides the point.
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