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Posts posted by kdcastles

  1. Lower The Rock's overness by 1 or 2? He definitely isn't 100 overness mainly because only kids watch it now.

    No, WWE is having trouble getting 3.0's for Raw, and Rock comes in for one show and they get a 3.1 or 3.2. He is the biggest name in wrestling, and one of the biggest names in Hollywood. People know this guy. Not just wrestling fans like us, but normal people. I work with a woman who has no idea who CM Punk is, but plans to marry The Rock and knows he's a wrestler. That's overness, he deserves over 100, but the game won't allow it.

    • Like 4
  2. Add The Boogeyman to WWE.

    Return to WWE (2012–present)

    On December 17, 2012, he returned to WWE on the annual Slammy Awards show, under his 'Boogeyman' gimmick, interrupting former rival Booker T, who was presenting an award. On Twitter, Wright has confirmed his return to WWE.[20] However, it is unknown when he will return, or if he is signed as a competitor.

    Marty Wright isn't exactly known as being an honest person.

    He lied about his age on the first Tough Enough. :lmao: What a loser.

    And even if he is telling the truth, the quote you pulled from wikipedia says it is unknown if his appearance was a one off thing or not. Don't add him to WWE.

  3. Raise Roman Reigns' brawl to 73, speed to 49, technical to 55, and charisma to 70.

    Raise Dean Ambrose's brawl to 83, speed to 53, technical to 73, and charisma to 92.

    Raise Seth Rollins' brawl to 75, speed to 90, technical to 82, and charisma to 78.

    As big a fan as I am of the guys in the Shield, almost all those stats seem inflated, except for Seth Rollins' charisma which should be a tad higher if anything and possibly his brawl. The rest all seem a little too high.

    Mancuerda is spot on.

  4. I'd raise Titus O'Neil's charisma at least to low 70's.

    I'd also lower Miz's and Orton's charisma. Miz's promos mostly consist of "really? really? really?" and "awesome" and Orton's quite dull on the mic. These are just my opinions tho.

    I agree with raising O'Neil's charisma, but it should be around 77 or 78.

    I disagree with lowering Miz and Orton's charisma. Both are very entertaining and engaging on the mic. When they talk, I listen, and that is true charisma. Leave both of them where they are.

    • Like 1
  5. This is an issue that's been around for ages and hasn't been changed.

    The unrealistic height of ratings! WWE get ratings of 2s and 3s for Raw, 1s and 2s for SmackDown, while TNA get 1s and 2s for Impact Wrestling.

    It's unrealistic that Raw and Impact get 6s on EWR, I suggest you lower the potential audience for the networks, as it's just taking the piss now.

    1, calm down, it's just a game. 2, if you would like to make suggestions for network ratings, please do so. However, everytime this comes up, we get the same answer: If we were to drop all the networks down, the ratings for some of the networks would be non-existent.

  6. went and saw NXT live last night so just a couple of suggestions, but I'm horrible when it comes to suggesting stats.

    Big E. Langston is beyond over with the crowd. By far the most cheered man of the night.

    Roman Reigns (Leakee) and CJ Parker also had the crowd going back and forth on who to cheer for so maybe a point or two for them as well.

    I would maybe suggest a charisma boost of a one or two of the Ascension...they just commanded your attention.

    For being new and not even in the tour book yet, Mercedes KV was getting nice pops for her part of the action as was Paige. I feel she is better then what her stats were already, so she generally should have a boost at least in technical, speed, and overness for sure.

    Whatever Sara Del Rey is doing (she was there) she needs to keep doing because Summer Rae held her own very very well. Her stats need a good little bump across the board. (and plays a bratty heel brilliantly.)

    (apologies for posting it in the October update not seeing November was already out!)

    Actual numbers would be great. Don't just say "so and so" needs a bump, actually put numbers.

  7. I noticed Mr. Perfect missing from WWF. I know he wasn't wrestling, but he was referee at King Of The Ring later that month, so I would add him as a non-wrestler.

    Edit: I just noticed the rosters are starting in August of 96, not June as I had thought. So I'm not sure if Hennig was still in WWF by then.

    I would say Perfect should be in WWE, as he was the ref for the WWF title match at KoR in July, then he was back to work as HHH's manager in October of 1996.

  8. What does she have that deserves SS Look? Being in decent shape isn't what defines SS Look, it is looking like a superstar. Sure, she is cute in a nerdy way and deserves Diva checked, but by no means does she deserve SS Look.

    I can't speak for others, but here's my reasoning...

    First, the definition of "Superstar Look"

    Superstar Look: If this is set to true, the worker has more of a chance of getting over, as they have the look of a superstar (such as The Rock or Chris Jericho).

    IMO, in AJ's case, the bolded is what earns her Superstar Look. I'd argue that AJ is currently the most popular diva on the Main Roster. Compared to the rest of the females on the main roster, 7 don't have Superstar Look: Aksana, Cameron Lynn, Linda McMahon, Natalya Neidhart, Stephanie McMahon, Tamina Snuka and Vickie Guerrero.

    That means divas like Alicia Fox, Kaitlyn, Naomi Night and Rosa Mendes do have Superstar Look checked. IMO, AJ deserves SS Look over these 4, as she's had a much bigger role than those four, possibly combined. IMO, if AJ doesn't have SS look checked, none of these four should, either. If you expand that further and look at some of the women not in WWE that have Superstar Look checked, AJ should certainly have it before some others that do.

    Long story short, based on who currently does and doesn't have Superstar Look, especially in WWE, I think AJ should have it.


    Everything you are arguing is for her overness, her card positioning, etc. It has nothing to do with how she actually looks, what SS Look is all about. Your same argument could be used for Mick Foley getting SS Look. She doesn't look like a superstar. Her look are very non-conventional as far as WWE Divas go.

    This, like most things in EWR, is subjective. I tend to look at SS Look and base it off how I feel when I see the worker on tv. With women, it is hard to decipher between good looking and superstar looking, but I feel that AJ has the look of a superstar on top of being the hottest diva in the WWE. Dat ass. Her unique-ness is her SS look. It sets her apart.

    • Like 1
  9. Raise Dusty Rhodes' wages to 70,000. Change his gimmick to Unique

    Don't have a problem with the wage change, but isn't he still the NXT GM? "Unique" would not allow him to be used as an authority.

    Why does Wade Barrett have shooting ability? Uncheck it.

    He's a former Bare Knuckle Boxer.

    As long as he is a non-wrestler, he should be able to be an authority figure. And any source on the fact that he was a Bare Knuckle Boxer? I'm 99% sure that is just a gimmick and not true.

    straight from Barrett's wiki page

    Before becoming a professional wrestler, Bennett was a bare-knuckle boxer while living in Liverpool.

    Kris, read both of these:



  10. I don't see that as a dislike. Ryback said what he has to say, and Goldberg doesn't seem really upset about the whole deal. If Goldberg was brought into the WWE for any reason, I don't believe that Ryback would have any complaints. In fact, I think you'd hear that the two would discuss what was actually said and laugh it off. Moreover, the WWE mag has been known to quote wrestlers without even talking to the wrestlers to further storylines, or give background on the wrestler. No dislike needed.

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