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Posts posted by nabeel

  1. ..oh my.

    Well, I was going to reply, but it probably would've contained equal to or less than the amount of words you said.

    That's shit, nabeel. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Blame Platini and the fucking ref.

    Seriously, that was not at all personal or aimed with derogatory purposes. My bad.

  2. So far, I've played only as Redditch (got them promoted to BSP and then relegated back to BSN) then left for Northwhich and got them promoted. Currently in 2011

    I was bored so I played as Arsenal for a couple of months then left the game incomplete.

    Started a new one with two leagues each from Italy, Spain and England. Randomised, and ended up at Napoli. Fired seven months into the job - effing confusing names.

    Suggest potential new leagues and a challenge. Quick.

  3. 1. Pick the winner: Rhyno v. Chris Jericho v. HHH

    2. Which man will not be involved in the decision? HHH

    3. Pick the winner: Molly Holly v. Christian

    4. Pick the winner: Randy Orton v. Sting

    5. Pick the winner: Shawn Michaels v. Kane

    6. Pick the winner: Mondo and Dreamer v. Jeter and Matthews

    7. Who will pin whom? Dreamer will piin Mathews

    8. Pick the winner: Hall and Booker v. Nowinski and Mack

    9. Who will pin whom? Booker pins Mack

    10. Pick the winner: Jazz v. Trish Stratus v. Tracy v. Lucille LaChienne

    11. Who will lose the match? Jazz

    12. Will any matches be added at the last minute to compensate for Benoit's injury? No

    13. Which match received the highest *overall* EWR rating? HHH vs. Y2J vs Rhyno

    14. Which match's result forced me to use Arsenic on a wrestler's morale? Molly Holly vs Christain

    15. Which match was so well-received that the match following it was a letdown? Randy Orton vs Sting

    Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio :3 Not into it really

    Chris Jericho: 9 great usage

    Christian :8 centre of a big storyline

    Cruiserweights : 4 Nah

    Dallas Page: 0 replace and hire someone HEEL

    Eddie Guerrero: 2 all the hype in BVS and now, slipping

    Eric Bischoff: 0 uncorrectly used

    Evolution (including Orton in-ring): 7 . Kick Batista out

    Jim Cornette : 3 Sucks

    Jim Ross: 2 getting predictable with words

    Rhyno: too soon to be champ

    Los Maximos: 0

    Matt Hardy: 6 feud with hurricane

    Molly Holly: 10 . Great involvment

    Sting 4 : nah~~

    Triple H: deserves a 0

    Undertaker and Torrie Wilson : 6 creepy

  4. Whole team grew up looking to? If you read one of the current interviews of the Pakistani's, MAJORITY have their favourites people like Imran Khan, Hanif Mohammed, Fazal Mahmood, Waqar Younis, Zaheer Abbas. Even Wasim Bari. When you come back then you'll know that there is this change. As for coaching, not everyone can do that. Zaheer Abbas is a great coach. Omar Kurieshi, commentator is a great one too. Miandad led Pakistan to defeat against Bangladesh ?!?

  5. About that innings of 280 not out and all the fuss about Imran's rivalry, that maybe true, I still think it was Miandad's luck. Hell, even Wasim Akram can make 257.

    About the average of 52.something, more than 14/15 players have achieved it. With majority of them doing it in the last 10 years. Don't live in the past, Ayaz

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