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Everything posted by conker8

  1. Agree here. - Can we raise Big Show's Charisma? He delivers some great promos for 15 years - I feel he is underrated currently. It could go to 88. (he is over than Rhodes, Ziggler and Orton in this area IMO)
  2. I couldn't agree more with this post, but it's gonna take a lot of work to fix. Like I do for my 1992 Scenario, I think we can make some "ladders" to see where are the flaws in comparisons. I think we should start with the Big 3 promotions : Brawl: Speed: Tech: Bold : Retired/Non-Wrestlers EDIT: Charisma:
  3. Why CM Punk's speed is at 66 ? I not disagreeing this but others wrestlers in WWE should have their speed decrease too. IMO CM Punk is better speed wise than Chris Jericho (69), Alberto Del Rio (71) and even Shawn Michaels (70) ...
  4. TNA Notes : - Make D'Angelo Dinero and Devon midcarders - lower their Overness to 70's - Raise Austin Aries Overness to 77-78 - Raise James Storm Overness to 82-83 and make him an Upper Midcarder - Raise Bobby Roode Overness to 84
  5. Thanks C-MIL !! DATA: http://www.mediafire...n11nq1n3o0lslit 637 wrestlers, 9 promotions, 278 staff members, 397 relationships and 116 tag teams EDIT : With this last update, you should have a nice experience of playing with WWF and WCW. I did a major boost to look like Bill1996's Stats... If there is any complain about a wrestler stats in both major companies, you can post here! Also, I still have a short knowledge about mexican wrestling in this period so any kind of help is good to me.
  6. Full Name: Brian Pillman Name: Pillman May, 35 Male, Lightweight B 68 S 31 T 73 Stiff 40 Sell 78 Over 80 Charisma 90 Att 78 Behav 62 Check High Spots, Fonz Factor, Superstar Look and Announcer Finisher: Air Pillman (TRS) x2 Heel, Crazy Dislike Sid Vicious Friendship with Barry Windham, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, Marlena/Terri Runnels Loyalty with Steve Austin
  7. Full Name: Manny Fernandez Name: Ragin' Bull July, 30 Male, Heavyweight B 76 S 21 T 63 Stiff 63 Sell 77 Over 76/78 Charisma 68 Att 86 Behav 82 Check Shooting Ability Finisher: Flying Burrito (impact) x2 Face, Bad Ass or No-Gimmick Needed Dislike Tully Blanchard IMO their best days were in mid-80's Full Name: Roadwarrior Hawk Name: Hawk September, 28-31 Male, Heavyweight B 80 S 25 T 26 Stiff 80 Sell 76 Over 88 Charisma 82 Att 74 Behav 50 Check High Spots, Superstar Look and Menacing Finisher: Hangman's Neckbreaker (impact) x2 Face, Bad Ass or Power and Paint Dislike with King Kong Bundy Friendship with Stan Hansen, Jake Roberts and Paul Ellering Hate with Buzz Sawyer Full Name: Roadwarrior Animal Name: Animal January, 25-28 Male, Heavyweight B 75 S 21 T 22 Stiff 80 Sell 70 Over 88 Charisma 74 >Att 74 Behav 70 Check Superstar Look and Menacing Finisher: Scoop Powerslam (impact) x2 Face, Bad Ass or Power and Paint Blood Relative with Johnny Ace Dislike with King Kong Bundy Friendship with Jake Roberts and Paul Ellering Hate with Buzz Sawyer Loyalty with Hawk
  8. I saw some of his matches in 1990 - he was really on top of the world. In 1991, he wrestles like 10 TV matches and NJPW made him jobbed in every match. He was still lokking good and even have some decent matches against really bad wrestlers. But like you can see on my Data, I have not yet watch mexican wrestling (as you can see in Speed Ladder, there is few wrestlers on top). I put Jushin Liger Tech stat to 89 and Ultimo Dragon at 90 in Speed. Also, just watch Bill1996 stats and I see Mason Ryan's brawl at 73... So I did a major boost in Brawl for 70-90 range. To conclude, I read on PWTorch newsletter that Ultimate Warrior was suspended just after Summerslam by the WWF for "at least 90 days". There is no informations if he was fired in December or if he stays at home for reappear at Wrestlemania... My question is : should Warrior be under contract or not?
  9. Can I get these on Kyky please? http://pghprowrestling.tripod.com/zbyszko01.jpg http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/sports/wrestling/blog/larryzbyszko.jpg http://www.nwo4life.com/nwo/hall/studd/dstudd08.jpg http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictures/b/barrydarsow/05.jpg
  10. DATA: http://www.mediafire...9zcwq3kz20bwqi7 610 wrestlers, 9 promotions, 277 staff members, 356 relationships and 105 tag teams!! The current "ladders" for Over, Brawl, Tech, Speed and Charisma stats: Overness Brawl Tech Speed Charisma
  11. Gilbert was still in GWF with his brother Doug (Dark Patriot).
  12. Updated! DATA: http://www.mediafire...p8mp0koopesnw7n 576 wrestlers, 9 promotions, 267 staff members, 341 relationships and 94 tag teams!!
  13. Good job! A little suggestion : I don't know how you rate Charisma, but seeing Ric flair rated at 100, I believe you rated them at their prime. IMO Harley Race should be rated higher : I curently rated him at 93 in my Data.
  14. I'm thinking about add few promotions: at first, TWA/ECW : the last show of TWA was in December 91 and the first show of ECW was in february 92. What do you think about the name? Also, the roster of the guys who wrestled in both promotions:
  15. MegaUpload is down so now it's MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/?sye55d8bbef1myu
  16. Bill Watts took the place of Kip Frye about mid-92 as Executive Vice President of WCW. Before that, he didn't work for WCW. In January 1992, it was Jim Herd who was the Executive VP. From what I read, Jim Ross didn't have a lot of influence in the booking committee. EDIT: I had Magnum TA and Mike Graham who were also in the booking committee.
  17. I upload a new version of the Data. I bump my last requests (I add a new writer in WWF) This is currently how I rate charisma but should I rate some futures great mic-workers and charismatic wrestlers like Austin or Pillman higher? Charisma Ladder:
  18. Especially for japanese and mexican wrestlers/promotions.... I read there is members interested to make a 1992 Data so they can put their works here. For the moment, I found videos of WWF , WCW, USWA and SMW. I will try to finish WWF this month : I need to make Jobbers/Openers stats. Also, I need 6 writers: I have Vince McMahon, Pat Patterson (co-booker at the time), Gerard Brisco (he is more a road agent) and Keith Elliot Greenberg. Speaking of writers, in WCW I have only 4 writers: Virgil Runnels (Dusty), Jim Herd, Ole Anderson and Janie Engel. I know Schiavone and Ross were in the booking commitee so should I make two of them? I already did that for Vince McMahon (a writer and an announcer).
  19. http://www.mediafire.com/download/n11nq1n3o0lslit/DATA.zip 1251 workers, 18 promotions, 443 staff members, 917 relationships and 277 tag teams
  20. Should we add Mick Foley, Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka and Jimmy Hart in WWE ?
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