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Posts posted by thekingofkings1977

  1. Yeah if we could look for somewhere else to upload the pictures and what not to, My computer always has problems with Mega Upload

    Also, I know how y'all use (mostly) the same storylines every time, and i love the WWE/ECW ect. storylines but i have edited them using PBS/Panix Booking System, Showing What show to put the part on, how many weeks it is, and how many matches/angles- I can upload them for people that use that system (it also has storylines from all the other mods) would anyone want that ?

    erm what?

    I think he means that some of the older storylines in some scenarios would have more detailed information. Instead of "Singles Feud #1" it would say "Singles Feud #1 (8W 4M 8A)". So you know the story is meant to be told over the course of 8 weeks, with 4 matches and 8 angles. It was a kind of useful aid in picking stories when you can count how many shows you have to build it up so you don't end up stuck with 1 week before the PPV and big final match but 2 matches and 6 angles to run to get there. Its something I do with the stories I edit/create I take it he went and did it for all of the existing real world stories you guys made.

    I'd find that useful, if no one else does. Its not necessary. Usually I can figure it out, but it doesn't hurt.

    Haha! Yes this is what i meant, sorry for not explaining it better :), and if anyone else finds it useful please let me know I'll upload it :)

    VERY USEFUL!!! That helps a bunch for me because I plan WAY ahead.

  2. Hey, I was thinking that someone here might be able to develop a KyKY generator. Like have the backgrounds of RKY and pics of wrestlers with transparent backgrounds so that when someone changed to another Promotion or Brand they could easily be changed. Does anyone here know of anything like this? Then again, those who work so hard to do requests would find it boring I guess. Just a thought.

  3. Hey I never knew Ravex did that. Awesome. Hey that would be so cool for a new update with the UFC in it and the Pride Fighting also. Maybe someone will have the time, as for now, I don't but sure wish I did.

    Except Pride has been defunct for nearly 3 years? :P

    Really? Wow! Where have I been? I thought they had been bought by UFC but still are in business. Well, thanks.

  4. It's unrealistic but maybe keep Undertaker as an Active wrestler on his WWE contract instead of Semi-Active, he was released on day 1 of a TNA game I started & I doubt WWE would ever release Taker.

    Yeah, I've started a few games with Taker as "Semi-Active" and WWE ALWAYS cuts him on Day 1. That seems like a real problem. I don't know which situation is better, though. WWE getting to use him way more than he really is used of WWE deciding he's expendable if he's only available as often as he is in real life.

    You could always pretend Taker was caught using steroids for the "x" amount of times and warning after warning. This would seem to fit the current WWE as they release anyone once someone outside the company complains. I do understand what WWE are trying to do. But why let a Non Wrestling company decide when a Wrestling company should release a wrestler? Like I said, this is just a thought and it is realistic these days with WWE.

    We have fixed the problem so far by putting Taker on a Lifetime contract, yes unrealistic but we dont see him leaving the company anytime soon


    On another note i'm cleaning up the PPV carriers and rather than be specific PPV providers im going to be adding in main networks for some TV networks since some wrestling companies sell their footage to a network and they put it on their best channel

    Te great Who has helped again. Thanks.

  5. It's unrealistic but maybe keep Undertaker as an Active wrestler on his WWE contract instead of Semi-Active, he was released on day 1 of a TNA game I started & I doubt WWE would ever release Taker.

    Yeah, I've started a few games with Taker as "Semi-Active" and WWE ALWAYS cuts him on Day 1. That seems like a real problem. I don't know which situation is better, though. WWE getting to use him way more than he really is used of WWE deciding he's expendable if he's only available as often as he is in real life.

    You could always pretend Taker was caught using steroids for the "x" amount of times and warning after warning. This would seem to fit the current WWE as they release anyone once someone outside the company complains. I do understand what WWE are trying to do. But why let a Non Wrestling company decide when a Wrestling company should release a wrestler? Like I said, this is just a thought and it is realistic these days with WWE.

  6. Could I have this kyky'd please?



    NEVERMIND. I found what I was looking for. But does anyone know who the SES attacker is? The mystery man?

    Rumours were: it was either Alex Riley or Joey Matthews/Mercury... With Riley on NXT, Matthews looks the best bid at the moment. And his head is shaved :rolleyes:


    • Like 1
  7. I downloaded these files and they are tew files. My folder has tw0 files. Is it because I have the demo version, because they are not working. I rename them and it screws it up pretty bad. Just wondering. Thanks.

    Well regarding your post here, i am asuming your using TEW 2010, this database is for TEW 2005 hence the TEW05 at the start of the topic, this means that this database is only usable in the Freeware verson of TEW which is only the 2005 version, you can convert this through the various converters to work for TEW 2010 but it wont work straight away

    LOL! What an idiot I am!!! GAH!!! Thanks dude! Do I feel Like a dope!!!

    • Like 1
  8. http://rapidshare.co...5/1999_DATA.rar

    - Deleted XPW after hearing it only started in the Summer

    - Lack of evidence to prove JCW existed on Jan 1, 1999, but I'll keep it in until I get info stating it had not started

    - WWF rosters updated due to video footage

    - Michael Modest on roster due to Behind The Mat documentary, will change if someone disagrees with this choice

    - Christopher Daniels on due to jobbing for WWF during 98-99

    - Used Master Shakespeares 1998 scenario to get accurate WWF staff members, so major credit to him

    - Vince Russo added to WWF roster as "Vic Venom", he worked WWF magazine at the time and was featured on-screen sometimes

    - Wrestlers set to debut a bit later on (Ivory, Tori, Public Enemy) put in development

    - XPW titles deleted

    - JCW title deleted due to not being made until late '99

    - Vampiro added to WCW because he had worked a few '98 shows and was set to re-debut in March/April

    - Deleted Ministry of Darkness due to it not starting until about Jan 11

    - Some stat work, worked on the overrated guys and upped a few overness

    Word of note, I did this because I was starting a WWF 1999 game so WCW and other promotions aren't to their best, I'd like suggestions and updates to help me make this the best 1999 scenario on the market

    EDIT: MegaUpload is being a bitch so you're stuck with RapidShare for now unless someone can find another site and upload it there as well

    Not trying to be a butthole here, so dont take it that way, but I think they have a 99 version on the inventory. I may have misunderstood what you are attempting here, so look over my ignorance if that is the case.

  9. You can go to the UFC website and find all the fighters, but it would take a lot of work. If I didn't suck at kyky then I would help. I could however get the pics from the site for those who can not find them there. I am willing to help but I suck at the kyky.

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