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Heel Turn

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Posts posted by Heel Turn

  1. Can I run Half Life 2 on a NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200?

    I don't know what the fuck that means, so please tell me if I need to upgrade to something better or not before I buy Half-Life 2.  :P

  2. The release was a pain in the ass, but I got it working, and I've been playing Half-Life 2 for the past three hours. My thoughts?


    This game is the very reason I advocate PC gaming over console. The graphics are jaw-droppingly advanced (literally), and the gameplay feels like you're in the center of a well-directed action movie. This game is the future occurring right now; Half-Life 2 will set the standard for the hybridization of movies and video games. The gameplay is perfect, the sound is terrific, and the enemy AI is intelligent as hell (during the scripted scenes, anyway). The ambiance is what really sets this game apart, though, as Valve has crafted a beautifully textured and nuanced world. While you need to play it to get an idea what I'm talking about, this game is top to bottom the best PC game ever, a surefire lock for game of the year, and an instant classic. GET THIS GAME.*

    Caveat: This game requires some serious computer to run at the highest settings. I've got a P4 3.2, a gig of Corsair XMS RAM, and a Radeon X800 Pro, and I still get a little slowdown at 1024x768 with all the settings set to high and 4x anti-aliasing on. Almost makes me wish I'd picked up a X800 XT. Almost. Only invest in this game if you're running a cutting edge machine, or close to it.

  3. Actually I wanted to know that as well. Cheers.

    While we're on the subject of Daredevil. Daredevil hardcover vol. 1 - The story written by Kevin Smith (Can't be bothered to check name) Is really wierd and scared me. Almost put me off comics totally.

  4. I liked it a lot. It was a really underrated movie, IMHO, and the scene with Christian Bale and the puppy was worth the price of admission. Gun-kata was a really cool concept, but all the same, I'd like to see how the movie would have been made had the Matrix never existed. It obviously took a lot from that movie, and that's a shame, since I think it had a unique enough vision to support itself without all the Matrix-y stuff. Great movie to rent if you've never seen it, though.

  5. Even though there's no chance of it happening, I want to see Brock come in through the audience in street clothes, rush the ring during a boring Bradshaw promo, and F-5 the fuck out of Bradshaw. I'd mark out like crazy.

    In actuality, though, I suspect he'll hire a private coach, and just keep training for next year. He seemed to realize that this wouldn't be a quick thing to accomplish, and also seemed to be willing to make the committment to try again next year.

  6. Romero has also gone on record as professing his dislike for running zombies, stating that it shouldn't even be possible due to the fact that they're slowly decomposing.

    That's what I figured but the part about the Zombies evolving from brainless, slow moving creatures threw me off.

  7. From Comingsoon.net

    George Romero is set to direct Land of the Dead, a horror film that picks up on the zombie saga he hatched with Night of the Living Dead and continued with Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead. Variety says the film, from Romero's own script, will begin production in October in Winnipeg or Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh was the site of shooting for Romero's original 1968 zombie trilogy.

    In the film, the zombies having taken over the world and those left alive are confined to a walled-in city that keeps out the corpse corps. Anarchy rules the streets, with the wealthy insulated and living in fortified skyscrapers.

    The drama revolves around a group of scavengers who must thwart an attempt to overthrow the city while the dead are evolving from brainless slow-moving creatures into more advanced creatures.

    Romero had been developing Diamond Dead, a black comedy musical that's being produced by Scott Free and Andrew Gaty, and he also scripted an adaptation of the Stephen King novel The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, which he may direct for Canadian financier Don Archibald and Lions Gate.

    So umm.. do you think it's legit, or not? I'll love this no matter what happens, I'm a huge fan of zombie movies.

  8. Ho. Lee. Shit. $925 USD or not, I might have to seriously consider snagging this...although I probably won't, given that there's no English language options. I've been a raging Godzilla fan since I was four years old, and I've seen nearly all the movies multiple times. I'd especially want this for the Heisei Godzilla series, which totally rocked and gave the 90s a definitive Godzilla, but again, no English subtitles really cripples this for me.

  9. I'm against this idea. While they've done everything they can with Freddy and Jason, Ash is a character with plenty of life left in him, and could easily support another Evil Dead movie. That said, I wouldn't want to see it unless Raimi was aboard as director, and given his newly acquired iconic status in Hollywood, I'd call that pretty unlikely. And they'd better make it soon if they do, Bruce Campbell isn't getting any younger.

    Oh, and Ronny Yu is still an asshole for what he did to Kane Hodder.

  10. 1) Is the new CD any good?

    2) What would you say is the best Bad Religion CD?

    I've been listening to 4 or 5 Bad Religion songs a lot lately from various albums, and they're all pretty good. Just incase anyone's wondering, the songs are "Punk Rock Song", "I want to conquer the World", "Slaves", "You" and "Along the Way". They're all pretty good, with my favorites probably being "Punk Rock Song" and "I Want to Conquer the World"..

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