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Posts posted by RatMan

  1. I would love it if someone could make the below into a banner:


    and put the INOKI part of the following over the Japanese writing (just the INOKI, not the Antonio Debut 50 etc.)


    Maybe like as a scroll thing, like how RockyFeller has his name covering the girl in his sig?

    This seems like it could be a lot of work so if it's too much feel free to pass. Thanks!

    (Also sorry for just having links, for some reason my laptop won't let me put the pics into the post)

  2. Just wondering, with guys like Brock Lesnar and John Cena in these games before they debuted, is there anyway of making them more likely to be picked up by major companies a few years in to the game if I'm playing as a minor company? All I can think of is hiring them around when they debuted in real life and altering their stats, then releasing them.

  3. http://dietrichthral.../69eyes_the.jpg

    If these dudes could be done (Or if you find them as hard to do as I do, don't worry about the two furtherest to the right) it would be awesome.

    I would put this image under a spoiler as it is quite big, but not sure how to do it? hmm.gif

    Hope these are okay.


    To do a spoiler you need to do [ spoiler ] Whatever you need to write [ /spoiler ]

    dont put spaces.

    That is awesome thanks. I was looking for someone to use in a pic for a new Raven type character and one of the first three seemed to fit best. The rest will probably ebd up being his lackeys haha.

  4. K_Shibata.jpg?t=1268604953

    Katsuyori Shibata

    Ctrl C, Ctrl V seems to work quite nicely rolleyes.gif

    I've actually never tried that... Is saying "It's too technical" gonna make me sound like a dumb-ass tongue.gif

    I would also mention that right click 'copy', right click 'paste' works but I don't want blow your mind.


    Any feedback? (Sorry for that Josh Barnett pic as I did request someone else to do it, then the Briscoe Brothers came round and i had no choice but to MAN UP).

    They look good... I'm not too sure but is Sylvia's face looking squashed... maybe he took too many drops on the head.. I don't know

    Good work...

    Resize them to 150X150.. It's traditional like that..when in game the images are about 90X90 tongue.gif

    I think it's just his head haha, you can be the judge:


  5. K_Shibata.jpg?t=1268604953

    Katsuyori Shibata

    Ctrl C, Ctrl V seems to work quite nicely rolleyes.gif

    I've actually never tried that... Is saying "It's too technical" gonna make me sound like a dumb-ass tongue.gif

    I would also mention that right click 'copy', right click 'paste' works but I don't want blow your mind.


    Any feedback? (Sorry for that Josh Barnett pic as I did request someone else to do it, then the Briscoe Brothers came round and i had no choice but to MAN UP).

  6. Do you have a better picture of Mark Hunt?

    Sorry I was wondering if it would be too small, but Jess seems to have filled the request perfectly.

    Here's my first attempt at a Kyky. Thought I'd start with a mega star - P.N News!


    Hmmm, ok how do I get my pic to appear on the screen or can this not be done with photobucket?

  7. Here's some MMA stats for EWR I worked on after watching fights, looking at stats on mma websites and looking at WMMA2 scenario stats:

    Brawl Speed Tech Stiff Sell Over Charisma Attitude Behaviour

    Andrei Arlovski 81 40 57 80 52 80 72 89 90

    Chuck Liddell 80 32 46 81 54 92 70 93 95

    Cung Le 82 41 56 75 59 54 68 85 79

    Elvis Sinosic 67 29 79 79 55 55 40 88 90

    Fedor Emelianenko 82 42 86 86 49 82 31 56 88

    Frank Shamrock 70 33 78 74 60 77 46 80 76

    Gesias Cavalcante 80 43 77 76 54 46 61 90 91

    Heath Herring 80 21 45 82 61 73 63 84 83

    Houston Alexander 66 25 18 81 56 68 62 87 85

    Joachim Hansen 73 40 78 76 55 49 73 87 89

    Josh Barnett 79 15 85 85 50 61 54 87 55

    Kevin Randleman 74 31 72 80 65 70 58 85 84

    Mirko Cro Cop 85 39 32 89 44 81 52 78 77

    Murilo Rua 68 39 80 76 58 58 55 86 87

    Pedro Rizzo 78 32 46 83 46 59 67 90 90

    Quinton Jackson 82 40 63 83 65 88 84 80 73

    Randy Couture 75 36 80 80 62 90 70 93 86

    Ricardo Arona 54 38 84 70 52 59 51 87 88

    Tim Sylvia 70 11 38 81 42 63 60 79 78

    Tito Ortiz 74 30 70 80 60 87 81 64 62

    Vitor Ribeiro 61 39 85 73 56 46 75 83 86

    Wanderlei Silva 83 34 59 87 57 83 68 88 89


  8. Need stats of

    Cain Velasquez

    Fedor Emelianko

    Mauricio Rua

    Rich Franklin

    Thiago Alves


    MMA stats are so subjective. Do you want what these people would have if they were wrestlers doing faux MMA style, changed completly to pro wrestling or how their current stats would convert e.g. striking = brawling?

    Anyway, I'll go with the first option:

    B S T S S O C A B

    Cain Velasquez 80 32 56 86 43 81 26 89 92

    Fedor Emelianko 82 29 88 87 46 86 30 52 86 (That whole M-1 Global fiasco shows he is very hard to negotiate with - would demand everything)

    Mauricio Rua 74 41 79 82 52 83 33 90 95

    Rich Franklin 73 36 70 81 60 82 60 94 95

    Thiago Alves 73 37 72 82 45 76 51 92 93

  9. Huh... are Eddie's pics loading for everyone else? For me they just say "Posted Image", I clicked reload image, but nothing hmm.gif and all the other pics from edvis and Rocky are loading fine...

    They worked for me yesterday, but not today. Other pics are coming up fine.

  10. If the following could be put on KYKY that would be much appreciated (I've tried but find it hard to make them look good with the dark backgrounds). Also, do MMA fighters go here or random people as most have done MMA fights in organisations that have also ran predetermined matches?






    I think this site could work well if people wanted to get pictures for the randomly generated characters in the game as they look more or less like wrestlers, i.e. flick through the pages and find good photos of lesser known fighters (may help if you are not too big a fan of MMA, in order to suspend belief).

  11. I need some of UFC workers stats:

    Chuck Lidell

    Anderson Silva

    Brock Lesnar

    BJ Penn

    Lyoto Machida

    Georges St-Pierre

    Maybe someone could tell me stats to these guys? If I have enough workers I will release UFC scenario:

    Mirko Cro Cop

    Frank Mir

    Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira

    Randy Couture

    Rashad Evans

    Forrest Griffin

    Wanderlei Silva

    I know there was an update there was some of these guys, but that update was in like 2003 so I don't think I can trust that. Thanks smile.gif

    The thing with these types of stats is it can be hard to determine how their current skills would transfer to wrestling. For instance, I think speed should have a cap of 50 as it's doubtful that any of them would start busting out 450's, springboard moonsaults etc. They are also likely to take on a gimmick that fits their MMA background (like Shamrock or Severn did). Here's my interpretation, with brief explanations:

    Brawling, Speed, Technical, Stiffness, Selling, Over, Charisma, Attitude, behavior

    Chuck Lidell: 76 15 55 80 55 90 68 80 95 (Solid entertaining striking, well known, some charisma)

    Anderson Silva: 78 50 65 77 65 80 71 86 89 (His striking is rapid fire and exciting, has a sort of a quirky charisma, can also mimmick others fighting style very well (search youtube))

    BJ Penn: 70 44 80 71 73 84 60 66 86 (Nicknamed prodigy because of how quickly he picks things up means he'd likley adapt to pro wrestling well, bad mouths opponents)

    Lyoto Machida: 72 48 62 60 62 82 55 96 97 (Considered a little boring at times but has good explosive striking flurries, karatae background means he could control his stiffness well)

    Georges St-Pierre: 71 35 84 70 75 84 66 92 94 (Mastered amateur wrestling incredibly quick, natural athelete, like Penn has acting experience which may help selling)

    Mirko Cro Cop: 81 23 36 89 45 86 43 88 72 (Highlight reel worthy sickeningly stiff kicks, Internationally recognised, screwed UFC around a bit when negotiating)

    Frank Mir: 62 26 83 70 45 85 75 93 81 (Knowledgeable of submissions, proven to be a good commentator, more of a natural talker than his peers, had depression problems in past)

    Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira: 68 23 86 73 70 84 38 95 96 (Walking encyclopedia of BJJ, if he can express the punishment he's endured through selling he'd be amazing)

    Randy Couture: 74 25 72 74 76 88 74 87 84 (Decent striking and wrestling, well known, charismatic plus acting experience)

    Rashad Evans: 75 44 70 76 60 85 72 89 91 (Entertaining striker and solid wrestling, shown good charisma in interviews and on Ultimate Fighter)

    Forrest Griffin: 78 32 76 77 63 87 74 88 74 (Not the best striker or wrestler but always very entertaining - pleases the fans, quirky yet endearing charisma, some erratic behaviour)

    Wanderlei Silva: 79 32 67 86 48 85 59 90 95 (Brutal highlight worthy stiff strikes, well known - had an undefeatable aura around him back in PRIDE, seems to be a real company man)

    Just to clarify, these stats do not reflect who is the best, but how I perceive their fighting ability would translate into entertaining pro wrestling audiences. Mirko and Wanderlei, I think would have it easiest as they could just be stiff and people would love it. Forrest on the other hand, knows what people like and how to keep them entertained.

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