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Status Updates posted by OctoberRaven

  1. The sky's the limit for this CRIMSON BEAST!

  2. "You carry a gun, does that mean you like to get shot?"

  3. Brace yourself for a bit of a shock Lister but I just saw you die.


  5. Community Spirit! Shopping! FOOD!

  6. You know what game needs an HD remake? Zombies Ate My Neighbors.

  7. "Too bad for him I mastered stop sign combat after he was cloned!"

  8. Oh-wee-ohh, killer tofu!

  9. Daniel Bryan = By Adrenalin

  10. Perhaps there is truth in sand madness.

  11. "Stop suppressing our rupture, you electroresitive niche!"

  12. "Did... did you just Scrooge McDuck me, bro?"

  13. "Ha ha! Scandal always beats gun!"

  14. "In the limits of the fountain of words that won't die... what is thaaaaaaat!?"

  15. Great Scott! A Back To The Future marathon followed immediately by a Jurrasic Park marathon!

  16. My gods... it's true... I AM being punished for a lifetime of bad deeds- I have to listen to COUNTRY MUSIC!!

  17. "Apparently I'm a smuggler for the Sicilian Mafia. By the way, what's a 'Sicilian Mafia?'"

  18. Babyface Kane is like the WWE's Worf.

  19. "Use these guns. You DO know how to use them do you? BANG-BANG! With both hands."

  20. My name is Inigo Montoya

  21. I look at the TV and see three local wrestlers on Let's Make A Deal. Dressed as video game characters no less. Awesome.

  22. "I had... bad pizza yesterday."

  23. "You know, the first two, I probably should've seen coming. The leprechaun costume? Not so much."

  24. "Just remember that Scooty-Puff Jr. suuuuuuuuuuuucks!"

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