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Posts posted by unitedツ

  1. Play another game under Golden Goal rules?

    Played United twice, 0-0 first game and 1-1 second game. Not sure what the tiebreaker rules will be but we can always have another go tomorrow!

    I think if it's a draw, the next game should be under golden goal. Some people don't have time to play more than a few matches (It took us a while to play just two) and this seems the fairest option to me.

    Doesn't that mean I go through because I scored first in the 2nd game? :P

    Yes, haha, but I do think it's the fairest way.

    Just play games til there's a winner.

    Golden goal in a 2nd game is a bit crap because of the defensive AI from kick off. It immediately puts one person at an advantage.

    Surely no one here would exploit the game like that? I'm happy for it be either way but someone needs to make a decision so we're not in limbo.

  2. Play another game under Golden Goal rules?

    Played United twice, 0-0 first game and 1-1 second game. Not sure what the tiebreaker rules will be but we can always have another go tomorrow!

    I think if it's a draw, the next game should be under golden goal. Some people don't have time to play more than a few matches (It took us a while to play just two) and this seems the fairest option to me.

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