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Paige Turner

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Posts posted by Paige Turner

  1. 22 hours ago, mkpunk said:

    Yeah this was a BIT of a false attribution case.

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    FYI, Nova is right on this one.

    I am debating with suggesting Lucha Libre Elite being its own promotion or a part of CMLL. It is but it isn't. They do share talent but it is its own thing with their own feuds not mentioned on CMLL shows yet at the same time they see CMLL feuds continued as well...

    Do they have titles or tv deals or monthly events? If they have any of those then I will add them to the list of promotions. Provide me stats and a list of workers and I will make it happen. I'm only gonna work on the March update tomorrow as I plan on releasing it Monday, so be quick... ;)

  2. could I get Jody Kristofferson (Garrett Dylan) (the one in the front with the bull tattoo in front of Joey Ryan) on kyky? Thanks in advance




    could I get Jody Kristofferson (Garrett Dylan) (the one in the front with the bull tattoo in front of Joey Ryan) on kyky? Thanks in advance

    (if you scroll down, just a little bit, the picture is of a WestLake Royal event poster. I'm on my mobile and it won't let me post the picture)


  3. The wait is over,

    The official EWWarehouse App is now available on the Google Play Store!

    Official Statement:

    Good news EWB, the official EWWarehouse App is now available. Have you ever wanted to come to our site without having to go through the hassle of going into a browser? Are you without internet, but have a smartphone? Now with just one touch, EWWarehouse is at your fingertips. Keep up to date with all the breaking news and download everything you need directly to your phone and upload them to your computer for later use. The app is available now on the Google Play Store, with Amazon App Store and Apple App Store releases planned for the future.

    Let us know what you think by rating and reviewing on the Google Play

    Be sure to like us on Facebook at EWWarehouse and follow us on Twitter @ew_warehouse.

    and as always,

    Happy Playing. ;)

    -Paige Turner


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  4. Just now, mkpunk said:

    I'd add those as alter egos similar to the more current CHIKARA alter egos like the Ants and one of the former Bloc Party

    Flex Rumblecrunch is in the game as Sean Burke (he is a part of CHIKARA already.

    Shynron had stats long ago.


    Did not realize Flex was in the game, whoops. Just the others, and ill be done with my worker additions for the month. Im looking to add more of the WWE Performance Center traineess in soon, so if anyone wants to chip in, that'll be great.

    King Constantine (Radomir Petkovic)

    Levis Valenzuela Jr.

    Riddick Moss

    Steve Cutler

    Tucker Knight

    Patrick Clark

    Mandy Rose (Tough Enough Amanda)

  5. So, i need some help from all of you. Im wanting to add a quite a few new workers, but im not that great at stats, so if anyone wants yto help me out, that would be great. The workers I want to add are:

    Flex Rumblecrunch

    "Big Damo" Damian O'Connor

    Brent & Brandon Tate (Tate Twins/Dalton Castles Boys)


    Stokely Hathaway

    Any and all help on these stats would be great



  6. On February 17, 2016 at 00:05, mkpunk said:

    Why is Zokre of Los Luchas in the game but Phoenix Star isn't?

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    Phoenix Star
    Nationality: American
    Age: 32
    Birthmonth: Unknown?
    Gender: Male 
    Weight: Lightweight
    Wages: $6,000
    Employer #1: LUCHA
    Disposition: Face        
    Position: Main Event
    Gimmick: Lucha
    Stats: 23/78/46/29/81/32/47/85/85
    High Spots Ticked
    Primary Finisher: 450 Splash (Top Rope)
    Secondary Finisher: Phoenix Splash (Top Rope)

    Add a tag team with Zokre as Los Luchas set to 80 exp.

    Also a Lucha Underground question:

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    With all the alter egos being set for Lucha Underground, why isn't Ricochet set as Prince Puma.

    Ricochet should not be working for Evolve and have New Japan set as his touring commitment.

    I do agree on Cage's charisma, at the least swap it with Strowman.

    I kept Ricochet as Ricochet instead of Prince Puma because he's known more around the world as Ricochet. The others such as Mil Muertes and King Cuerno are not known by their Mexico names that well in the states unless you're a die hard fan. 

    Ricochet still pops up from time to time for a rare Evolve match. I did change his Japan commitment.

  7. Good news EWBattleground, development has been started on the official EWWarehouse App. Have you ever wanted to come to our site without having to go through the hassle of going into a browser? Now with just one touch, EWWarehouse will be at your fingertips. Keep up to date with all the breaking news and download everything you need directly to your phone and upload them to your computer for later use. The app will be available later this week on the Google Play Store and Amazon App Store with a release on the Apple App Store at a later date.

    Let us know what you think of this news.

    The official Twitter account for EWWarehouse is coming soon, so be sure to follow us and let us know what you think in 140 characters or less.

    and as always,

    Happy Playing. ;)

    -Paige Turner

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  8. 1 hour ago, DatIsraeliGuy said:

    I meant he will die from the match...


    as for the editor, I didn't know you can change stuff mid game with it, now I understand the need of this mod lol. thanks anyways. I'm guessing i can use the editor mid game for stats as well? Would be great because quite honestly, I don't think I agree with all the ratings, but that's reasonable as it is a subjective opinion.

    You can't use the editor mid-game. You can use arsenic which you can download from ewwarehouse.info

  9. 16 minutes ago, DatIsraeliGuy said:

    I'm a newbie to EWR, I only play it for a few days and it's the Universe Mode I always wanted.

    but my question is this: why are there no injuries? It seems weird I can put Bryan in a hell in a cell against Brock Lesnar considering he will die in real life. Also, this might be off topic but it's just a small question - can i change the starting date? I hate starting in March heading to Mania, gives me no time to work with.

    Considering he will die soon? All of us will die soon, sooooo......


    before you you start a game, you can change them to Non-Wrestler or use Arsenic and change them to unavailable mid-game. 

    in order to change the start date, you have to change the date on your computer. If you want your game to start in like February then change your computer date to 1/1/16

  10. Hello Ewbattleground, Paige Turner back again with a huge update for all you TEWR players out there. I have been stating it for awhile, and I am delivering it to you right now..... My Official KyKy Pic Pack. With over 14,000 pictures it is one of the most in-depth pic packs out there. With a mix of current, past, indy, and staff workers this pic pack will be the one thing that you have been missing from EWR and TEW.

    Due to upload restrictions, I will be posting the mediafire link and not uploading it directly to ewwarehouse. I caution you that it is a very large zipped upload (149.87) and might just take a minute.

    I hope all of you enjoy, and as always....

    Happy Playing. ;)


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