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Posts posted by footballfan4life

  1. I'm liking the prospect of this scenario. I heard someone mention wanting a Nintendo or Mario Bros. promotion to add, or something to do with Super Smash Bros. and thought I could help.

    I've actually been working on a Nintendo scenario on and off for the past 3 years or so. I have also done up a database with Super Smash Brothers: Warefare as a Global level fed with around 60-70 workers and enough staff. I made it just as a separate promotion in the regular data update for December 2010, but I have spreadsheets with all the information for the workers statistics and stuff. If you would like, I could share the data I already have compiled.

    It would be FANTASTIC if you would do that. Thanks, and if you could, caould you send me the data for the promotion? Just the Super Mario promotion not the whole database.

    Give me some time to compile the data, and I'll post a roster on here and send you a database with just the promotion and the Excel Spreadsheets I use to track everything. And the promotion is based around the Super Smash Brothers franchise as a whole, not just Mario Bros.

    Alright, thanks you so much for your help

    No worries, glad I could be of help. I've been wanting to release this Data on my own for awhile so this'll be a good way to that :)

    Yeah, I'm hoping I can inspire some people with this. I'm hoping people will even download and use this crying.gif

  2. I'm liking the prospect of this scenario. I heard someone mention wanting a Nintendo or Mario Bros. promotion to add, or something to do with Super Smash Bros. and thought I could help.

    I've actually been working on a Nintendo scenario on and off for the past 3 years or so. I have also done up a database with Super Smash Brothers: Warefare as a Global level fed with around 60-70 workers and enough staff. I made it just as a separate promotion in the regular data update for December 2010, but I have spreadsheets with all the information for the workers statistics and stuff. If you would like, I could share the data I already have compiled.

    It would be FANTASTIC if you would do that. Thanks, and if you could, caould you send me the data for the promotion? Just the Super Mario promotion not the whole database.

    Give me some time to compile the data, and I'll post a roster on here and send you a database with just the promotion and the Excel Spreadsheets I use to track everything. And the promotion is based around the Super Smash Brothers franchise as a whole, not just Mario Bros.

    Alright, thanks you so much for your help

  3. I'm liking the prospect of this scenario. I heard someone mention wanting a Nintendo or Mario Bros. promotion to add, or something to do with Super Smash Bros. and thought I could help.

    I've actually been working on a Nintendo scenario on and off for the past 3 years or so. I have also done up a database with Super Smash Brothers: Warefare as a Global level fed with around 60-70 workers and enough staff. I made it just as a separate promotion in the regular data update for December 2010, but I have spreadsheets with all the information for the workers statistics and stuff. If you would like, I could share the data I already have compiled.

    It would be FANTASTIC if you would do that. Thanks, and if you could, caould you send me the data for the promotion? Just the Super Mario promotion not the whole database.

  4. Ok, for Tekken, who will be uper midcarders/main eventers and who would be lower midcarders?

    Anna Williams (Upper-Midcarder)

    Armor King (Midcarder)

    Asuka Kazama (Low-Midcarder)

    Baek Doo San (Low-Midcarder)

    Bruce Irvin (Low-Midcarder)

    Bryan Fury (Upper-Midcarder)

    Christie Monteiro (Upper-Midcarder)

    Craig Marduk (Upper-Midcarder)

    Jack-6 (Upper-Midcarder)

    Jin Kazama/Devil Jin (Main Eventer)

    Eddy Gordo (Upper Midcarder)

    Feng Wei (Midcarder)

    Ganryu (Low-Midcarder)

    Heihachi Mishima (Main Eventer)

    Hwoarang (Upper-Midcarder)

    Julia Chang (Midcarder)

    Kazuya Mishima (Main Eventer)

    King (Upper-Midcarder)

    Kuma Jr.(Midcarder)

    Lee Chaolan (Midcarder)

    Lei Wulong (Midcarder)

    Lili (Midcarder)

    Ling Xiaoyu (Low-Midcarder)

    Marshall Law (Upper-Midcarder)

    Mokujin (Low-Midcarder)

    Nina Williams(Upper-Midcarder)

    Panda (Midcarder)

    Paul Phoenix (Upper-Midcarder)

    Raven (Midcarder)

    Roger Jr. (Midcarder)

    Sergei Dragunov (Midcarder)

    Steve Fox (Midcarder)

    Wang Jinrei (Low-Midcarder)

    Yoshimitsu (Upper-Midcarder)

    Alisa Bosconovitch* (Midcarder)

    Bob* (Midcarder)

    Lars Alexanderson* (Upper-Midcarder)

    Leo* (Low-Midcarder)

    Miguel* (Midcarder)

    Zafina* (Midcarder)

    Azazel (Final Boss)* (Main Eventer)

    Thanks, I'll start soon. But, this won't be done for awhile, so don't expect it in a week

  5. That's why I would want you to do the Tekken promotion, I know nothing about it. For relationships, use the latest game for it. I'd like to have between 10-20 wrestlers in a promo, so use the main characters from every game, not the 1-episode guys. If there is not enough, create them as jobbers

    And, if it isn't obvious, all the bad guys will be heels, and the good guys, faces. If it's undecided, tweener

    I'm probably going to do a company as a promo, with the brands being the games/series they made

    PROBLEM: What promotions should be Global and which ones should be national, etc? I'm think i'm going to do it by popularity and success. With Capcom and COD at the top. Like a TNA vs. WWE thing

  6. Also, I won't be able to work on anything until Monday Afternoon. I'm busy tonight and some of tomorrow. But I'll see what I can do. As of now, I'm going to take some notes on some video games and characters and maybe start a little. Still, suggestions are welcome!

    Take your time, I'm also very busy too, but I have a holiday week at march (7 to 13 March) and I can help you in this threat during that week. I'm an Tekken expert, so if you gone make this scenario, tell me what you need to know.

    If you are willing, would you be able to do the Tekken scenario and send me the data for it?

  7. Ok, I understand that only one company is so easy. So I'm gone give you some more suggestions:

    Namco (Brands: Tekken, Soul Calibur)


    Mortal Kombat

    Killer Instinct

    King of Fighters

    Capcom (Brands: Street Fighter, Final Fight)

    ¿Marvel? (You can take the characters from "Marvel vs Capcom Series" or put whatever you want)

    ¿Nintendo? (I'm a big fan of "Super Smash Bros")


    Some of them I'll do. I dn't care about Dragonball. I don't know what Killer Instinct and King of Fighters is, I'll look into them.

  8. I could do a video game database. What I mean is I could do a Capcom promotion, Tekken, etc. But, I think it'd be easier (for me anyways) to just do a single video game/series instead of company. Example: A Resident Evil promo, and an X-Men promo. But I'd obviously have more than that. I'd look into it and figure some stuff out. The hard part is figuring out their stats. Suggestions are welcome

  9. Hey, I'm new here, but definitely not new to EWR. I'd love to use EWB members' mods and create my own for them, too.

    Right now, I'm looking for two mods. The two are-

    1.) An 1997/1998 nWo-controlled WCW. (The nWo was the stuff IMO, and I'd like to use them in my own storylines and etc.) I'd like it to go directly at war with WWE/WWF

    2.) A "fantasy" type of mod. The wrestlers in TNA, WWE, and ROH would be scattered around between the three. Example- Randy Orton and Cena could be in TNA, while AJ Styles went to the WWE, and maybe Samoa Joe went to ROH.

    Also, I would be willing to create a scenario for you guys. But it'd take a while. I could do practically anything that'd be create-able. I could do movie stars, cartoon characters, NFL players, anything.

    Current Scenario

    A video game world database




    Super Smash Bros (Not just Super Mario, Kirby and others, too)


    DC Universe

    Call of Duty Series

    Halo Series

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