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Stevie B

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Posts posted by Stevie B

  1. Pre-Order Standard Edition comes with the packs... Standard on it's own doesn't. Some people may have got lucky and received left over pre order stock if they just went in and brought the game.

  2. You lost all your traits too? Mine kept everything I had, so he has the same traits and appearance like shirt and boots and everything, which is funny because I have all the boots I'd unlocked still unlocked, yet I'm still unlocking the accomplishments all over again now for the boot packs that contain the ones I have already unlocked.

    At first I was just losing my kit items. (ankle tape, gloves, shirt untucked) but last night when we were playing I had lost Skill Dribble, Early Cross and all the ones you get from the catalogue. That completely pissed me off. As Eddie referred too... I've unlocked White Ankle Tape about 6 bloody times now. 

    Sometimes I was still earning some stats, but other times (such as the white anke tape) they were constantly being reset. I still seemed to have high interceptions, but matches played were reset for example. I really can't get my head around it.

  3. So trying to find a solution to this problem, I ended up stumbling across the real reason why everyone already has all the outrageous hair styles, colours and fancy traits. Since my Pro has already continuously lost all his traits, there was no harm for me to test it out. 

    All you have to do is go on the Pro Leaderboard, and look at another players Unlocked Achievements... and you unlock them.

    That's just ridiculous. It's open glitches like that which is probably buggering up Pro Clubs in the first place. It doesn't alter your stats or ratings, it just unlocks all the things on the player edit screen if the player you're looking at has unlocked those things.



  4. I'm just sitting on making as much coins as I can, rather than buying a team now since prices will lower once more players are on the market. Looking into just rare BPL players and how many are on the market. Buy one at a relatively lower price than what the other cards are going for, and try to sell least 500 coins more. I'm upto 7,000 coins from free packs so far. 

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