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Posts posted by thebrettclark

  1. Alright took a chance on Middoux. Let me know how terrible I did. I basically copied Mike Sydal and reduced the stats a bit.

    Zizou Middoux


    July, 22



    450 Splash, Top Rope, Primary

    Diving Senton, Top Rope, Other

    Wages - $8000

    Gimmick - Daredevil

    B - 38

    S - 65

    T - 50

    Stiff - 42

    Selling - 67

    Over - 20

    Charisma - 50

    Attitude - 86

    Behavior - 83

    Tag Team with Mike Sydal (#PartyBoys) exp. 4

  2. This was on a ROH board I frequent. via Prowrestling.net: ROH has informed Mike Mondo that he is no longer being booked after he was deemed in no condition to participate at a recent ROH clinic, as first reported in Thursday's Dot Net Weekly audio show. -remove Mike Mondo from ROH
    Looking back at that ROH board it looks like a press release regarding the matter will be released soon. Hold off on removing Mondo from ROH.
  3. Do these guys even work for ROH anymore?

    Harlem Bravado

    Lancelot Bravado

    Mr. Ernesto Osiris

    Shelton Benjamin

    Shane Hagadorn

    I know the Bravado's tweeted something a while back about no longer working there. I haven't seen Osiris or Hagadorn since Sinclair took over the company. And if I'm not mistaken Benjamin only worked GBH because of Haas' abrupt retirement.

    Also if someone could inform me who Latvian Proud Oak or Estonian Thunderfrog are I'd appreciate it. I'm wanting to book them in EWR with my fantasy tag team promotion.

  4. This is my first attempt at figuring stats for a wrestler. I know he was trained by Delirious and from the few matches I've seen he pretty much acts like him so I copied Delirious stats and adjusted them down to account for his lack of experience. I searched for his age/birth month but couldn't find anything and Cagematch doesn't have any records of him wrestling this year.

    Name: Prof. Milo Shizo

    Short Name: M. Shizo

    Gender: Male

    Weight: Lightweight

    Age: 24??? (He competed in Chikara's YLC last year so he's at least under 25)

    Birthday: ???

    Brawl: 44

    Speed: 66

    Technical: 44

    Stiffness: 48

    Selling: 62

    Over: 23

    Charisma: 55

    Attitude: 76

    Behavior: 76

    Wage: $3k

    Relationships: Loyalty to Delirious

    Nationality: American

    Speaks: No (can't find any interviews)

    Primary Finisher: Bi-Buster (Impact)

    Secondary Finisher: Tri-Tripper (Impact)


    1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

    5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

    6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

    7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


    1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

    5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

    6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

    7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

  6. I like Arrested Development, wasn't it the first mockumentary? Is it called mockumentary?

    It's not a mockumentary. (Sidenote: The first mockumentary I can think of would be This Is Spinal Tap, back in the 80's.) I suppose the cinematography on AD borrows from the documentary style, but that's about it. The characters don't even directly acknowledge there are cameras present. (However, there are multiple "meta" references throughout the series, which basically amount to dialogue with one meaning for the plot and another meaning for the self-aware audience at home.) The Office (especially the UK version) is more like a mockumentary.

    That said, AD is still a genius show. It's just not in the sub-genre you've named.

    thebrettclark, did you mean to leave one match without a pick, or was that a mistake?

    Mistake. If its not too late I vote friends. My bad.

  7. I had a hard time with Two-Face also. I spent the majority of the time taking out his goons before I realized they kept respawning. Once I had that bit figured out (actually once the game told me that when I died) it was pretty easy to get past Two-Face.

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