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Posts posted by Kaiser679

  1. My favorite part is how he says "more are on the way, DON'T YOU WORRY"

    Like all these people who are simultaneously telling him off would be emotionally destroyed if he were to suddenly take the hint and vanish.

    Everybody else said it perfectly: They ARE just suggestions... but when those suggestions are WRONG based on lack of research or ignorance of worker types, etc., they're useless, and if they end up getting implemented and fucking with other people's games, it stops being an innocent "difference of opinion".

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  2. Hey guys, here are a couple workers already in the games that I noticed I don't have pictures for, but have started to use... so if somebody could put these guys on KyKy, I'd appreciate it...

    "The Dragon" Arrick Andrews


    "Teen Excitement" Drew Haskins


  3. Brawl is in the 70s I believe and Charisma about the same.

    i'd debate at raising his brawl into the 80's, he's been on a great roll as of late

    -Mark Henry's brawl is currently at 68, i think something like 72 would be a good rating for him

    -I would suggest lowering Kevin Nash's brawl to around 64

    I disagree with both. Old as he is, Nash is still infinitely better than Henry. The fact that Henry even has over solid 50s disgusts me.

  4. Just to let everybody know, I will be doing the Split Game data and try to do every Month barring any life things too do.Also I may do a lite Version but that isn't promised.But will get everybody's opinion on that.

    Ok I know I'm gonna sound like a total noob here... but I've heard talk of these split data things a couple times and tbh, I don't get what it is? Somebody feel like enlightening me?

  5. Remove: NWA Anarchy, NWA Hollywood, ECCW, basically all NWA's.

    Ummmm WHY?

    No one uses them, they're really small, and basically no one signs with them.

    I beg to differ, while yes they are small companies, most of them have some great talent and I personally do play as these companies, it is only a couple of months sine NWA Force 1 was added and removing them would make the game seriously less worth downloading as NWA is a huge piece of Wrestling.

    I'm with Marco on this one. He's got a great point. Without the NWA back in the 50's and 60's there would be no wrestling period today.

    Yeah and today besides a few namely the Marquez projects (Pro-Wrestling and Hollywood) and NWA Anarchy most NWAs are just the same as any other indy. Out of the NWAs, I'd want to see NWA East removed mainly due to the roster issues.

    I'm with tghe rest of these guys. Not to mention the fact that removing companies just cause they're small defeats the entire purpose of having the different image levels. For the game to properly represent the industry it needs both big AND small promotions. Also, removing ECCW especially would really bother me not only because I'm almost in their territory (and the company that DOES cover my area isn't in the game) but also because there's already a serious lack of companies from outside the US, which AGAIN shows a misrepresentation of the industry, AND because a lot of pretty solid indy talent that works for them have (for the previous reason) had all their other companies removed already, and would be left in unemployment limbo if it was removed. I don't know a lot about a lot of the rest of them, but I will argue the removal of ECCW to the death.

  6. Okay, IDM, whatever you say. I dunno who the hell you've been watching, we MUST be talking about different people. He has yet to cut a single promo that I would rank anywhere above average at best... and among every other wrestling fan I've talked to besides on this forum, we have all agreed such... but sure, lets act like the guy is charismatic cause 5 or so of the vast minority who think so happen to be on the same forum.

    Note to self... after downloading the pack, make sure to correct for several gross over-estimations.

  7. I don't have anything AGAINST Riley... I mean, he's got a good look, and he's still young so there's definitely room for improvement, but he's nowhere near The Miz (who, to be realistic, is one of the most charismatic guys in the company) and has absolutely NOTHING about him that warrants a Fonz Factor in ANY WAY.

    Now as far as the Moonsault / Coast to Coast thing goes, several people now have said that being able to do a moonsault doesn't warrant a high speed stat (see: Vader) and a coast to coast, esp. in the six sided ring, which is the only place I've seen him do it, isnt all that hard when your body is that long. Covering a smaller distance with a height advantage doesn't really blow me away in any sense.

  8. Lower Sean O'Haire's speed to 38 and overness to 46. Lance Hoyt is better at speed than he is.

    I disagree, but I guess that's up to Bill. I would keep O'Haire's speed higher than Hoyts.

    I disagree on the basis of - when was the last time O'Haire worked? Last I heard he gained a lot of weight.

    I don't remember that but O'Haire changed up his style in WWE and stop doing the Swanton. I don't remember him doing much of the speed stuff since WCW ended.

    Rename Tiger Kid/Tiger Kidd/Kid Tiger to Tiger. (surprisingly there is no alter ego entry for "Tiger" already in the game.)

    He didn't do a lot of flying in WWE, no... prob. cause they discouraged it due to... well... being the WWE, but it's already been stated several times on here that things which are put into the updates are to be based on fact, not rumor... so unless we see first hand that O'Haire's incapable of doing that stuff, I fail to see why it's assumed he can't... and really, I don't recall EVER seeing anything out of Hoyt that made him seem like he should have a very high speed.

    As far as O'Haire gaining weight, he absolutely did for a while... but judging by this picture from the official K-1 site, I'd say he's back to some pretty good condition, and between him and Hoyt I'd still put money on Sean being able to out-maneuver him any day of the week.


  9. - I'd only consider adding in Martin Casaus, Luke Robinson and Jeremiah Riggs since they have had careers in wrestling before or in the case of Riggs is currently working FCW.

    So does Ivelisse, who has wrestled in a lot of independant promotions in the Illinois and surrounding areas under the ring name "Juliet The Huntress". Ryan Howe also has, but I don't know a lot of details on him.

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