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  1. Even if they're "just discussions" - everybody thinks you're an idiot, nobody cares about your input, most people thinks your suggestions are shit, and pretty much hate even seeing you post.... so why bother? Update your own game the way you want it and just call it a day. Nobody wants your input, much less the arguments that come from it. Take a hint.
  2. My favorite part is how he says "more are on the way, DON'T YOU WORRY" Like all these people who are simultaneously telling him off would be emotionally destroyed if he were to suddenly take the hint and vanish. Everybody else said it perfectly: They ARE just suggestions... but when those suggestions are WRONG based on lack of research or ignorance of worker types, etc., they're useless, and if they end up getting implemented and fucking with other people's games, it stops being an innocent "difference of opinion".
  3. Could somebody possibly do one of Dean Ambrose with the US title? That'd be awesome : )
  4. Hey guys, here are a couple workers already in the games that I noticed I don't have pictures for, but have started to use... so if somebody could put these guys on KyKy, I'd appreciate it... "The Dragon" Arrick Andrews http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_full_width/hash/91/21/arrick_0.jpg "Teen Excitement" Drew Haskins http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_full_width/hash/82/aa/drew_1.jpg
  5. You rock, Bill. Don't rush yourself any more than you feel comfortable with. While I can understand people being excited to try it out, their impatience reflects poorly on them. Keep up the great work.
  6. If there ever has been anything like this, I've never seen it, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say if you really wanna do this, you're probably gonna be stuck going through old updates.
  7. i'd debate at raising his brawl into the 80's, he's been on a great roll as of late -Mark Henry's brawl is currently at 68, i think something like 72 would be a good rating for him -I would suggest lowering Kevin Nash's brawl to around 64 I disagree with both. Old as he is, Nash is still infinitely better than Henry. The fact that Henry even has over solid 50s disgusts me.
  8. Ok I know I'm gonna sound like a total noob here... but I've heard talk of these split data things a couple times and tbh, I don't get what it is? Somebody feel like enlightening me?
  9. Right click.... Save... Put in the appropriate folder... jobs done.
  10. Did you ask? No. Then again, did I ask for your PERMISSION to give my "2 cents"? No. Do I need your permission to excersize freedom of speech on a public forum? Again, that would be a no. So, what's your point?
  11. There's also a serious lack of Canadian companies, which is what I was getting at by saying it would be worsened by removing one of the only (I think) 2 in the game. At that point it ceases to be "North American" and becomes US exclusive.
  12. Wow... that name sounds like something out of a horribly dubbed anime or something. It's so random and nonsensical lol.
  13. Ummmm WHY? No one uses them, they're really small, and basically no one signs with them. I beg to differ, while yes they are small companies, most of them have some great talent and I personally do play as these companies, it is only a couple of months sine NWA Force 1 was added and removing them would make the game seriously less worth downloading as NWA is a huge piece of Wrestling. I'm with Marco on this one. He's got a great point. Without the NWA back in the 50's and 60's there would be no wrestling period today. Yeah and today besides a few namely the Marquez projects (Pro-Wrestling and Hollywood) and NWA Anarchy most NWAs are just the same as any other indy. Out of the NWAs, I'd want to see NWA East removed mainly due to the roster issues. I'm with tghe rest of these guys. Not to mention the fact that removing companies just cause they're small defeats the entire purpose of having the different image levels. For the game to properly represent the industry it needs both big AND small promotions. Also, removing ECCW especially would really bother me not only because I'm almost in their territory (and the company that DOES cover my area isn't in the game) but also because there's already a serious lack of companies from outside the US, which AGAIN shows a misrepresentation of the industry, AND because a lot of pretty solid indy talent that works for them have (for the previous reason) had all their other companies removed already, and would be left in unemployment limbo if it was removed. I don't know a lot about a lot of the rest of them, but I will argue the removal of ECCW to the death.
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