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Posts posted by DAv

  1. For the good ones, who actually put time and effort into scripting, researching and editing videos? It's worth it, if you're a fan of riffing, because at it's heart that is what most internet reviewing is. Because the best of the comedy reviewers are the ones who just riff on movies for 10-5mins.

    Some go as far as 20 minutes and that can be a bit much, if they're going for a just jokes(a main fault of Nostalgia Critic), but if they have some well reasoned, researched material to balance out the jokes I think 20mins is fine (see Oancitizen or The Nostalgia Chick) because you actually come away having learned something.

    A good one for this would be Spoony's overview of the Ultima series. He grew up with them and tends to be far more praiseworthy than normal, albeit still pointing out the flaws along the way. Most of the videos in that series clock up to around about ten-fifteen minutes except for his look into Ultima VIII which goes on for about half an hour and is the most negative so far. For general riffing on games though, Spoony also did a LP of Phantasmagoria 2 which came out hilarious. About five hours of gameplay and starts slow but really funny as it goes along.

  2. I've asked before on this on various spots and no one really managed to give me a source for it. Does anyone have the iDom 1990 info at all? I tracked a link that had an updated version from a previous thread but that was for megaupload so, bit of bad luck there. Anyone able to point me the way to it?

  3. Well if we want a juicy, full blown cover up story, might as well mention that the District Attorney who decided not to prosecute Sandusky in 1998 was declared dead in July because he's been missing since 2005. His laptop hard drive was found in a river near where his car was found parked, too water damaged to read.

    To be fair, I believe he had brought down some drug runners beforehand so it might have been more revenge as opposed to anything to do with this.

  4. Looking to start a scenario with wrestlers from throughout the last thirty years in their prime. Has there ever been a thread made detailing the yearly averages of a wrestler's stats? Or a month by month break down of their stats? Would like to start this scenario but would also prefer not to trawl through several dozen scenarios to get what I want if I can help it. Anyone know of anything that can help?

  5. Basically in the title but I was just wondering if it was possible to run a scenario in EWR from one year while also doing another from another year? I've started a TNA 2010 scenario and want to start another for the WWF in 1995 but will I have to delete any files or anything along those lines to do so? Or is it one year per game file?

    What I do is you get the Data pack you want and put it in the place where the default DATA is kept. Then once you've made your save (in this case the TNA 2010 save) you do the same again. Replace the DATA pack with a different one when you go to make another new game. Then you'll have two games running on two different data packs. I've got a current day WWE game going on along with one using the default data and it's working fine for me.

    So just basically put the information in the same folder and let it overwrite it? Should still work for both then?

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