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Posts posted by Ace

  1. She's MAAAAASSSSSSSIIIIIIIVVVVVVVEEEEEELLLLLLLYYYYYYY Huge in her HOME Country of Australia thanks to a show called Neighbours which is basically an Australian version of a Soap Opera. It was Headline news and I like everyone else hope she gets better soon.

    Coincidentally there is only one other Australian Female more popular than Kylie anyone care to have a guess who?

    There's two now actually

    Delta fucking Goodrem and Bec fucking Cartwright4


    Call me callous but the best thing to happen to Delta was getting cancer and surviving

  2. She's MAAAAASSSSSSSIIIIIIIVVVVVVVEEEEEELLLLLLLYYYYYYY Huge in her HOME Country of Australia thanks to a show called Neighbours which is basically an Australian version of a Soap Opera. It was Headline news and I like everyone else hope she gets better soon.

    Coincidentally there is only one other Australian Female more popular than Kylie anyone care to have a guess who?

  3. 1. WWE Title: Matt Hardy v. Edge

    2. World Title Match: Chris Benoit v. Chris Jericho v. some other guy

    3. Molly Holly v. Kane

    4. SuperCage for the WWE Tag Team Titles: Team JAPAN v. Kurt and Brock v. Eddie and Rey Rey v. WGTT

    5. World Tag + Women's Title: Sting/Harris/Laree v. La Résistance v. Team WCW v. Joey/Chris/Jackie

    6. Randy Orton v. The Rock

    7. Hell in a Cell: Undertaker v. Billy Kidman

    8. Ron Simmons, Rob Van Dam, and Hurricane v. Right to Censor - Steph Turns

    9. Intercontinental Title: Lance Storm v. Michael Shane

  4. Wow. He is FINALLY gone. i think Keith said it best.

    The Bottom Line:

    Five long f'ing years. All the politics, the backstabbing, the comments against Jericho and Benoit. All the belittling in the ring, underselling, and clean pinning for no reason.

    This is for Chris Jericho. This is for Booker T. This is for Rob Van Dam. This is for Kane. This is for Chris Benoit. This is for Kurt Angle, for Hurricane, for Evolution, and for Eric Bischoff. This is for every person whose neck you stepped on when you climbed to the top. And most of all, this is for Stephanie herself, whom you consigned to years of therapy with your actions.

    Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, HHHey-HHHey-HHHey, good-bye.

    Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Nora, on the other hand, has full permission to kick your ass.

    Buh. Bye.

  5. My Predictions. Remember People I won the last contest.

    Batista v. Shawn Michaels

    Lance Storm v. Michael Shane

    Molly Holly v. Randy Orton

    René Dupree v. Sting

    Chris Harris v. Triple H

    Kane v. Scott Hall

    Chris Jericho v. Johnny Jeter

    Chris Nowinski v. Nick Mondo

    Shawn Michaels v. Michael Shane

    Randy Orton v. Sting

    Triple H v. Kane

    Chris Jericho v. Nick Mondo

    Shawn Michaels v. Randy Orton

    Chris Jericho v. Kane

    Randy Orton v. Jericho of which I can see a double winner happening to set up a triple threat for Mania.

  6. DAMMIT I was so close. If I had just left Edge as my predicted winner I'd be a sole winner.

    That'll teach me to trust my first instincts.

    and finally I'm in the winner's club. This feel's good.

    *puts on red jacket to show dukes what show he'd rather get*

  7. OK so since where on the topic of favourites...

    My Created guy (Levinator) versus Kane. 15 minute long match which by the ened of it Kane was fully red and I was red in my head and chest anyway I went to Spinebuster Kane but he reversed it into a DDT then he lifted me up and went for the chokeslam I kicked him low and then went for my finisher the Running Big Boot which he ducked he then lifted me up to powerslam me but i struggled off his back and as he turned around he was met with the running Big Boot for the 1...2...3 and Levinator wins.

  8. 1. Chris Benoit v. Molly Holly

    2. Matt Hardy v. Eddie Guerrero by DQ of course

    3. La Résistance v. Booker T and Scott Hall

    4. Who pins whom? Dupree pins Booker

    5. Ron Simmons v. Nathan Jones

    6. Who, if anyone, will be Simmons's manager? Konnan

    7. Alexis Laree v. Jackie Gayda

    8. Ron Killings v. Jose Maximo


    9. When someone retires, either they pass the torch or they get beaten up as a goodbye. Which will happen? Torch Passing onto Edge

    10. Who will be involved in it? Hogan & Edge

    11. Of the following three options, which will describe the outcome of Kidman's decision:

    A. He joins Undertaker to be reunited with Torrie

    B. He recovers Torrie from Undertaker (anything that involves Andy and Lindsay splitting is diary suicide and Andy wont go evil)

    C. He leaves Torrie and goes on his own


    12 and 13. Who drew #1 and #2? (Answers will be considered interchangeable.) Eric Angle & Kurt Angle

    14. Who drew #30? Randy Orton

    15. Who wins? Chris Jericho

    16. Who is second? Edge

    17 and 18. Who finishes third and fourth? (Answers will be considered interchangeable.) Randy Orton & Kane

    19. Who will spend the most time in the ring? Edge

    20. Who will be credited with the most eliminations? Kane

    21. How often will only one person be in the ring (apart from, obviously, the very end)? None

    22. One person advertised for the Rumble will withdraw. Who? Billy Kidman

    23. Who will be picked to replace that person? Eric Angle

  9. Hey This Is Our First 3 Hour PPV Card

    HELL IN A CELL MATCH for 33.33333% OWNERSHIP OF D.W.A. : John Kerry versus George Bush

    George should win setting up a feud between him and Dallas and Careb


    MJ's career in DWA/MBSEL is over now that Joe is dead.

    I’M NOT GAY MATCH: Julian Snakes versus The Mango Kid

    The Mango Kid is NOT GAY

    “NORMAL WRESTLING MATCH” MATCH: Johnny Colorado versus Dave The Weather Man

    Thanks to Dallas Drakes interference

    SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE MATCH [GENE SMITH]: Mike Smith versus Ronald Feature

    ...when Gene turns on Mike

    4 vs. 4 SURVIVAL MATCH: The Forces Of Good versus The Forces Of Evil

    Cause they are the good guys. :shifty:

    BROTHER versus BROTHER: Caleb Darke versus Dallas Darke

    I see a double DQ happening here and so it leaves everything hanging in the air as to who really is the best.

    CRUCIFIX MATCH: Christ Love versus The Jewish Street Crew

    Christ Love just suck. End of Discussion

    ELIMINATION MATCH: The Zombies versus Better Off Dead II versus The Superheroes versus The Chaos Brothers

    Antman and Bone Boy pick up the win here with Ease.

  10. Ok before I predict just for pure humors sake the HHH/HBK/Hall vs. Kane/Rhyno/Batista match is ***** alone. I'm still laughing. anyways time to lose another prediction contest.


    Okay, guys -- Prediction Contest. The matches for Halloween Havoc are up, and it's up to you guys to predict the results. Here they are again.

    World Title: Chris Jericho © vs. Randy Orton

    I want Orton to win but it's too soon for Jericho to lose the title after the long build he had to get it so I see Y2J going over here by DQ or something maintaining the fact that Orton is a strong challenger and then orton wins at Survivor Series

    Intercontinental Title #1 (Street Fight): Chris Nowinski vs. Lance Storm

    Intercontinental Title #2 (Submission): Chris Nowinski vs. Lance Storm

    Intercontinental Title #3 (Ladder) (if necessary): Chris Nowinski © vs. Lance Storm

    Nowinski has the smarts to win a street fight But Storm is the submission specialist. That leaves the ladder match and I see you pushing Nowinski as the ladder match specialist who hasn't lost a ladder match yet if he wins it so yeah. Nowinski retains

    World Tag Team Titles: Batista and Michael Shane © vs. Sting and Chris Harris

    Harris is gonna have to turn on Sting soon. Better late than never.

    Women's Title: Alexis Laree © vs. Trish Stratus vs. Tracy

    Alexis retains after Tracey "accidently" hits Trish or something

    Molly Holly vs. Eric Bischoff

    I dont want to see Molly get a title shot but I don't think your going to put over a non-wrestler over one of your few breakout stars of the past year.

    Shawn Michaels vs. Rhyno

    Rhyno is on a roll and HBK is in the way

    I Quit Match: Chris Benoit vs. Nick Mondo

    correct your mistake from Unforgiven and let Mondo win so he can get over enough to challenge Orton for the belt when he wins it at Survivor Series

    Kane vs. Christian

    I like the fact that Christian is helping Molly but Kane is gonna run through him and get himself DQ'd by beating on Christian with a chair

  11. CWA Featured Attraction

    CWA Opening jig goes to…

    The Heavy Metal music hits and the crowd is split 50/50 either booing Conway for leaving or cheering for his return as he comes out. He slides into the ring and grabs a mike as the crowd dies down.

    RC-“Ok so I can understand why people want to boo the Iron Man but let me explain. I didn’t leave CWA cause I wanted to I left it cause that SOB that calls himself a booker decided to put the title on Coleman instead of me. Now no offence is meant to Caprice he’s a great guy and makes a great champ but what about me. I’m the Iron Man Rob Conway for god sakes so I decided to leave a little message for the booker and left. Of course then he called and wanted me back. So just so you know as of tonight the chase for the title belt is on. Coleman you can run but you can’t hide from me cause I’m back again to do 2 things. Kick ass and chew bubblegum…and I’m all outta gum.”

    Conway then heads to the back as I stew about the fact that he forgot to mention the main event of him vs. Pepper Parks.


    Billy Fives vs. James Hearte

    Our resident jobber came out to face Billy Fives and an unusually good match occurred which saw Hearte throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Fives in an effort to lose the jobber stigma but it wasn’t enough as Fives managed to dominate Hearte with some mat based moves before taking to the air and showing off his high flying arsenal. In the end Hearte stuck his knees up on an attempted moonsault. Both men were then down but Hearte got to his feet first and kicked Fives in the stomach before hooking his arms for the talent show. He lifted him up but Fives reversed it into a hurricarana with a cradle. The ref goes to count and Fives grabs the ropes with 1 arm while keeping the other arm holding the leg of Hearte. 1…2…3 and for the second month running Fives has stolen it. Fives then slides out of the ring and walks backstage leaving a fuming Hearte in the ring

    Winner: Billy Fives

    61 38 85

    Cassidy O’Reilly vs. Race Steele

    These 2 newcomers to CWA decided to try and see how good they could do against one another but in reality I should have thought twice before hiring Cassidy. Anyways the match itself was pretty good but Steele pretty much CARRIED O’Reilly to a **½ match. The finish came when Steele went for his jumping Steele Cutter but Cassidy pushed him into the ropes and off the ropes drilled him with a Super Kick. 1…2…3 and Cassidy wins the one he shouldn’t have.

    Winner: Cassidy O’Reilly

    55 36 75

    King &???? Vs. Insane Dragon &????

    This match was signed after the debacle after the JC Ice vs. American Dragon match last month. It was originally Ice & King vs. Insane & American Dragon but due to some thefts (bloody NWA: TX hope they rot in hell) the BoD has decided to let each man recruit his own partner. Insane came out with another member of the dragon family in Super Dragon and then King came out by himself holding a mike.

    DK-“Now I looked far and I looked wide for my partner. I needed someone who was worthy of teaming with Royalty. A big man is required for that job and that’s just who I found. I found my partner in none other than…”

    Suddenly some rap music hits the speakers and from the back out walks…"BIG TIME” BARRY HAMMOND the crowd pops loud for the ex-LAW wrestler as he walks to the ring flashing off his bling bling signals. He walks over and slaps hands with Derrick King before they walk down to the ring and climb in to start the match.

    King and Insane start the match off and show off some good pure wrestling before King distracts the ref and Hammond climbs in behind Insane and clocks him with his chain. King and Hammond then start dissecting Insane Dragon with cheap tactics and double teams while Super gets worked up on the outside. In the end Derrick goes to nail Insane with a Double Arm DDT but Insane pushes him into the ropes bounces off the other ropes and nails a slingshot dropkick. Both men then start to crawl to their corners with King reaching first. Hammond then charges to grab Insane’s leg (and shakes the ring something cruel) but Insane uses the last of his strength to jump over and tag in Super. Super comes in a house on fire with lefts and rights to Hammond before flying around Hammond and drilling him with clotheslines, dropkicks and cross body’s. Hammond starts staggering and then goes down thanks to a missile dropkick. Super goes for the cover 1…2…but Derrick King breaks it up with an elbow to the back of super’s head. King then lifts Super up and drills him with the Double Arm DDT. King then covers as the ref forgets who’s legal 1…2… and Insane breaks it up with a lionsault. Insane then waits for King to get up before bouncing off the ropes and nailing King with the Insanity Spin. Insane goes for the pin 1…2… and Big Time pulls the ref out of the ring and throws him into the steel steps. Big Time then grabs one of his chains and slides in as Insane finally realises the ref is missing. Insane gets up and turns around…and Hammond clocks him with a chain wrapped hand!!! Hammond then waits as Super gets up and clocks him too before throwing his chain out of the ring. Hammond then whips the Dragons into one corner and avalanches them both. Super staggers out straight into a Double Arm DDT from King. Hammond then places Insane on the top rope and Superplexes him. Hammond goes for the cover as King slides out and throws the ref back in. a groggy ref then counts 1……2……3

    Winners: Derrick King & “Big Time” Barry Hammond

    58 45 71

    CM Punk Interview

    Next up Punk’s theme music hit the speakers and from the back out he walked this time ignoring the crowd who he’d usually curse at and instead sliding into the ring and signalling for a mike. The crowd are still giving him hell for the beating he gave Hearte last month but he ignores and instead raises the mike.

    CM Punk-“For too long I have been ignored. For too long I have been spat on and refused my chance. Well no longer as of right now I am declaring myself in the Coastal title hunt. You wanna keep ignoring me BoD and I’ll give you hell. Next month I either want a number 1 contender’s match or a shot at Coleman himself, and if you ignore me again…well than accidents happen. Accidents like what happened to Hearte last month when I broke Kayfabe and instead of giving Hearte his first victory instead kicked his arse. From now on you do as I say…or I do things my way.”


    Debuted new gimmick (Man on a Mission) it got a positive response

    CM Punk vs. Jo Jo Fantastico

    OK so after that mini shoot from CM Punk I changed my plans of him wrestling Aki Mann and instead decided to send out Jo Jo Fantastico for his debut match. Again Punk no-selled Jo Jo’s punches and beat the crap out of him before slamming him into the corner lifting him onto the top rope and Pepsi Plunging him. Punk then lifted Jo Jo up and gave him a normal Pedigree for the 1…2…3 post match Punk beat down Jo Jo with a chair before Conway sprinted down and started going toe – to – toe with Punk and brawled with all the way backstage.

    Winner: CM Punk

    62 39 85

    Caprice Coleman vs. Robbie Brookside CWA Coastal Title

    OK seeing as my main event is a fan requested match I decided to have Coleman defend his title just before it and sent out Brookside to see how good a wrestler he could be. The 2 ended up having a semi-decent match, which proved to me that Coleman COULD wrestle. The match was pretty much Brookside dominating Coleman but every now and then Coleman would fight back only for Brookside to complain that Coleman was breaking some kind of imaginary rule. In the end Caprice got fed up with him and slid out of the ring, grabbed a chair and slid back in with it. The ref went to grab it but Coleman pushed him aside and drilled Brookside in the head with it before yelling “THAT’S how you break the rules.” The ref then called for the DQ and Coleman grabbed his belt and headed backstage while Brookside rolled around in the ring holding his head.

    Winner: by DQ, Robbie Brookside

    67 50 84

    Rob Conway vs. Pepper Parks Submission

    Hajihowe correctly guessed Big Time Barry Hammond as my mystery debutee and then proceeded to choose Conway vs. Parks in a submission match. The finish he chose is not what I wanted but oh well, each to his own. These 2 started off by having an amateur wrestling display while trying to hold the other down. In then end Pepper got sick of it and low blowed Conway in full view of the ref. Submission –only so the ref couldn’t do anything about it. Pepper than started to take over on Conway and kept him down with some highflying moves before locking him into a STF. Conway got the ropes and then started a comeback but Pepper slipped out of the ring and grabbed a chair before sliding in and belting Conway with it. Pepper then placed Conway in a Cloverleaf and with nowhere to go Conway tapped out. Pepper than celebrated his upset victory as the show ended.

    Winner: Pepper Parks

    61 44 78

    Overall: 60

  12. Guerrero vs. Regal

    Mysterio vs. Malenko

    Steiners vs. Harlem Heat[b/]

    Hall vs. Flair

    Nash vs. Luger

    Hogan vs. The Giant with special guest Referee Comissioner Bischoff.

    Who joins the n.W.o. at Road Wild? I have either Giant or Luger turning

    Who will be added to the Horsemen to make it complete? William Regal

    TIE BREAKER: Who will be debuting soon? Bret Hart

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