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Posts posted by KAMALARAMBO

  1. Dagger vs Gazz, lets make it happen EWB.

    i did say i used to compete professionally.

    That's why it'll be in a pro wrestling match. Most probably for WRESTLE1.

    That i'd probably be interested in, i know next to nothing(ok nothing) about Wrestle1 but before injuries and other circumstances put an end to my career in both MMA and Pro Wrestling, Pro Wrestling was my love. I trained to be a pro wrestler, then i started to do MMA, and then briefly went back to Pro Wrestling before my injuries built up too much.

    WRESTLE1 seems like a pretty jam up company from what I've seen of them thus far. Definitely check them out. Unless you mind seeing Muta in the twilight of his career. I still love me some Muta, but others don't seem to feel the same way.

    To get back on topic, Muta could still probably take me in an MMA :(

  2. Seven Samurai was awesome. Easily one of the best films I've seen.

    If you're not familiar with Kurosawa then another one I'd recommend is Ikiru. Very different from Seven Samurai, but very well made. Also, Rashoman is a suggestion that kind of goes without saying.

  3. I tend to watch a lot of comedy movies and can only handle so many comic book movies. So I was wondering what are some of the best movies that don't fall under either category from the past 10 years? I was hoping to get some suggestions. I've watched a ton outside of these two genres as well, but figured there are probably plenty of good ones I still haven't seen from the last 10 years.

  4. Heck, there's a lot of good movies in there. Out of the ones I don't think you said you watched yet from highest priority to least my top three would be:

    Sunset Boulevard (classic, especially if you like movies from that era)

    American History X


  5. Yeah, I tried to lend a hand with the EWR 1975. I was actually watching wrestling back then (I was 5 but still watched it). Those were fun times for me and my Dad. I guess that is why I am wanting to do it for TEW. I also thought some something else. I imported the wrestlers from D.O.T.T. mod. I thought I would allow workers as young as 17 to stay in the game. If it tells me later on that they are too young I can always take them out. I guess I am doing it more for myself than anyone else. But who knows I just might share it once I get it done.


    I don't really have anything to add, but just was wondering if you'd ever be interested in developing a mod based even further back? I'd love to play a wrestling sim based in the 1950s or even earlier. Seems like it could be a lot of fun and even possibly somewhat educational (I love reading about old timey wrestling). Unfortunately, I've never made a mod and don't have anywhere near the knowledge of that timeframe (though I'd be willing to contribute at least a little if such a project was undertaken).

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