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Everything posted by Maelas

  1. In my opinion, tratus never was a godd wrestler, but that's another debate. And don't forget thta the Divas aren't signed because they can wrestle, they are signed because they are godd looking, unlike someone like Angle, who has just a little gold medal in real wrestling, even if it's not all, it helps to be a godd wrestler. But, honestly, let's stop the debate, whe have all differente posiiton, and no one is going to agree with the other, so let's bury the War Axe, and in order to know if Bill will agree to decrease the Divas stats or not.
  2. A Joshi wrestler, to keep your example, will train to wrestle, will do matches against GOOD wrestlers, and will imporve because of that. You don't improve your wrestling skills when you train to show your boobs to the Camera, or by facng Aksana. I'm sorry, but Kelly Kelly could do billions of matches, thaht doesn't mean she will become the best wrestler in the world, because it's not that simple. "as good as a Diva is, she will always be one of the worst female wrestler in the world, espceially if she never wrestled beforer the WWE. " I'm sorry, but if you don't agree with that statement, prove me otherwise, by telling me the name of one Diva that never wrestled before WWE and can be considered as a good wrestler.
  3. "The TNA Knock-Outs division is, by and large, even worse than the Divas division. And I could name you a ton of Japanese and indie women wrestlers who are worse than the majority of WWE "Divas". Wrestling for SHIMMER, or wrestling in Japan, doesn't automatically make you a good wrestler any more than wrestling for WWE automatically makes you a bad one." Ok for the Knock-Out now, because in 2008-2009, they had Melissa, Roxx, Kong and Hamada who are better than all of the Divas Ever combined, and with ease. And you say you can give me a ton of women wrestlers who are worst than the Divas, i doubt it, but go ahead, so i could tell you the tons of Indys/Jiohi wrestlers who are BETTER than the Divas. I know that there is fans of the WWE here, but come on, a little common sense to realize that kelly kelly never did a good match, and that she and all the Divas could make 1000 match a year, they would still be horrible, because it doesn't work like that, you don't just upgrade after a certain number of matches.
  4. " I am not the biggest fan of Eve (don't know why) But this statement is wrong and makes it impossible for someone to agree with you. Plenty of Divas are good and not all as awful as you claim. and now with SDR training them they will only get better " I don't want to start the debate again, but the statement is true, as good as a Diva is, she will always be one of the worst female wrestler in the world, espceially if she never wrestled beforer the WWE. That's just a Fact, with thousands and thousands of prooves. But that's surely not the topic to talk about that.
  5. Ok, if you want, let's keep the Stats for Eve and Kaytlin; it's not a big deal. I really don't understand why you love them as much as that, but there is no problem, i respect you opinion and i agree to don't change the Sats of Eve and Kaytlin.
  6. "Someone does not need to go through the indys to be a good wrestler" I agree with that, but honestly, can you really say that Kelly Kelly or Aksana just approach the level of someone like Courtney Rush, wich is an average wrestler ?
  7. Ignoring the fact that i was typing to Fast, wich make me forgot one Letter, I didn't ask for a Stat decrease for these wrestlers, and as far as i Know, they are not Top-Model with no Indy Experience like Kelly Kelly or Eve Torres.
  8. ' Put your indy boner away. Eve and Kaitlyn are very good, the fact that they've modeled in the past doesn't negate that. Go watch Eve vs Beth and and any Kaitlyn match from the weird season of NXT. ' I've seen them, every single one of them. Now, you, go check a Courtney Rush/ Sara Del Rey, a Kana/ Mia Yim, a Madison Eagles/ Serena Deeb or a Saraya Knight/ Britani Knight and then, say that Eve and Kaytlin are "very good". They might be good for a Diva, but it's not a quality, Divas are the wort wrestlers in the world, next to them, the WSU's Lowcarders are Wrestling Godess, and with facility.
  9. A few change for the stats of the female wrestlers: - Increase Saraya Knight Brawl to 75, Speed to 41, and Technical to 67 From what I've seen of her, nothing she does indicates a brawl that high. Well, she is one of the best Female Wrestler in the world, i think she deserve these Stats, she is a really good Brawler, and in comparaison with the Brawling Skill of Kaytlin, for example, she is just not in the same league. 75 is really good. - Increase Kana Brawl to 70 and technical to 72 Feel overrated. From what I've seen she isn't that good.
  10. A few change for the stats of the female wrestlers: - Increase Saraya Knight Brawl to 75, Speed to 41, and Technical to 67 - Increase Jessicka Havok Brawl to 70,Speed to 45 and check Menacing - Increase Kana Brawl to 70 and technical to 72 - Increase "Wrestling Goddess " Athena Brawl to 58 and Speed to 69 - Increase Christina Von Eerie Brawl to 56, Speed to 59 and Technical to 58 - Increase Paige Brawl to 60 and Speed to 45 - Decrease Emma Brawl to 39 and Technical to 53 - Decrease Kimber Lee Brawl to 42 - Decrease Kelly Kelly Brawl to 21 and Speed to 43 - Decrease Kaytlin Brawl to 37 and Technical to 29 - Decrease Aksana Brawl to 30 and Technical to 35 - Decrease Eve Brawl to 31, Speed to 40 and Technical to 35 Add Arisa Nakajima
  11. Change Ayumi Kurihara' First Finisher. Now, she use the Uranage (Impact)
  12. Raise "Wrestling Godess" Athena"s Speed to 54, and Check "High Spot".
  13. Add a new Stable called "Valkyrie" to Shimmer-Shine, with Ivelisse,Rain,Taylor Made, Allysin Kay and April Hunter in it. Raise Saraya Knight Brawling to 68, Speed to 34 and Technical to 59 Add Yoshiko
  14. Oh, and one more thing, i think you should really decrease the stats of Kelly Kelly. 41 in Brawl and 28 in Technical is way too much for her, especially when Saraya Knight has only 49 in Brawl, and Knight is really better than Kelly in brawl.
  15. Rename the Tag team of MsChif and Christina Von Eerie, since it's now called MSEERIE .
  16. It's not really important, but i think you should correct it for the new version, Paige don't use the Ram-Paige anymore, but The Paige Turner
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