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Status Updates posted by Brody

  1. Closest round of voting yet. Winner won by one vote. Update will be out soon. Gonna be a lot of flip flopping next show.

  2. Clueless Carter is up in the Dome. You've got 24 hours to vote on whatever madness happens this week.

  3. Extreme Rules is now up in the Dome! Check it out! Feedback is greatly appreciated.

  4. First recipient of the Hulkamania award will be Sign Guy. Calling it.

  5. For the love of god, why does me typing the DEMON Kane turn in to the DEMON the DEMON the DEMON the DEMON Kane?

  6. Got my Wrestlemania tickets! Anybody else going?

  7. Just got back from Knotfest. NAPALM DEATH!

  8. New set of rules are up. Go vote now!

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