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Posts posted by armyman2004

  1. They came into Lawler's aid at SmackDown. How would you call that? BTW, it's from Wrestling Observer.

    I wouldn't say they came to Lawler's aid, so much as they had their own agenda involving Kane. That doesn't doesn't make them face (just yet), but it certainly doesn't leave them heel.

    Make them tweeners, problem solved.

    Agreed. That's the safest territory to place The Shield until the 'feud' with Kane &


    presumably concludes at Wrestlemania.

  2. WWE Stats (from wwe.com)

    - The Miz should be a heavyweight(231 lbs). Miz is listed as 220 lbs. That's light.

    - Santino Marella should be a lightweight(220 lbs). Santino is listed as 233. Still a heavyweight.

    - Alex Riley is a lightweight(213 lbs). Riley is listed as 236 lbs. He's a heavyweight.

    - Zeb Colter is 59 according to Cagematch, he should also be a lightweight(224 lbs). Colter is listed as 225 lbs. Close enough for managerial purposes.

    - CJ Parker is a lightweight(216 lbs). Parker is listed as 220 lbs. Close enough.

    - Danny Burch is a heavyweight(242 lbs). Burch is listed as 213. Lightweight.

    - Kassius Ohno should be a lightweight, cagematch has him listed at 229 lbs. WWE lists Ohno at 225 lbs. Yep, he's light, but barely.

    - Knuckles Madsen is also listed at 229 lbs. Madsen is listed as 230 lbs. Seems like 225 should be the cutoff, which means Madsen should be heavy.

    - Oliver Grey is 218 lbs, so set him as a lightweight. Also check booker and trainer. WWE lists Grey at 225. Still light, but walking the line.

    - Rick Victor is a lightweight(216 lbs). WWE lists Victor at 219 lbs. Absolutely light.

    • Like 1
  3. Add Wes Brisco to TNA. Turn him heel and change his gimmick to 'Biker'

    No problem adding him and turning him heel... But, for the "Biker" gimmick to work, the worker has to be a heavyweight, which Wes Brisco is not... In fact, he's under 200 lbs, IIRC.


    But wait! I've read spoilers, and unless I missed something coming up in the next 2 weeks, there's no reason to turn Wes heel OR give him a biker gimmick.

  4. Sorry for the off-topic post, but...

    I have been doing updates every month since 2007 (with the exception of July 2010). That's 66 updates. I start new games constantly to get a look at the data after I have made updates/changes/etc. I just finished removing NWA East from the data and started a new game. I have probably started around 10,000 "new" games since starting updates. This is the first time I have EVER seen this:



    Yep, it happens from time to time. When there are a specific number of slots open in promotions, Pinky & The Brain will pop up and start their own promotions. Brain's usually global and I believe Pinky's starts out small. Just one of Ryland's "Easter eggs".

  5. Lesnar's a fighter, like I'm a rocket scientist. Ya know, I am in the army and have been through a combatives course. Maybe I'm a fighter too? Whatever. I almost hope the UFC does give Lesnar a fight with Couture. I'd love Randy to bash his head in within the first minute.

    Lesnar's a good hype man due to his time in the WWE, but like said, he's fought a lot of "cans". Suddenly, he feels he's ready to face the elite of what he called the top promotion. To use wrestling logic... that's like getting a few wins over the Shark Boy's and Norman Smiley's of the world, then declaring, "Give me the Undertaker... I'm ready to end that undefeated WrestleMania streak!"

    Lesnar's big, and he does have some skills, but the truth is he's unproven. Even if it were a lock that he had the skills to end Couture, the UFC isn't stupid enough to make that Lesnar's first match. You have to face a few contenders to get the spot. If not, why even have rankings?

  6. Personally, I got chills watching the movie. I have every Sin City story published so watching it come to life on the "silver screen" had me nervous... until the first few frames. All my reservations disappeared as the movie progressed. I know I sat there in darkness with a stupid fanboy, ear-to-ear grin.

    I realize the dialogue can come off "cheesy" to those that see the movie, but didn't read the comics. There were people in the audience snickering here and there at some dialogue, but again, Rodriguez and Miller made the movie as a faithful homage to the comic. In essence, THIS movie was made for the fans of the books. Period.

    I can't say enough good things about the film and impatiently wait for the second to take me to new heights of fanboy excitement from the first frame to the last.

  7. I was in total agreement with previous accounts, saying your diary was too TNA/ROH influenced, but I'm happy to see that you're bringing more flavor to the "Hybrid" MLW. I suggest bringing in more international flavor, ie Japanese, European, Mexican, Other, etc.

    IMO, your diary has been hit or miss. True, it's not all your fault because the game has a tendency to rob "over" workers without notice as they accept bookings with larger promotions. So, in that respect, I understand your need to scramble to fill the gaps.

    On the other hand, you had three viable workers in Team Canada. Perhaps a better stipulation would have been to have the team that loses split up instead of getting released. Are you going to tell me you couldn't find anything for Roode or Williams to do? Roode is tailor made for a run with the MLW World belt. Williams could easily fall into the Junior or Florida division.

    Also, your first card after taking a break from the diary seemed chaotic, like you couldn't quite remember everything you had previously planned. You even threw awkward hints that made it appear as if Shelley was "claiming" to be champion; even making championship matches as if he wasn't the true champion.

    I realize the last couple of cards have felt a bit chaotic with the changes in roster, but the last few hires have had a slight "big debut this week, jobber the next" feel. Once the major promotions settle down I'm sure your current roster will stabilize and fall into a much better flow.

    Keep it up. I'll be reading.

  8. According to the Chikara website this is most of the 2006 roster. So... yeah, nobody actually asked for these pics, but they're new. And no, I don't do Kyky or any other background.

    Here ya go:


    Soldier Ant


    Fire Ant


    Arik Cannon


    Shane Storm


    Mike Quackenbush


    Larry Sweeney


    Chris Hero


    Claudio Castagnoli








    Gran Akuma




    Eddie Kingston




    Daizee Haze










    Angel de Fuego

  9. I have just a handful that I haven't been able to find anywhere:

    Adriana Belli

    Anna Marie

    Dave Tripps

    Nightmare Manson

    Orange Crush

    Scott Kougar

    Sherry Shock

    I also need a decent Tommassino.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    The only wrestler (other than Tommassino) here that I can even verify exists is Anna Marie. Are these made up names or simply really fringe wrestlers who couldn't hang even with the independents?

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