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Posts posted by armyman2004

  1. Some of you may know that Matt Morgan and Mark Jindrak have teamed in Japan recently for, I believe it is the Hustle promotion, as Sodam & Gamora: a power and paint tandem.

    Here are the pics for those interested:

    Matt=Sodam / Mark=Gamora

    Sodam.jpg - - Gamora.jpg

    On a separate note, I see that Driver has noted NWA: Cyberspace is now NWA: Shockwave. I got bored and created a very simple logo and banner for the newly christened NWA-S:





  2. The Highlanders - Robbie & Rory McAllister ( I don't know which is which to be honest)

    You have them in the right order. Thanks for the pics- where did you find the McAllister pics at, if I can ask?

  3. Warner Home Video have announced that they will be releasing the complete 1st season of the animated "Justice League" series to DVD from March 21st 2006.

    DVD Features:

    Audio Commentary: The Enemy Below, Pt.2 Audio Commentary: Audio Commentary with Bruce Timm- Producer, James Tucker- Producer, Glenn Murakami- Producer, Rich Fogel- Producer & Dan Riba- Director

    Audio Commentary: Legends, Pt.2 Audio Commentary: Audio Commentary with Bruce Timm- Producer, James Tucker- Producer, Glenn Murakami- Producer, Rich Fogel- Producer & Dan Riba- Director

    Audio Commentary: The Savage Time, Pt.2 Audio Commentary- Audio Commentary with Bruce Timm- Producer, James Tucker- Producer, Glenn Murakami- Producer, Rich Fogel- Producer & Dan Riba- Director


    - Inside Justice League: A private panel discussion takes place between Bruce Timm and his team of creators about Justice League with some special surprises

    - The Look of The League: Bruce Timm explains character design of Justice League.


    - Storyboards: The Blueprint For Justice: The creative team of Justice League discuss storyboarding process

    Other: Justice League: The First Mission: Watch this exciting "Never Seen Before" promo which helped Justice League leap into action

    Finally! That's all I can say. The first season was good, the subsequent seasons even better. It's about time they released the whole season instead of the shitty 3-episode sets they've been peddling. Anyone else watch the Justice League and/or will be picking it up?

  4. My only real joy when it comes to comic books anymore is reading Wizard magazine to find out what's new and what's hot. I base my choices on what's HOT, then hope and pray that it comes out in a trade-paperback so I can buy and read the whole arc at one time.

    What I'm most interested in reading ... eventually... is, House of M, Infinite Crisis, The current Spider-Man arc "The Other", and Astonishing X-Men.

    Unfortunately, my time limits me from collecting month-to-month, but I love reading the trades. When I was younger, I was all about flashy art and pretty covers, but as I've matured I've definitely become more interested in strong storytelling.

    So, there you go.

  5. Eh, I wub my Christina Ricci, and had been meaning to see it despite terrible reviews. Then I saw it, and it's close to Halloween and all that so I grabbed it. It's one of those movies that is so bad you enjoy it, and it knows. I'd recommend it for the Halloween weekend, especially if you're the type who has nightmares and such, 'cause it'll give you a good laugh before bed. I coulda posted this in any of the horror movie topics down there, but I didn't. Still, i'd enjoy talkin' about this film in particular, since all it has received are the bad reviews that are norm for horror movies, and it isn't at all the norm for horror movies. Hop to it.

  6. It's an established theory, and if you're going to discredit by just saying "you're an idiot", then you haven't read in to the film at all.

    Intentional or not, casting a black actor in the lead role of this film in 1968 was a massive deal, and especially when he's the most intelligent character in the film, and not above slapping the (white) female lead.

    And then he gets killed in a scene eerily reminiscent of a Southern race hate crime, and you deny all significance? Intentional or not, it's there.

    EDIT: And, in addition, each of the following "Of The Dead" films deals with a social issue in some form or another, so it's not too far-fetched to think that Night Of The Living Dead deals with racism, is it?

  7. After Ben has no choice but to hole up in the basement at the end of NOTLD, he emerges the next morning thinking he is rescued when he hears voices. Instead, he takes a bullet between the eyes when he is mistaken for a zombie. Tragic.

    I don't think he was mistaken for a zombie.

    Perhaps I should have myself more clear about which version of Night of the Living Dead I was talking about. The 1968 version... the true version of NOTLD had Ben get shot between the eyes as he apprehensively approaches a window when he hears voices outside. As he peaks out the window, a hunter nails him square between the eyes mistakenly thinking he is a zombie.

    I've seen this movie too many times to count, so I know the ending.

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