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The Future

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Posts posted by The Future

  1. Pretty sure if you give it some time in game, they'll stop going aggro on you.

    And yeah - sometimes it counts as stealing, other times for me they were free for the taking. Weird.

    Thanks, went away bear hunting and came back and things had calmed down.

    I am so badly addicted to this game, Discovered Riften and the missions have been fun(particularly the one with the drug addicted Argonian)

  2. Okay so I might have just fucked up big time, in the Imperial Questline Legate Rikki gave me a mission to do, so I took one of the horses from the camp went away and completed it.

    After speaking to the General I was told to go back to Rikki in the Riften Camp and I did, I calmly walked in and everyone seemed fine but the Legate attacked me even though I am supposed to talk and get a mission from her. I am guessing this is cause I wasn't supposed to take the horse, anyway to remedy this?

  3. Dear god my new laptop is incredible. I'm playing like, 14 leagues in FM2011 and it's at 3 and a half stars game speed.

    I'm doing a Triangle (:shifty:), trying to win in Asia, North and South America. This is only to tide me over until Xmas and I get FM2012, mind. Currently enjoying the fact I just beat the leaders of the K-League 2-1 in the FA Cup with my N-League team.

    What laptop is it?

  4. Can McLeish go away? watching a once exciting Villa team in this state is just urgh.

    Important win for United today, Jonny Evans was unlucky to not get two goals surprised Berbatov didn't get a game even though we took Welbeck and Rooney off his confidence must be absolutely shattered. One thing that's been worrying me is Patrice Evra's form it's been declining rapidly and he gets skinned by really average players nowadays.

    Hope Arsenal do us a favor and take something from City

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