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Posts posted by Xand

  1. Daredevil: 5/10 - What the bloody hell was this? The best bit was the beginning where someone else played Murdoch.

    8 Mile: 8/10 (for the fourth time) - Cliched but I think this movie is class. The Rap Battles at the end, especially the one against Papa Doc.

  2. Yes I know Doctor Who. (there was :P smilie)

    Also played by William Hartel, Patrick Troughton, Worzel Gummage, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann and several other people in sketches and audio dramas.

  3. Taking back nothing. Voyager hit it's stride in the forth season when it basically was a show about three characters (plus Kate Mulgrew getting a hair cut made her act), going back to the old series style set-up with Kirk / Spock / Bones.

    Voyager it became a show about Janeway / Doctor / Seven.

    That was a good thing.

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