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Posts posted by ThaMyth

  1. I know I can't wait for it... But I do disagree on one part, Killer Mike is the best talent on Purple Ribbon to me. The movie looks promising though.. I'm trying not to overexpose myself to the movie and ruin the plot.

  2. Right now is I'm Talking To You by T.I. Most rap out now I don't really like.

    Of All Time is Spottieottiedopaliscious by Outkast. This is pre Speakerboxx/The Love Below Outkast. When they weren't somewhat pop and got into it...

  3. Ice Cube's Laugh Now, Cry Later. I heard he was going back to his AmeriKKKas Most Wanted/Death Certificate sound which is great to me.

    The Game's The Doctor's Advocate. I'm anxious to see how Game does without 50.

    And Papoose's The Nacirem Dream.

    Also Idlewild by Outkast.

  4. Phew. I just had a good ass first class match between Bryan Danielson(me) and William Regal(cpu). He was reversing everything the first few moments of the match, then I did, then we just went at it, brawling and technical wrestling everywhere. Finally I went for a pin after the Randy Orton crossbody and got a really close two. We went at it until the 20 minute mark, then I put him in the crossface chickenwing for the victory. Never knew Regal could be that hard.

  5. World Heavyweight: Kurt Angle

    WWE: John Cena

    United States: Booker T

    Intercontinental: Ric Flair

    WWE Tag Team: Hassan and Daivari

    World Tag Team: Kane and The Big Show

    Crusierweight: Gregory Helms(the CAW)

    Women's: Trish Stratus

    I have 3 CAW belts also.

    NWA: Christopher Daniels

    King Of CAWs: The Bruiser(my created CAW)

    Kings Of CAWs: The Johnny Boys(created also)

  6. I just made Terry Funk yesterday and it's good. But I put his finishers as the pull-over piledriver(piledriver 16, I think).

    So I had him in a singles match with CM Punk. The match lasted for about 18 minutes with alot of reversals and action. I even gave Punk his own finisher(top rope Tiger Driver) but we both needed stamina after that. So when I got up Punk went outside and got two weapons. I tried to stop him but I couldn't. So he got DQ'ed.

    The next match with Punk was(you guessed it) a hardcore match and I took it to him. The match ended with a Piledriver on the announcer's table. Beautiful.

  7. Aw man,I just had a great match between Edge and Kane in a cage. I was Edge and getting my ass handed to me even though Kane had orange limb damage in the head and body. But I finally beat him with Edge's reverse head slam pin. I had red damage in the body and orange in the head. But the thing that made me mad is that I couldn't reverse Kane's moves from behind.

  8. I have to say on Angel when Cordelia died.I bawled like a baby. And also the end of Radio Free Roscoe. I felt bad because I always thought the show sucked and then when I started to like it it went off. And when any of my favorite shows go off the air I cry.

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