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Posts posted by JStarr

  1. I'll go out on a really thin limb and call Jerry Lynn for the title. If not him, than Vader. 999's point is strong, Lesnar winning is just too obvious.

    Lynn could make a pretty good mentor for some of these younger guys like Shelley or the Naturals...just a thought.

    And a question: Will Steamboat have an in-ring role, like Commish or some such position? 'Cause he's not listed on the roster.

    A very decent roster here, and hopefully the booking uses them effectively. Good luck, Maxx.

  2. Pretty solid show, RK...after all the set-up and exposition, I was hoping you weren't stalling to avoid giving a disappointing show. You weren't, and good job.

    Guys like Bradley, Pawluk, Lee, Lethal and Storm will be great for your match quality...now let's see how long it takes them to get so over that WCW steals them back. How you book on the fly when that happens will be your real test. Much luck...oh, and push Pez and job Hearte relentlessly. :P

  3. My apoligies for the confusion. The Cruiserweight belt will be on the line in a different bout.

    To those of you who aren't fans of the nWo, don't worry. I plan to push Paul London. So, love me, ok?

    And, thanks Mark. I'll just have to see if Steph'll let me bring The Artist formerly known as Albert back.

    The show will definitely be up today. I actually wrote it and everything. That suprised me a litte, since my usual policy is to post a backstory and then quit. This is a good sign...

    I'd be posting it now, but I'd like to give people a bit more time to read the initial stuff.

    James, if you've got a show, post it. This diary's not on Page 6, I think people can catch up if they want to.

    And The Dome is where the best writers thrive and the criticism is harsh, so it's gonna take a bit more than pushing Paul London to keep people off your back if you can't deliver. And admitting that you usually write a backstory then quit just puts a bullseye on you.

    Me personally, I dig an nWo return...but Bagwell and Luger are two steps below useless, and always have been. (Well, OK, Luger was alright...in the '80s.) Good luck, and if you don't keep one going, God help you.

  4. The Brendon Sisters

    Known as one of the best women wrestlers around, Michelle Brendon came to NLW in hopes of competing with men and implanting herself in the history books.  She brought along younger sister Tracy, who while not as well known, can certainly hold her own in the squared circle.

    Maybe I'm just a dirty old man, Phenom, but that's an interesting choice of words for the female competitors... :P

    Ring Rats

    Dylan Chambers was a former collegiate wrestler for Mississippi State, even competing for the national title but falling just short.  At 23 years old, some say he lacks the star quality needed to be a top wrestler, but Ben Williams makes up for that.  He's an all around wrestler, not great in any category, but decent in everything.  Williams turned down a wrestling scholarship to Georgia in order to pursue a professional wrestling career.

    And tell me somebody makes fun of these guys' team name in a promo...double :P

    Eh, while I'm at it...

    Hard Times Card

    Danny Rushmore vs. Mean Jean Cattley

    The Next Level of Wrestling World Title match.

    Danny'll hold on to the strap a little longer, right?

    Tim Westbrook vs. Brent Hill

    A battle for the number one contendership to the NLW World Title.

    Hill puts up a tough fight, but a little Guru-ference seals this one.

    The Tag Team Invitational Final

    Good Ol' Boys over Urban Assault

    Homegrown NLW talent should win, especially with the company being showcased on PPV.

    Manuel Prieto & Leonardo Cortes/Urban Assault winner vs. Brendon Sisters/Sparrows winner

    A Tag Team Invitational second round match.

    J-Rome ain't about to let a pair of girls beat him twice.

    Good Ol Boys/Chaos Demons winner vs. Europe's Finest/Ring Rats winner

    A Tag Team Invitational second round match.

    Good Ol' Boys recover just enough to beat the grapplers, but this might be Match of the Night...just a hunch.

    Manuel Prieto/Leonardo Cortes vs. Urban Assault

    A Tag Team Invitational match.

    I think UA actually beat the lucha vets at their own game.

    The Brendon Sisters vs. The Sparrows

    A Tag Team Invitational match.

    I'll go on the limb and call another upset for the sisters...Michelle and Tracy keep the Sparrows on the mat, maybe a tapout win here?

    Europe's Finest vs. Ring Rats

    A Tag Team Invitational match.

    Veterans, baby, veterans.

    Good Ol' Boys vs. Chaos Demons

    A Tag Team Invitational match where the Chaos Demons get to choose the stipulation.

    The rednecks beat the psychos at their own game...but probably get their asses kicked for their trouble.

  5. Not just a female worker playing with the boys, but a female TAG TEAM? Okay, who's going to be the Neanderthal who plays the Ahmed Johnson "I ain't losin' to no bitch" card?

    This one's an excellent twist on a diary that I've had a hard time getting into, pretty much because it's the TEW created data. Definitely paying attention to see how the Brendon sisters do...and was Daman checking Michelle out? B)

  6. Of course it was inappropriate...they're heels, and that's what heels do. At least they waited until Animal was leaving rather than cutting off the tribute video...which is exactly what, say, the nWo would have done.

    A nice start, Essa, just a few formatting issues to work out. The promos, especially Chris2k's (nice touch offering credit, BTW) are very well-written, and I especially enjoyed the one with Cade and HBK. Finally, Cade grows a personality! Not sure I see Linda McMahon calling anyone twerps, though.

    For a Raw, the matches are FUCKING HUGE! I shudder to see how long PPV matches will be.

    Finally, some excellent touches: Nowinski begging to join Evolution and the return of some good ol' fashioned Hardcore chaos...but if it's still gonna be comedy relief, I hope you'll confine it to Heat.

    That's all I got for now.

  7. * The current plan for Tazz's return is to have it be by Vengeance.  He is almost completely back in game shape, and vignettes are being filmed talking about Tazz going to his roots.  The WWE is even considering having an OVW talent get repackaged as one of Tazz's buddies from Red Hook.

    FINALLY!! The legendary and elusive Joey Numbahs!!!! Right?

    Jam's right, Badd Blood is looking huge. Christian v. Molly won't be Savage v. Steamboat caliber, but it'll certainly steal the show. HBK/Kane will likely be the disappointment, and I'll go out on a real thin limb and call Rhyno to retain the title...even though history has taught us never to bet against HHH. That's why I'm not betting, though. :D

  8. In response to you fellas offering the opinion that EA manager games suck...I ordered Premier League Manager 2000 when it came out and found it decent. Of course, this was a good two years before I discovered CM. CM > EA by a wide margin.

    One thing I always did enjoy about the EA games was building and adding to your club complex. Adding a new practice pitch, a clinic, a dormitory for the youth squad...I found all that stuff fun and a great incentive to sock some cash away.

    As for my clubs of choice, I always start out with a Conference side and run them up the ladder. On 01/02 I had Yeovil finishing ninth in D1 in my fifth season on the job...then quit to "find a new challenge." Finding a new job was the biggest challenge, though. Ended up with Battipagliese in Serie C2/B after eight months of unemployment, making me glad the game didn't have the "nagging wife" feature. Got them up to Serie B within three years, then went to Scotland to take over Albion Rovers. Just missed promotion with that lot before retiring the 01/02 edition.

    On 03/04, I've got Chester promoted in the first year after a pretty indifferent start. But the 28-match unbeaten streak midseason helped a lot. Made FA Cup 4th round, and had Wolves sweating before falling 2-1. Also runner-up in the FA Trophy, losing to (I think) Doncaster on penalties. Not a bad year, all in all. Maybe I'll get back on soon and see if I can actually get the Blues all the way into Europe. I don't know about pulling trebles and quadruples like some of you lot, though. Much respect there.

  9. Problem is people nowadays are winning movies because of popularity, and not how good it is.

    That's the good thing about the MTV awards, though...they don't even disguise the fact that it's ALL about popularity. The Oscars are a popularity contest with a few head-scratchers thrown in to make the show look like it's about artistic merit. But both are all about Hollywood kissing its own collective ass...I can think of about 3,459 better ways to spend three hours.

    Lindsay Lohan's new tits are pretty nice, though... :P

  10. Absolutely phenomenal segment with Rocky and Molly, Dukes...at this point, Molly's likely main-event ready as far as her in-game overness, am I right?

    Not really sure how I feel about Rhyno as champ or Sting as top challenger, but it's a great way to get Jericho involved in the title hunt.

    And finally, Virch is absolute gold as he continues to punch holes in your booking snafus. Methinks the writer self-parodies a bit. Nice work.

  11. Once again we cut back to the 3LK locker room where we see an interview already in progress.

    JAMES"Look man, I’m sorry but you’re just not what we’re lookin for."

    The camera pans round and shows Abyss sitting opposite Killings and James.


    KILLINGS"You’re not exactly what we had in mind."


    Abyss gets up from his chair and storms out the locker room.

    KILLINGS"Well he’s the best so far."

    JAMES"Heh, I know. Anyway bro I gotta jet, it’s intervizzle time."

    BG gets up from his seat and leaves the room.

    There it is...possibly my favorite segment EVER on these boards...not really sure why it strikes me so damn funny...maybe it's the heart-stirring pleas for acceptance coming from Abyss.

    Anyone who doesn't see it obviously doesn't speak Masked-Monsterese. I don't speak it either, per se, but I listen fluently. :D

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