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The Donators
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Posts posted by Regia

  1. I only realised last night that Jack's Mannequin's new album came out a couple of weeks ago.

    after giving it a listen I'm really feeling it, though not as much as 'Everything In Transit' though. I dunno it may grow on me.

    I also just realised that Go Audio played Birmingham last week, and i missed it :(. And the whole thing is sold out :(.

    Edit: But they are playing the Academy 2 in April. Chris is happy again.

  2. Hmmm, there's one thing that really annoys me about the Be a Pro season, which is when you're in an attacking position, then they get the ball, and the game expects you to run down half the pitch in 3 seconds or else it knocks marks off you for being in a bad position.

  3. Hollywood Undead are rather good, I reviewed the album in the music thread <_<.

    Thought to be honest, the darker songs like 'City' 'Paradise Lost' 'Young' 'Black Dahlia' are better than songs like 'Pimpin'' and 'No Other Place'.

    However the song 'Bitches' they had on myspace....

  4. Hollywood Undead's first full length album 'Swan Songs' was released yesterday, anyone gave it a listen?

    I've been trying to whore the band out onto to my mates for a while, but only a couple ever gave them a listen.

    They've re-done some of they're old Myspace classics 'No.5' being the most likely one anybody will know, but they have also re-done 'Sell Your Soul', 'Black Dahlia' and 'Bottle and a Gun'.

    All the Stand out songs seem to be rather dark, as the ones that sound the best for me are 'Paradise Lost', 'Youth', 'City', 'The Diary', although 'This Love, This Hate' does have seem a bit upbeat through the music.

    However I don't really like 'No Other Place' as it just seems like they are trying to hard to be "gangsta".

    But it's still a rather well done album, i recommend it.

  5. I just saw the trailer, and I wanted to rip my eyes out.

    Seriously, Hannah Montanta? Enchanted? And the best bit, referencing Sex and The City, Juno and Don't Mess with the Zohan all in one bit.

    Half this stuff is just taking a scene from the film, and then "adding something funny" (but fail miserably).

    That's like me filming two of my friends do the scene from Closer where Jude Law walks into Clive Owen's office, but instead of him leaving at the end, he walks into the door.

  6. I feel like hijacking this thread to ask a question that will proberly never get answered.

    About 9 years ago i saw a film on Channel 5, late night, and the only scene I can remember is a group of teenagers (the main characters I believe) beating a kid up then hitting him with a skateboard in the face.

    Tell me the film, I will make love to you're face*.

    *Facelove does not apply on days ending in 'Y'.

    I seem to recall seeing a scene similar to that myself, I think it was in Kids.

    I am also hijacking. What's the film with an American Footballer running the ball and then he shoots an opposing player or an opposing player shoots him. They then say 'Life's a bitch' or something similar. I think the next scene after that is some kids surrounding a car with some guy in it and then he wakes up and scares them off.

    A look on youtube for that scene tells me that the film was indeed Kids.

    Thanks for that, it's bugged me for ages.

  7. I feel like hijacking this thread to ask a question that will proberly never get answered.

    About 9 years ago i saw a film on Channel 5, late night, and the only scene I can remember is a group of teenagers (the main characters I believe) beating a kid up then hitting him with a skateboard in the face.

    Tell me the film, I will make love to you're face*.

    *Facelove does not apply on days ending in 'Y'.

  8. Yeah, I've been watching ever since my mate linked me to his review of assassin's creed. I think the best moment of all his reviews though he when he states 'God knows what would happen if you smeared Branston Pickle on No More Heroes, perhaps the universe would end......... and it would be awesome'.

  9. I must Admit, while looking back at the old Gladiators now that it wasn't that great, but this new series is awful in comparison. I still watch it as its a alright way to spend an hour on a sunday when i can't be bothered to do anything. I know everyone is saying it, but I hate the water, it ruins the "Gladiator" feel, and they amount they use it is just overkill, it's been used in what, 3? 4? events aswell as the Eliminator. It also looks far too "clean", it looked so much better when it was Red and Blue, instead of Silver and Black. To be honest it reminds me more of Celebrity Wrestling than the original Gladiators, and I hoped I'd never have to think about the show that destroyed any hope of wrestling in Britain being serious ever again.

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