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Riceman 4K

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Posts posted by Riceman 4K

  1. I'm really enjoying what you got going on here. I absolutely loved the backstory. I've read InVasion diaries and you by far, have the best one out there.

    Have Raven jump ship to wCw and have Rikishi and Haku win the tag titles. Lookin forward to see who's gonna make an impact at the PPV.

    Great ish my man!

  2. Yeah, it's the one where it has The Game, Ludacris & Kayne West all doing a song over the phone. I have the song, and it's either called Where You At? or Whole City Behind Us, but that's not my question.

    It's obviously an actual song, since I can find the lyrics, but not the album (if any) it's on. I heard it was on The Game's "Nigga Witta Attitude", but I'm not sure.

    Anyone know what album it was on? I don't care if it's a mixtape or what. I just want a proper version of it, and to know if it's on an album I can buy.

  3. I thought the show was aight but I'm sure it will grow on me. I remember when Futurama was ok but after watching it some more, I grew to love it. I'm sure that this will happen with American Dad as well.

    Then again, I like Tom Goes to the Mayor and Venture Bros :)

  4. Jets vs Chargers was one of the greatest games I have ever watched.

    No one, I mean NO ONE picked the Jets to win.

    When we won the game in OT, I was so happy. My friend from Jersey was freaking out on the phone. What a rush that was.

    Now we gotta face either the Patriots or Steelers. I know we have a chance against the Pats but the Steelers I'm not to sure about.

    I'm still on this emotional high from the win last night. It's gonna last all week,

  5. If you have an X-Box and access to X-Box Live, get 2K5. The released patch makes the game way better.

    If not, I go with Live.

    But if you want a true basketball experience, go get College Hoops 2K5. Best game of them all.

  6. Anyone else into this? Fighting games and whatnot? I recently just started to appreciate the fighting genre again and seeing this is a treat. I thought I was good and wow, just watching these people are amazing. In fact, I plan to enter Evo2K5 next year. Anyways, has anyone else heard of this? Have you participated before and you plan on going to 2K5?




    The first site is just a place to watch amazing combo videos while the other two have more to do with tournaments and what not. And of course...

    Full Parry

    If you are a SF3:TS fan, watch. It's an 11 Meg DL but its well worth it. I love all this ish. Anyone else feelin this?

  7. FPWD for the Dreamcast is pretty cool and even better, you won't need to modify your DC to play it.

    FPWZ is unbelievable, but you do have to mod your PS2 in order to play it (which can put you into some grey areas in regards to your warranty).

    I think KoC is alright but maybe a little too indepth for me, if I could understand the instruction manual I probably would've had an easier time with it.

  8. Yeah. It's like that. Fuck Boston. Fuck New England. Fuck Boston because they beat the Yankees. Fuck New England because they beat the Jets. Fuck Boston for winning 4 straight. Fuck New England for winning 21 straight. Fuck Boston and New England for beating the Yankees and Jets. Fuck it all...

    - A bitter Jets and Yankees Fan

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