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I Don't Mind

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Posts posted by I Don't Mind

  1. Watched Wes Craven's The People Under The Stairs off someone's top 10 list of cult favorite films. The tone of the film is so all over the place. Most of the film it tries to be a campy horror-comedy but is so painfully cliche and full of poorly written dialogue that surely even people of 1991 cringed at it upon release. Then there's about half an hour of serious, unsettling, creepy horror before switching back to a ridiculous, Ghostbusters 2 level absurd ending.

    Also watched Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge. One word for that film, and I don't mean this disparagingly:


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  2. I saw the remake long before I saw the original. The two scenes that always stick with me in the remake are Reynolds making the little boy chop wood with him, and the discovery of the tomb or torture chamber or whatever. The original definitely made the house more sinister when it came to the slow death of the priest.

  3. I liked The Grove, but it made me miss the other characters who I was more invested in. I did find this scene funny though:

    When everyone is talking about Huck Finn and which characters they represent, I was so sure Tyrese would have to point out he's Nigger JIm. Of Mice and Men ending was brutal though. Felt really bad watching Lizzy cry

  4. I'll vouch for Audible. Great service, great customer service. Had a glitch once or twice with credits or something but they fixed it quick. Might have even been compensated with an extra credit for the inconvenience. Once you buy a book with the membership credit you can download the file into an mp3 format and it'll remain on your computer for as long as you want it, regardless of membership. As long as you're a member, if you were to accidently delete the mp3 files, you can go into your purchased book library on Audible and redownload it I believe. I only dropped their service because I had to tighten my purse strings and wasn't listening to my books enough to finish them in a month's time, so I'd start accruing credits without using them

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  5. Trying to make an effort to see all the big movies I wanted to see over 2013. So far...

    Pacific Rim - tons of fun. I knew ahead of time to turn my brain off beforehand and not over-think things. It did things so well I was blown away. I also loved Charlie Day and thought without him in it, it would have been more like GI Joe, which I still loved, but know it's a guilty pleasure.

    Man of Steel - Definitely could have had ~20 minutes cut from it to make a more condensed, compact movie. Thought the fight scenes were great. Great production work to show super speed attacks. Didn't like how depressing things got, or the death toll, or the vulgarity. I knew they were going for a more mature, dark, edgy, risque feel but I don't like Lois Lane having the mouth of a sailor. They did do a good job defining her as a well-rounded character from the get-go, but as the movie progressed I felt her character kind of stagnated or even regressed.

    The World's End - Shouldn't have come out the same year as This Is The End, as the two titles are far too confusingly similar. But loved it way more than Man of Steel. A super strong middle that felt kind of hindered by a slow opening and a cringe-worthy end. Loved it on par with Pacific Rim.

  6. Nerdist Podcast - I skip the ones of celebrities I don't know. Other than that, they get some fantastic interviews out of people. It's probably the first time I've ever heard Will Ferrell in a thoughtful, out-of-character context. Tom Hanks should guest every week.

    If you haven't listened to the Danny McBride episode, I recommend it. The guy has profound understanding of the business for always playing basically the same obnoxious loudmouth idiot in every movie/TV show

  7. Podcasts I follow religiously:

    How Did This Get Made [Earwolf] - Paul Scheer and Jason Mantzoukas (FX's The League) and June Diane Raphael (various stuff) talk about bad movies they just watched and wonder how did this get made? Often times they have a guest on. This most recent episode they dissect Daredevil with guest, Daredevil comics writer, Ed Brubaker, who has a lot of insight on why certain choices were made in the movie.

    Nerd Poker: Dungeons and Dragons [Earwolf] - Brian Posehn and friends gather to play Dungeons and Dragons and record it. Most recent episode has comedian Dave Anthony filling in for an absent friend.

    The Nerdist Podcast [Nerdist] - Chris Hardwick, kingpin of the Nerdist empire interviews weekly guests. Having just finished Marvel Week, Hardwick most recently interviewed President of Production of Marvel, Kevin Feige.

    The Indoor Kids [Nerdist] - A video game centered podcast by Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon, typically with a guest to discuss a topic relating to video games. Most recent podcast with Tom Bissell and the evolution of how he played games over the last ten years.

    The Writer's Room [Nerdist] - Ben Blacker hosts a panel of writers, typically carrying some common theme like Sitcoms or something to discuss the craft. Most recent episode - the writers and puppeteers of Seasame Street.

    Bill Burr's Money Morning Podcast - An angry, tirading Bill Burr yells about random crap going on in his brain for 45 minutes and then spends 15 minutes giving comedic and/or thought-provoking advice to fans who write in in a Dear Abby kind of way.

  8. Escape from NY
    Escape from LA
    The Running Man
    Total Recall
    Mad Max
    Big Trouble In Little China
    Universal Soldier
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    First Blood / Rambo series
    Super Mario Bros.
    Street Fighter
    The Chase
    Point Break
    Con Air

    Lethal Weapon series

  9. I have a really burdensome collection of DVDs/Blu-Rays that I often think about converting to digital, but hard drive space feels so constrictive. I'm likely just rationalizing, as floor space in my room is also very restrictive. I think about cloud storage but then I get paranoid about the technological age we live in and how a cloud storage website might get shut down for improper use, or just be having technical issues when I really want to watch a movie, or I might not have an internet connection to access it. I assume you need internet to reach a cloud storage, I don't know how the voodoo actually works, all I know is that first we trust the cloud storage and then we get Skynet.

  10. On an unrelated note. Any casting thoughts for Wonder Woman? Only person I can really think of is Lucy Lawless.

    True story, this is a topic me and all my coworkers have every few weeks for the last few months.

    My best friend who knows nothing about comics wants to see an an untraditional approach. Rather than go for the classic Amazon build, he wants to see a young, slim, Joan of Arc like actress, like Jennifer Lawrence. He credits her role in The Hunger Games for convincing an audience she can be tough, rugged and kick butt. Get someone who can act and have her play a badass.

    I say cast someone who is a badass and write around her acting ability. Gina Carano isn't an amazing actress but she does have Haywire and Fast and Furious 6 under her belt. To me, she looks like Wonder Woman. She is a bona fide Amazon warrior. She has potential to grow as an actress, but I'm not paying to see Diana touch my heart strings, I'm paying to see her ricochet bullets and break necks.

    Rule-outs - As much sense as it'd make to cast someone known for whooping ass like Uma Thurman, Lucy Lawless or Sandra Bullock, the consensus is that the window has closed and they're all too old now.

  11. Just finished Hemlock Grove. I thought the first few episodes were amazing, but the whole show really felt like it was losing steam throughout the entire middle. I only stuck it out until the end to find out who dun' it, and I guess it was a satisfying conclusion. Wasn't pleased with how the season ended though, felt very rushed and intended to fill holes not addressed

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