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Posts posted by pokerfreak

  1. I don't care about loading times since even with huge databases EWR still loads fast for me, so that would work. Hopefully it would be the last one added as if you took the Masters 1997 one and put it into the current day one I guess in theory that would eliminate the current day version which would be the desired result. I believe that would be far enough back that guys like Styles, Joe, and the like wouldn't have duplicates, at least hoepfully anyway since they would have improved a lot since then.. Plus Masters 1997 is a really well done scenario.

  2. Not sure if you still take requests but I always thought it would be awesome to play in a universe where it was current day but also had all the legends in their prime. Basically something like taking masters 1997 data and smashing it together with a current day data. It is something I could do I on my own but figured I'd ask here first in case you have done or were thinking of doing one like that, or heck maybe any of those data editing tools allows you to easily do it without having to tediously enter in every record, Thank you for all the scenarios you have already, love the work you do and glad to see this game still having quite a bit of interest,

  3. Someone needs to get this permanent uploaded. The only one that I knew was in existence was a terrible one made by someone named Anthonywicked I want to believe. Not that I can complain too much since I haven't made mods but the stats were horrible. Like Christian had 100's across the board. I'm sure long time EWR players remember it. This mod however looks great.. 

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  4. Do you remember what you updated with the 2000 mod? I took a look in the editor and I noticed none of the promotions that were set to open were in it. Would I be safe to import those over from NWA's original 2000 mod? I mainly just want them in to flesh out the wrestling scene some since without those there will be no wrestling outside the US given that none of the major japanese promotions were included in the data originally.

  5. Any random yard tard could be treated as a big deal in WWE or any company for that matter. The point is he wouldn't be that popular. Taking a look at Bills data which I'm just using for reference. AJ Styles is 89 and Booby Roode is 87. Meaning they are more over than most of the WWE roster and pretty much on par with their top guys outside of Cena and Punk. I'm not sure how this is logically even possible considering that most of the wrestling world barley knows what TNA is let alone who is in that company. The only reasonable logic I can think of is that a) someone is way overstating how popular TNA really is and b) guys are being treated on how over they are in that company and not in the grand scheme of things. If its the latter than the top guys in every promotion should be in the high 80's. Which I don't think anyone would agree with. Which brings me back to me not seeing any reasonable logic for that kind of overness on guys who virtually have little exposure or audience recognition in the grand scheme of things. The further down in promotions you go the worse it seems to get too. In ROH, Nigel, Steen and the briscoes are low 70.meaning they are on par with a Goldust. Not to mention that they are just as over as X-Pac who while not on tv now a days would still be a much bigger draw than any of those 3 even on an indy show. What would have to happen is a rehaul o fthe entire database or a new database made. Where we look at WWE's roster and scale back from there even possibly scaling back some of WWE's roster. The scale back the wages on everyone so they are not making more money than they should be and then scale back the promotions.

  6. The argument for not using a where would they fit in WWE method or using a where would they fit in a brand new promotion is kind of tomato, tamota. It's essentially the same thing as the WWE guys are the ones with International exposure from TV by itself. Let alone house shows and International Tours. So it's going to work out to be the same. I think you'd keep WWE at the same level and for simplicity sake keep all their workers at whatever overness they are at now. Then start adjusting everyone else's roster and then the free agents.

    Taking a closer look at that Overness chart and realizing now you can get TV deals at regional and written guys anytime (keep in mind as to not ruin my credibility it's been a long time since I've played lower level feds as I just have more fun playing a WWE), I think having TNA at Regional would make a lot of sense. They are light years behind WWE and in theory by the chart their Main Eventers would be a 70 at the highest outside of former WWE guys. Which makes sense. It explains why a guy like Matt Hardy could come in and still be a big deal in TNA when in WWE he was fodder, or a guy like Christian can come in and be treated like the next coming of Christ (no pun intended) in TNA. Having it set up this way WWE would only be after the cream of the crop from TNA unless they spotted an amazing in ring talent either on the mic or ring work and scoop them up because of it.

  7. Pretty much agree with all that. Although in EWR WWE is always Global in any recent current day mod and TNA is always National. TNA should likely be bumped down to cult since I couldn't see anyone outside of Sting, Angle or Hardy ever crossing over to WWE and being anything more than a mid carder at first. I can't speak for any mod maker which btw its a thankless job so I'd like to thank anyone who has made mods but it seems more like guys are rated more so on how over they are in that company versus how over they would be in the world. Not to extremes ie: like some random back yarder being rated 100 simply because he's the most over guy there but I do think people are very generous to non-WWE guys. I think WWE should be the bar and everyone gets compared to that. As in if so and so were to go to WWE what would his "overness" be. For most guys on TNA I don't think you could realistically say above the midcard and prolly more likley lower-mid.

    On a complete side note, I've never looked to far in depth on the issue simply because in EWR overness for the human player sways so quickly. If you take any random pairing of guys that have a 80 or better in say speed, and you put them in a match they will have a great match and likely jump 10 overness points.

  8. This is from the EWR FAQ

    Main Eventer: 91-100
    Upper Midcarder: 81-90
    Midcarder: 61-80
    Lower Midcarder: 41-60
    Opener: 21-40
    Jobber: 0-20

    Main Eventer: 81-100
    Upper Midcarder: 71-80
    Midcarder: 56-70
    Lower Midcarder: 41-55
    Opener: 21-40
    Jobber: 0-20

    Main Eventer: 66-100
    Upper Midcarder: 51-65
    Midcarder: 41-50
    Lower Midcarder: 21-40
    Opener: 11-20
    Jobber: 0-10

    Main Eventer: 56-70
    Upper Midcarder: 46-55
    Midcarder: 36-45
    Lower Midcarder: 21-35
    Opener: 11-20
    Jobber: 0-10

    Main Eventer: 36-50
    Upper Midcarder: 21-35
    Midcarder: 11-20
    Lower Midcarder: 6-10
    Opener: 0-5
    Jobber: N/A

    Main Eventer: 21-30
    Upper Midcarder: 11-20
    Midcarder: 6-10
    Lower Midcarder: 0-5
    Opener: N/A
    Jobber: N/A

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