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Vilge Duin

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Posts posted by Vilge Duin

  1. So five years in the making...

    Y: The Last Man #60:

    Wow, I loved it. Very logical conclusion to the series that even had a couple of small surprises I wasn't expecting.

    Didn't expect the 60 Years in the Future style of telling the conclusion but it works better than any other way he could have done it. I just wish it was a little bit longer.

    Glad they showed what Yorick did with 355 and I was actually fairly sad about Ampersand's end. I grew attached to that little monkey over the past few years.

    Wished more would have been explained about the dynamics of the story. Like how the cloning is going and what not, with some form of explanation why Hero and original Beth hooked up. Eh well. It generally wrapped everything up that should be.

    Yorick 'escaping' was an awesome end.

    Thus concludes one of Vertigo's better titles.


  2. Predator, Terminator 2, Conan: The Barbarian and True Lies would be my absolute favourites.

    Those movies are just pure gold. Twins and Kindergarten Cop are his best comedies by far though. I also have soft spots for The Running Man and Total Recall.

    In fact I love just about every movie Arnold's been in. Except for Jingle All The Way (it was a piece of shit), Junior (and even bigger piece of shit), Eraser (a dull piece of shit) and End of Days (an even more boring piece of shit). Everything else is generally entertaining, while I refuse to watch those.

  3. So, my girlfriend is getting me one for my birthday, I wondering what I should pick up for it. As far as I know, she isn't getting me any games with it, besides Wii Sports obviously.

    No More Heroes is a definate for me, as is Brawl and Mario and Sonic at the Olympics.

    But what else is really good out there?

  4. I wasn't too interested in Metal Gear Solid 4 until I watched this. I haven't even played 3 yet, but plan to go through the series soon with my girlfriend in anticipation of this coming out. I finally must say it truly does look tremendous. Hope the rest of the game reflects well on that video, and with that said I hope it's actually long enough. And with Metal Gear Online being a part of it, if the gameplay turns up just as good if not better than what's been shown it should be a tremendous online game.

    I look forward to GTA IV. I tried playing San Andreas the other day and couldn't stomach it. Graphics and certain features were too lacking, especially having enjoyed Saints Row for its numerous improvements to the formula. But GTA IV is addressing all of that and adding even more to it, which should be absolutely fantastic. I'll likely pick it up for the PS3 though, I've become estranged from playing the 360 and I'm utterly paranoid it'll break down again. Especially with such a massive game such as this.

    Speaking of sandbox upgrades, Saints Row 2 should be great. I really really hope that the co-op they're including is available on the same console. Otherwise it's useless to me. Especially if it doesn't hold a candle to GTA IV.

    And speaking of that. Mercenaries 2's co-op better be same console too. But considering the way things go with games nowadays it these two won't be. It's amazing what can go on with Halo, yet a simple concept since the 8 bit era still can't be including in most games today. The desire to own them will have drastically decreased to a mere rental if there's no co-op.

    Otherwise I'm looking forward to Secret Agent Clank for the PSP. Daxter's game seemed enjoyable enough and I'm curious what they do with Clank. Same goes maybe for God of War: Chains of Olympus. But I'd have to see more of that before I decide.

    Then of course there's the only reason I really wanted a Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I'm a bit tired of people freaking out over it and have decided to avoid anything to do with it until release. I will be decidedly unimpressed if it really is in short supply. Nintendo can then go fuck themselves for deliberately under producing their products.

    I'm also waiting for Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. I was going to fork over for Super Street Fighter II on the Virtual Console until I heard about this. Will likely show up whenever Street Fighter IV does.

    One game I was looking forward to and is already out, was PixelJunk Monsters. It's a great and fun game. Especially for its current price.

    I was also curious about Starcraft 2 (mostly for story purposes, I've lost interest in RTSs) and Spore. However having a 3 year old PC and a lack of interest in upgrading nixes those ideas.

    Other than that I'm not interested in much that's coming out this year. The prerequisite updates and upgrades to games with ports and remakes galore doesn't interest me anymore. For example, I was curious about Bully: Scholarship edition until I learned not much has been added or changed and they'll be charging more for it than what I already paid for the PS2 version. Same goes for a lot of stuff, it's just too much of the same anymore.

    I mostly am interested and looking forward to stuff that was originally supposed to be released last year but was delayed.

    Nothing for the Wii looks interesting outside of Smash Bros., the 360 looks dull as fuck and I've lost interest, the DS has become dull with only the PSP and PS3 having much of anything to interest me.

  5. ^ In reference to Benji...

    You sure the child is Jean Grey? From what I have seen I didn't get that impression, but then again you never know.

    At first the scrapping of Cable & Deadpool for yet another Cable ongoing seemed like a bad idea, but I must say if they do go in a Lonewolf and Cub style way with it, it should be very interesting.

    Bishop is a douche though. A complete and utter selfish douche. I'm curious what they intend to do with him now, since his character has come full circle to serve his purpose. Still a douche though.

    Should be very curious though where they plan to take the X-Men franchise from here. Especially with Cyclops now at the forefront.

    I wish they did have the initiative to truly off Xavier but since it's been said he'll be back it's kind of anticlimactic.

    That's my only problem with unlimited series that never end and the need for solicitations. You need to tell people about what you have forthcoming to drum up sales, but that can ruin any sense of suspense or intrigue.

  6. License to Kill? That may not be derived from a title of a story but the concept is very much a defining element of James Bond. Goldeneye is from Fleming's estate in Jamaica. The World Is Not Enough as tenuous as it is is a translation of the Bond family motto.

    Tomorrow Never Dies and Die Another Day are the only ones without a connection to Fleming.

    And quite frankly, both are leaps and bounds better than Quantum of Solace.

    Regardless I mainly said that in light of the fact that the producers and crew of these recent two Bond movies have stated they want to return to his roots and more directly reflect Fleming's work. Titles including.

    This one though is just stupid.

  7. As said, it sounds like a middling and mediocre sci-fi title. It doesn't even make much sense anyways.

    That said, it should be a great movie if Casino Royale is anything to go by. But they really should have given better thought to a title.

    Mayhap *gasp* break with tradition and not use an Ian Fleming title.

  8. It's Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. Primarily an arcade port, not a PSP one. Couple of extra characters, some game tweaking.

    I plan on getting GTA IV for our PS3. Not only is it game starved (Warhawk, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank and Ninja Gaiden are not enough), it also has the advantage over our 360 in that it hasn't broken on us. I fear what a large game like GTA would do to the poor thing. It's also supposed to be built around the PS3 and then ported to the 360 which likely means it will run a smidgen better on Sony's black behemoth.

    With the Duel Shock 3 coming out... sometime... and my complete and utter lack of interest in achievements anymore it's a further moot point.The downloadable content doesn't particularly appeal to me either as the previous GTA titles have never remotely been completely finished by me. So extra content would likely go to waste. I also feel Microsoft's pricing scheme for extra stuff is a tad bit overpriced. Same for Sony actually.

    The game will likely play identical either way so it really comes down to if the DLC is worth it or appealing, which for me it isn't.

    As for whether you should get whichever first Benji, get a PS3. With Tekken and Final Fantasy coming out with a plethora of other great looking stuff you're bound to enjoy it more. Then again, if you plan on getting both no matter what getting a 360 now probably wouldn't be a bad idea at all. After all no one seemingly knows when the good shit for Sony is coming.

  9. Where are you guys getting that they think he's gay? Their little "press release" doesn't even say that.

    They're idiot bigots, no doubt about it, but they didn't say he was gay. Moreso that he's a "fag enabler" for appearing in Brokeback Mountain. As idiotic as that is in the first place.

  10. It's quite a sad occurrence that this happened. Almost anyone dying is unfortunate, but things like this happen everywhere all the time.

    He likely ODed (and even that isn't confirmed truth until an autopsy). It was either accidental or intentional. Either way it really doesn't matter. He's dead either way. How you can differentiate between the two without prior notice or a suicide note I'll never understand. The body doesn't exactly give you great incite into what happened, but that he ODed.

    Still unfortunate. The allusions to Brandon Lee are a bit weird though. Namely the style of their last movies and characterization of their characters. Ledger will be remembered iconically as the Joker because of this one way or another.

    It's crushing though that his daughter will grow up without her father. That's always the worst thing in scenarios like this no matter what.

    As for the idiotic Westburo Baptists... People should quit paying attention, and then they'll go away. They're just hate mongers craving attention any way they can get it.

  11. Getting his own series again, written by Daniel Way and drawn by Steve Diillon.

    EDIT: That said... ugh... I just read the first few pages of Wolverine: Origins #21 and by god Daniel Way has no fucking clue how to write Deadpool... He was cured of his "craziness" way back after House of M by Cable and has never come off like that much of an idiot like in those few pages, ever.

    And even at his most "crazy" he never resembled a schizoid buffoon... I'm really not looking forward to this series now...

  12. It wasn't cancelled Benji, it's always been intended as a limited series at 60 issues, like a lot of limited Vertigo series before it. It was actually supposed to end early last year but due to Vaughan's attachment of writing Lost apparently the last handful of issues have taken an irritatingly long time to come out.

    That said the series is great though, albeit once they do the big reveal on why the men died the series has nose dived and sputtered with poor pacing and a lack of the cohesive story telling that was so great of the early half of the issues.

    I'm not sure if the last issue is out yet or not (supposed to be this month) but I doubt it will redeem the series of its dullness the past year.

  13. Saw it was delayed when I went to the actual site, the little blurb at the top.

    I'd say I'm disappointed, but I'm not. As annoying as it is, the game will eventually come out and will be utterly tremendous in almost every way. Just going by what they've revealed, it's already bound for greatness.

  14. 2007 was a year that had a lot of stuff released, a lot of it looked good, most of which we tried to pick up, and just about almost all of it I didn't get around to properly playing anything. Time is so limited and I have to be in the mood to play certain things.

    That said, my original choices are mostly still accurate to what I feel was great.

    1. Super Mario Galaxy - This was hands down the most exquisitly fun experience I have had in years, not just this one. I actually wish there was more of it which likely won't come. I still have the rest of my Luigi playthrough though.

    2. Warhawk - This is why I am not utterly and completely disappointed at the lack of PS3 games. I sunk more into this thing in the months after its release than probably all other games I've played this year. My only qualm is why I haven't continued playing now, it's 'edge' has dulled a bit and I'm burnt out a bit.

    3. Call of Duty 4 - The most exhilerating grab you by the balls and fling you about action packed and intense game I think I've ever played. I just so absorbed into it. Great great game, and what little multiplayer I tried before our 360 crapped out was actually quite fun.

    4. Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions - Barely anything was changed, not much was added and honestly gameplay wise it was almost the exact same game as 10 years ago, but the rewritten script and a few extra bells and whistles, plus it's portableness, all made for an awesome experience.

    5. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction - Not as much fun as the older games (2 & 3 in particular) but still at the high end of what I expect out of a game. The rather short nature of it and cliff hanger ending left a sour taste but overall still a great game.

    6. Stuntman: Ignition - May not have appealed to many, but some of the balls to the walls driving sequences were better than anything else in most games. The replayability to perfect your score and 'run' had a Tony Hawk feel to it, and with the added multiplayer and creation modes it was just great. Unfortunate not many people gave it a chance.

    7. Rock Band - Having only had it for a week (and only access to the mic, guitar and bass portions) I have to say I'm quite pleased. This is the true successor to Guitar Hero II. A tremendous game that I'm sure I'll get more out of the further we delve into it. A great soundtrack with plenty of difficulty for my not so nimble fingers is just awesome.

    8. Kane & Lynch - Many found it average, and tonnes more who didn't even play it butchered it, but in general I found it to be a competantly made and fun third person shooter. It was great for a weekend with my girlfriend and we both got quite a bit out of the multiplayer until retards took over. Yes, it could have been so much better than it was, but I had fun with it if only for the co-op. That said, I would have probably disliked it if I played it solo.

    Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect were both extremely disappointing, particularly the former, almost to the point I didn't even really have much fun and I only got a couple of hours into the latter before giving up. Other stuff released this year like Trauma Center: New Blood and Crackdown were fun but I wouldn't really count them, same goes for other stuff. And I've come to be indifferent toward Halo 3, but I doubt I would list it as one of the best this year personally.

    I still haven't even remotely tackled a lot of stuff we have like Metroid Prime 3, Uncharted and a even God of War II. I'm sure two of the three would flesh out my "top ten", even the inclusion of the PSP Ratchet & Clank once I have time to get around to it.

    All in all 2007 had plenty of "big name" games and a lot of hype surrounding tonnes of stuff by I generally was unimpressed. A lot of the stuff that was truly great was just extensions of previous ideas (every game on my list barring Warhawk really).

    I look forward more to 2008 with Smash Bros., GTA IV, Saints Row 2, Mercenaries 2, LittleBigPlanet and even Metal Gear Solid 4.

  15. Watched it last night and will watch it tonight.

    Was pretty interesting, although it is blatantly obvious some of the gladiators are horrible. The gigantic black one (Mayhem I think his name was) screwing up in the exact same method twice in a row was hilarious. Same for Helga being seemingly useless at stopping the two chicks in the gauntlet. The two dark haired chicks (Crush and Syren I think their names were) seem to be decent at it.

    I can see Wolf being taken two ways by people and that's it. People will either grow really bored of the 'gimmick' quickly or people will absolutely love him. I shall fall into the latter category.

    Kind of cool to find out Toa is one of The Rock's cousins though.

    Seeing Michael O'Dell just made me chuckle.

    Hogan and Ali are horrible hosts though, especially Hogan. His banter was horribly forced and not even remotely as charismatic as he's been in wrestling.

    Although I highly doubt this will last long. The Gladiator stuff only really works in syndication. Oh well, should provide enough laughs and amusement for the time being.

  16. I heard about the PS1 thing when the patch came out. Had to wait for our PSP to recharge to update the firmware.

    I immediately tried out Xenogears to see if it works and it's impeccable. I never even really bothered with the extraneous features of the PSP (or PS3 for that matter) since I only bothered to play Ratchet & Clank and then FF Tactics.

    I like how Sony are constantly updating their software with new features and/or fixes. I know some people get irritated at having to constantly update their games/systems but I feel it shows the company is actually there to support the customer and give them the best they can for their money.

  17. Anyone else with Warhawk download the recent Omega Dawn booster thing?

    For the $9 something it came to I'm rather unimpressed.

    I both like and dislike the dropship. Only fiddled with it in a local game to see what it can do and how much it can take. It seems balanced but the issue is people have no seeming clue how to use it. It's either a floating death coffin or well, that's about it. People fly in, the main dropship flyer can effectively annihilate anything they go for, but it's a big floating target that can actually go down pretty easy. I've never been in one in an actual game, but just seeing what's happened with the few I've seen, it's a good idea but in the confines of the game and way people play it's not very effective.

    My actual only problem with it is the fact that it can carry a jeep (or tank) with the flag carrier in it in CTF games. I single handedly recaptured all of the spawn points on Omega Dawn and as I was closing in on going for their flag I inexplicably look like and see our own flag being flown across the damn map, dropped and scored before I could even do anything, same with the rest of my team... thus began rather boring back and forth trading of flags in various games.

    That all said, Omega Dawn is also too big, and doesn't have the same design aesthetic as the other maps that came with the game. It would be perfect with more people able to play but with a 32 player limit it's just too big and combat seems pretty infrequent as compared to the other maps. Also the patch increasing spawn time on official servers to 5 secs compared to 3 has really increased that, and diminished my enjoyment of the old maps.

    All in all, decent for what it is but kind of pricey for its lack lustre quality.

  18. So I went in with my girlfriend to EB and got rid of a bunch of junk we didn't care for and couldn't be bothered getting rid of any other way... Wind up with $150 credit or so.

    She wants to pick up Rock Band, just the game since we already have a mic and two Guitar Hero guitars (will likely get the drums when they're available separately).

    We take the empty case up to the counter when the rudest fucking bitch I've met in my entire life shopping (honestly, no exaggeration) goes about doing the whole transaction without much clue of what she was doing.

    She takes the Rock Band case under their counting, seemingly to put the game in and then hands it to us and we're off on our way. We go about our business and wind up home shortly after 9. I go to get the guitars from the closest so we can play when she notices no fucking game is even in the damn thing even though she put one of those stupid sticky things on it to close it.

    Suffice to say we called just before the manager was leaving, and shall be getting our rock band on tomorrow morning after going back to get our game... Ugh.

  19. I'd go with an NES in all honesty.

    You get Super Mario Bros. as a pack in with so many damn exclusives it's mind boggling. You got Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Ninja Gaiden, Metroid, Zelda, licensed and sports games up the yazoo. It's like a cornucopia. It's 8 bit processor is a dream, with fantastically high definition graphics. Nothing beats them out there at all, seriously, just try out Duck Tales.


    But it all seriousness it comes down to what you like to play, as Drifter said.

    The 360 and PS3 are effectively staples of the current "hardcore" stuff. Now that both are out exclusives are going to be few and far between, and at that said I am far more excited for the PS3. Of course it also has all of the technological advancements the 360 doesn't. Then you have the Wii, which is well, the Wii.

    None of the systems really need endorsements or explanations anymore, as it's been done to death and everything to know is out there.

    If money isn't an issue too much, look at all three, count up how many games you want to play, then count up how many look cool to you in the future and go with whichever winds up better suited to your ttastes.

  20. If it's the 3 red lights, free of charge within 3 years of your purchase.

    If anything else, free within one year of your purchase. If not within 1 year, I think the standard fee is around $100.

    And Microsoft apparently have done a fair bit to fix it, but only really with consoles produced from September of this year on. Anything before is fair game to have the 33% failure rate at any random time.

    Why they didn't bother doing it sooner I have no idea, the problem only exists because they rushed to market hoping to get a coupe.

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