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Posts posted by Serj

  1. Great episode this week, lots of revelations and it was great to see the numbers back with a purpose.

    I felt that the two most interesting points from this episode were the strange jungle boy and the fact that Kate and Jin or Sun are not considered a 'candidate', despite being touched by Jacob.

    As far as the kid goes, I don't think it is anyone we've seen before (Aaron, Jacob, etc) because at the moment it just doesn't really make sense within the story (although this is Lost so you never know, there could be something major that we have yet to be told that would validate the boy being Aaron or Jacob). I think that the boy is a third party, not affiliated with MIB or Jacob, and was maybe appointed to keep those two in check and make sure they don't break the rules (I guess sort of like the 'referee' of the struggle/game between MIB and Jacob.

    I have no idea about the whole candidate thing, but I would be interested if anyone else noticed any other names on the wall that we have seen before? (I'm holding out for Frogurt or Goodspeed...)

  2. I agree with the Sun/Kate comments, but I personally believe that the writers struggle to write for any female characters on the show. Don't get me wrong, I love the show and I think the writing in general is fantastic, but until Juliet in Season 5 I didn't really care for any of the women on the show as far as their characters go; Kate, Claire, Charlotte, Ana-Lucia and Sun all just bored and/or annoyed me, and I think I only liked Libby because of Hurley.

  3. I thought the on island stuff was great in that episode, but the flash-sideways stuff was a bit 'who cares?' Though I did like the stuff like Kate kind of recognizing Jack in the taxi and her reaction when Claire called the baby Aaron, so mabye the flash-sideways will have more to them then they've shown so far.

    And I totally agree with JohnnyPerfect that Josh Holloway/Sawyer has been incredible so far this season.

  4. But Dead is Dead...and we clearly saw Christian's dead body in the morgue when Jack went to go get him.

    MEDUSA SPIDERS!!! :shifty:

    But seriously, I think that Christian could be the thing that ties the two time-lines together somehow, because that fact his body is missing is one of the only relevant things that is consistent in both timelines (that I can think of).

  5. Mabye MIB/Jacob/Christian/Whoeverthehellitis helped Claire because she's Christian's daughter and Christian still retains some of his 'memories'? It's a long shot, I know, but thats about all I can think of right now. To be honest, I think Claire disappearing has more to do with the fact her character had gone stale and uninteresting and the writers wanted to give the character a break, but also have the opportunity to bring her back later on.

    And your right in saying that anything is up for interpretation, we can speculate all we want, but I guess no-one really knows what is true until the show tells us.

  6. I don't think Christian/MIB wanted Ben to leave the island, because when Locke was down in the well he said something like "I told you to move it John" and he seemed disappointed that he let Ben do it instead. As for Claire, I have no idea whats going on with her, but I'm sure we'll find out this season.

    I think the last time we saw the cabin was when Locke was told to move the island, so that makes it around 3 years between then and when Ilana's crew goes there. I thought the same thing about the "long time" comment at first, but then I thought about how far back the show's timeline goes (Black Rock, possibly Egyptians?) and 3 years doesn't seem that long in comparison.

    As for Eko, I always thought that the first time Eko and Smokey met, he was judging him, then the next time, he gave him the chance to repent (through Yemi) then, when he refused, he killed him.

  7. Yeah I thought that aswell until last season's finale, when Ilana said about the cabin that "Jacob hasn't been here in a long time" and that "Someone else has been using it". This to me would imply that "someone else" is MIB, and since we saw Christian in the cabin a few times, that Christian is on the same side as MIB, not Jacob.

  8. For me then, that makes the fact Sayid seemingly came back from the dead a HUGE deal, becauase I would feel cheated as a viewer if it was as simple as "Sayid was dead, now he's alive" because the producers have gone out of their way to stress dead IS dead, and once you are dead on the island that is it. And, as you rightly point it isn't consistent for it to be MIB, so I guess it has to be Jacob...

    As for Yemi/Kate's horse, I definitely heard Darlton say that the horse was just a vision, but I was under the impression that Yemi was Smokey, because of the way Yemi pretty much led Eko to be be killed by Smokey, and I think i remember Darlton talking about this. (They also said the Medusa spiders were Smokey, as were SOME of the visions of Walt, which I found weird).

    I like your theory that Smokey/MIB can't take the form of burned/buried bodies, and it all makes sense within the show; Smokey has never appeared as anyone buried as far as we know (Shannon, Boone, Anna Lucia, etc) but has appeared as the unburied (Alex). Although Yemi was burned, I think they can get round this by saying Smokey can appear as him after "scanning" Eko and "downloading information" (as Damon put it), or mabye your theory just counts for buried bodies.

    The most confusing thing for me though is we know that MIB has taken the form of Locke, yet their is a body on the beach, and we assume that MIB took over Christian, yet there is not a body in the coffin...

  9. Really? Cause I'm SURE they made a big deal about John Locke's body being dead on the beach? Funny, I must be watching a different show to you.

    Nevermind me and my idiocy.

    Yeah sorry about that, as soon as I posted my original post I realised my horrible stupidity. :blush:

    And for the record, I edited the post before I saw your reply.

  10. And since when did MIB inhabit bodies?

    That made me just realise that I've always thought of what MIB did with Locke as 'inhabiting', but because of Locke's body being on the beach, that cant be true, so I guess it's more that he takes the form of the person than inhabiting them. I now feel very stupid and confused. :blush:

    EDIT: However, after thinking about this a little more, I thought of how Christian's body was gone from the coffin, yet was seemingly taken the form of by MIB/Smokey, yet Locke's body remained. Any thoughts about this because its frying my brain..? Could it have something to do with why Christian (nor his coffin) wasn't on the plane in the flash-sideways?

  11. Yeah, Shannon too... But for the rest, were they not on the plane or just not shown? As in, we couldn't get them on the show, but they're actually there? See, more questions! :P

    Personally I have a hard time believing the actors that played Shannon, Michael and Walt had much else to do. shifty.gif I mean, if they could get Dominic Monaghan who is arguably the biggest 'star' actor in Lost, I don't see how they'd have a hard time getting the rest. (Apart from Michelle Rodriguez, who somehow still finds a way to get work as the exact same character she's always played. >_>)

    Seeing as we didn't see the Tail End of the plane, I wouldn't rule out Anna Lucia and Eko. Maybe the writers just decided to both spare us the pain of having to sit through another Michelle Rodriguez cameo and also wanted to punish us by not showing our friendly neighbourhood Priest/Drug Lord. sad.gif

    Man, I miss Eko. It sucks that he didn't like living in Hawaii, otherwise he probably would still be around today.

    Actually, I read that Shannon was originally scripted to be on the plane with Boone, but the actress that plays her (Maggie Grace) was filming a movie, so they wrote her out. Also, I doubt that they could get away with having Walt on the plane due to the fact he looks like he's aged about 30 years since Season 1. I'm still holding out for Eko being in the tail section though, I thought he left far too early originally.


    As far Michael and Libby go, I saw on Twitter that the actors that play those two were coming back this season, so who knows...

  12. I'm suprised no-one has mentioned Gallows or Suicide Silence yet; they both seem to be favourites of alot of my friends who are more into metal than me, although Gallows' new album is a bit shit compared to their first.

    Another band who I'm really into at the moment are Brides, a young band from Brighton who've just released their first album, which is awesome, and played Download for the first time.

  13. I also believe that Christian is one of the island spirits.

    My reasoning: When he appeared with Locke at the donkey wheel, and Locke's leg was busted, Locke asked for help up and Christian immediately said No.

    While it could have just been him being a dick, or more of the testing of John Locke, I kinda think it was a "I can't help you, because I am not real" kinda thing.

    I agree with this, and to add another angle to it, I think Sun and Lapidus seeing Smokey moments before they see Christian suggests that Christian may be an apirition created by Smokey, much like when Eko saw his brother.

    Also, I don't know if anyones asked this in this thread yet, but I am the only one who wants to know where the heck Rose and Bernard are?!?

  14. There isnt already a data folder. I downloaded the 2000 version unzipped it all that was there was the dat files then i put the dat files into a new folder data clicked the data folder all that is there is the dat files still. what is going wrong here.

    Sorry, I'm kind of asuming you have already downloaded EWR yes?

    If so, simply move your new DATA folder, the with .dat files from the 2000 scenario in, into the folder that was created when you downloaded EWR, probably called ewr4.2.

    This will replace the DATA folder that alrady exists in the ewr4.2 folder, then just run the game normaly.

    Just to be clear, the only file that you need to change is the DATA folder, the rest you can keep the same as are already in the ewr4.2 folder.

  15. hey there, sorry for the doublepost but here are some workers I expect to be in the upcoming update. Would be nice to have them on kyky

    Tommy End:


    Steve Douglas:




    Bernd Föhr:


    Big Van Walter:


    Lazio Fé:


    pls? anyone?

    Seriously, they're all gonna be in Bill's update and I, for my part, want to have a pic folder as complete as possible







  16. Nah not at all mate; like I said those were ones had I made for myself already that I thought I might aswell post on here, I may put the rest on at some point, but theres no harm having more than one set. (Y)

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